config ftp-proxy explicit
Description: Configure explicit FTP proxy settings.
set status [enable|disable]
set incoming-port {user}
set incoming-ip {ipv4-address-any}
set outgoing-ip {ipv4-address-any}
set sec-default-action [accept|deny]
set ssl [enable|disable]
set ssl-cert {string}
set ssl-dh-bits [768|1024|...]
set ssl-algorithm [high|medium|...]
Parameter Name | Description | Type | Size |
status | Enable/disable the explicit FTP proxy. enable: Enable the explicit FTP proxy. disable: Disable the explicit FTP proxy. |
option | - |
incoming-port | Accept incoming FTP requests on one or more ports. | user | Not Specified |
incoming-ip | Accept incoming FTP requests from this IP address. An interface must have this IP address. | ipv4-address-any | Not Specified |
outgoing-ip | Outgoing FTP requests will leave from this IP address. An interface must have this IP address. | ipv4-address-any | Not Specified |
sec-default-action | Accept or deny explicit FTP proxy sessions when no FTP proxy firewall policy exists. accept: Accept requests. All explicit FTP proxy traffic is accepted whether there is an explicit FTP proxy policy or not deny: Deny requests unless there is a matching explicit FTP proxy policy. |
option | - |
ssl | Enable/disable the explicit FTPS proxy. enable: Enable the explicit FTPS proxy. disable: Disable the explicit FTPS proxy. |
option | - |
ssl-cert | Name of certificate for SSL connections to this server (default = "Fortinet_CA_SSL"). | string | Maximum length: 35 |
ssl-dh-bits | Bit-size of Diffie-Hellman (DH) prime used in DHE-RSA negotiation (default = 2048). 768: 768-bit Diffie-Hellman prime. 1024: 1024-bit Diffie-Hellman prime. 1536: 1536-bit Diffie-Hellman prime. 2048: 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman prime. |
option | - |
ssl-algorithm | Relative strength of encryption algorithms accepted in negotiation. high: High encryption. Allow only AES and ChaCha medium: Medium encryption. Allow AES, ChaCha, 3DES, and RC4. low: Low encryption. Allow AES, ChaCha, 3DES, RC4, and DES. |
option | - |
config ftp-proxy explicit
Description: Configure explicit FTP proxy settings.
set status [enable|disable]
set incoming-port {user}
set incoming-ip {ipv4-address-any}
set outgoing-ip {ipv4-address-any}
set sec-default-action [accept|deny]
set ssl [enable|disable]
set ssl-cert {string}
set ssl-dh-bits [768|1024|...]
set ssl-algorithm [high|medium|...]
Parameter Name | Description | Type | Size |
status | Enable/disable the explicit FTP proxy. enable: Enable the explicit FTP proxy. disable: Disable the explicit FTP proxy. |
option | - |
incoming-port | Accept incoming FTP requests on one or more ports. | user | Not Specified |
incoming-ip | Accept incoming FTP requests from this IP address. An interface must have this IP address. | ipv4-address-any | Not Specified |
outgoing-ip | Outgoing FTP requests will leave from this IP address. An interface must have this IP address. | ipv4-address-any | Not Specified |
sec-default-action | Accept or deny explicit FTP proxy sessions when no FTP proxy firewall policy exists. accept: Accept requests. All explicit FTP proxy traffic is accepted whether there is an explicit FTP proxy policy or not deny: Deny requests unless there is a matching explicit FTP proxy policy. |
option | - |
ssl | Enable/disable the explicit FTPS proxy. enable: Enable the explicit FTPS proxy. disable: Disable the explicit FTPS proxy. |
option | - |
ssl-cert | Name of certificate for SSL connections to this server (default = "Fortinet_CA_SSL"). | string | Maximum length: 35 |
ssl-dh-bits | Bit-size of Diffie-Hellman (DH) prime used in DHE-RSA negotiation (default = 2048). 768: 768-bit Diffie-Hellman prime. 1024: 1024-bit Diffie-Hellman prime. 1536: 1536-bit Diffie-Hellman prime. 2048: 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman prime. |
option | - |
ssl-algorithm | Relative strength of encryption algorithms accepted in negotiation. high: High encryption. Allow only AES and ChaCha medium: Medium encryption. Allow AES, ChaCha, 3DES, and RC4. low: Low encryption. Allow AES, ChaCha, 3DES, RC4, and DES. |
option | - |