Deploying FortiGate-VM HA on GCP between multiple zones
This guide provides a sample deployment of active-passive FortiGate-VM high availability (HA) on GCP between multiple zones:
- Check the prerequisites before deployment.
- Create FortiGate A in one zone as the primary FortiGate, using metadata that has the ha-master configuration.
- Create FortiGate B in another zone as the secondary FortiGate, using metadata that has the ha-slave configuration.
- Create an Ubuntu PC which can access the Internet via FortiGate HA.
- Shut down FortiGate A. FortiGate B becomes the primary FortiGate and handles the traffic, and the public external IP address attaches to FortiGate B.
- Run a diagnose command to see what happened to the route and public external IP address during the failover procedure.
The following depicts the network topology for this sample deployment:
IPsec VPN phase 1 configuration does not synchronize between primary and secondary FortiGates across zones. Phase 2 configuration does synchronize. |
To check the prerequisites:
- Ensure that you have created four VPC networks.
- Ensure that you have created routes for each network.
- Create firewall rules for each network.
- Reserving three external IP addresses is suggested for convenience.
To create FortiGate A in one zone as the primary FortiGate using metadata that has the ha-master configuration:
This example creates FortiGate A in zone c.
- Run the following commands in GCP:
gcloud beta compute --project=dev-project-001-166400 instances create fgt-a --zone=us-central1-c --machine-type=n1-standard-4 --network-tier=PREMIUM --can-ip-forward --maintenance-policy=MIGRATE --scopes= --image=ond-0804 --image-project=dev-project-001-166400 --boot-disk-type=pd-standard --boot-disk-device-name=fgt-0804 --network-interface subnet=hapvc-port1external,private-network-ip=,address= --network-interface subnet=hapvc-port2internal,private-network-ip=,no-address --network-interface subnet=hapvc-port3heartbeat,private-network-ip=,no-address --network-interface subnet=hapvc-port4mgmt,private-network-ip=,address= --metadata-from-file user-data=/home/gcloud/config/master.conf
- Run the following commands in FortiOS:
config system ha
set group-id 21
set group-name "cluster1"
set mode a-p
set hbdev "port3" 50
set session-pickup enable
set session-pickup-connectionless enable
set ha-mgmt-status enable
config ha-mgmt-interfaces
edit 1
set interface "port4"
set gateway
set override enable
set priority 200
set unicast-hb enable
set unicast-hb-peerip
set unicast-hb-netmask
config system sdn-connector
edit "gcp_conn"
set type gcp
set ha-status enable
config external-ip
edit "reserve-fgthapublic"
config route
edit "route-internal"
set use-metadata-iam disable
set gcp-project "..."
set service-account "..."
set private-key "..."
To create FortiGate B in another zone as the secondary FortiGate using metadata that has the ha-slave configuration:
This example creates FortiGate B in zone a.
- Run the following commands in GCP:
gcloud beta compute --project=dev-project-001-166400 instances create fgt-b --zone=us-central1-a --machine-type=n1-standard-4 --network-tier=PREMIUM --can-ip-forward --maintenance-policy=MIGRATE --scopes= --image=ond-0804 --image-project=dev-project-001-166400 --boot-disk-type=pd-standard --boot-disk-device-name=fgt-0804 --network-interface subnet=hapvc-port1external,private-network-ip=,no-address --network-interface subnet=hapvc-port2internal,private-network-ip=,no-address --network-interface subnet=hapvc-port3heartbeat,private-network-ip=,no-address --network-interface subnet=hapvc-port4mgmt,private-network-ip=,address= --metadata-from-file user-data=/home/gcloud/config/slave.conf
- Run the following commands in FortiOS:
config system ha
set group-id 21
set group-name "cluster1"
set mode a-p
set hbdev "port3" 50
set session-pickup enable
set session-pickup-connectionless enable
set ha-mgmt-status enable
config ha-mgmt-interfaces
edit 1
set interface "port4"
set gateway
set override enable
set priority 200
set unicast-hb enable
set unicast-hb-peerip
set unicast-hb-netmask
To create an Ubuntu PC that can access the Internet via FortiGate HA:
Run the following commands in GCP:
gcloud beta compute --project=dev-project-001-166400 instances create fgt-b --zone=us-central1-a --machine-type=n1-standard-4 --network-tier=PREMIUM --can-ip-forward --maintenance-policy=MIGRATE --scopes= --image=ond-0804 --image-project=dev-project-001-166400 --boot-disk-type=pd-standard --boot-disk-device-name=fgt-0804 --network-interface subnet=hapvc-port1external,private-network-ip=,no-address --network-interface subnet=hapvc-port2internal,private-network-ip=,no-address --network-interface subnet=hapvc-port3heartbeat,private-network-ip=,no-address --network-interface subnet=hapvc-port4mgmt,private-network-ip=,address= --metadata-from-file user-data=/home/gcloud/config/slave.conf
To test FortiGate-VM HA:
- Ensure that the HA status is in-sync and that the public external IP address ( in this example) is attached to the primary FortiGate:
FGT-A # get sys ha status
HA Health Status: OK
Model: FortiGate-VM64-GCPONDEMAND
Mode: HA A-P
Group: 21
Debug: 0
Cluster Uptime: 0 days 3:7:1
Cluster state change time: 2019-01-16 17:17:11
Master selected using:
<2019/01/16 17:17:11> FGTGCPA2DHFS8822 is selected as the master because it has the largest value of override priority.
<2019/01/16 17:17:11> FGTGCPA2DHFS8822 is selected as the master because it's the only member in the cluster.
ses_pickup: enable, ses_pickup_delay=disable
override: enable
unicast_hb: peerip=, myip=, hasync_port='port3'
Configuration Status:
FGTGCPA2DHFS8822(updated 4 seconds ago): in-sync
FGTGCPVXW2MYFH07(updated 3 seconds ago): in-sync
- Log in to the PC.
- Verify that the PC can access the Internet via FortiGate A, since FortiGate A is the primary FortiGate. Verify that the route-internal route gateway is set as, the FortiGate A IP address.
- Shut down FortiGate A.
- Verify that FortiGate B is now the primary FortiGate.
- Using an API call, ensure that the route-internal route was removed and replaced with a new one, which has set the gateway as, the FortiGate B IP address.
- Verify that the public IP address has detached from FortiGate A and is attached to FortiGate B.
- Log into the PC.
- Verify that the PC can access the Internet via FortiGate B, since FortiGate B is now the primary FortiGate.
To run diagnose commands:
After FortiGate A is shut down and FortiGate B becomes the new primary FortiGate, run the following diagnose command to see what happened to the route and public external IP address during the failover procedure:
FGT-B # d deb app gcpd -1
The following shows the procedure of removing the old route (route-internal) and replacing it with a new route:
failover route: route-internal (destRange:, nextHop:
move next hop from to
remove route route-internal on next hop
create route route-internal on next hop
gcpd api post data: { "name": "route-internal", "network": "", "destRange": "", "nextHopIp": "", "priority": "1000" }
route route-internal is updated to next hop successfully.
The following shows the procedure of attaching a public external IP address to the new primary FortiGate B:
eip: reserve-fgthapublic(
eip reserve-fgthapublic( is attached in remote instance: us-central1-c/fgt-a, should be moved to local
get instance nic: nic0,, hapvc-port1external, accessConfig(external-nat), eip(
nic0 of instance fgt-a is using eip
remove eip from instance fgt-a(nic0).
attach eip to instance fgt-b(nic0).
gcpd api post data: { "name": "external-nat", "natIP": ""}
eip reserve-fgthapublic( is attached to local successfully.