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The same token for the same user on multiple auth clients

The same token for the same user on multiple auth clients

FortiToken Cloud allows the same end-user created on two or more auth clients to use the same FortiToken Mobile (FTM) or FortiToken (FTK) token for FortiToken Cloud services, as long as:

  • The auth clients are FTC-supported auth clients, such as Fortinet products or third-party Web apps.

  • The auth clients are assigned to the same realm in FortiToken Cloud.


The same end-user created on the auth clients can be of different usernames.

For more detailed information, see One Token shared by different auth clients and A single FTC user in multiple auth clients.

The same token for the same user on multiple auth clients

FortiToken Cloud allows the same end-user created on two or more auth clients to use the same FortiToken Mobile (FTM) or FortiToken (FTK) token for FortiToken Cloud services, as long as:

  • The auth clients are FTC-supported auth clients, such as Fortinet products or third-party Web apps.

  • The auth clients are assigned to the same realm in FortiToken Cloud.


The same end-user created on the auth clients can be of different usernames.

For more detailed information, see One Token shared by different auth clients and A single FTC user in multiple auth clients.