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Admin Guide

Add a local user for FTC service

Add a local user for FTC service

Once you are sure that your FTC service is enabled on your FGT device, you can add VDOM users and enable them for FTC service using the following commands:

config user local
    edit <username>
        set type password
        set two-factor fortitoken-cloud
        set email-to <>
        set passwd-time 2018-05-15 08:41:35
        set passwd ENC 51sXDNIDYqPgRvahKx6jh+HACElPinhC+yXCDva6ytEaH+bHM5G0+AFkwFVJdEpidKBIY0xn2LlLPpvSmWRhXhAFAP77OofUdFSs9eydatFw/BY/4WgCimfir1EOLdtTRjVO9oaCj6LTPBYzZJsyrImmKx7benWG1tTOXWgmktUy88WR02rdUB8ZZdBTfDfDoBAL2Q==

As an option for two-factor authentication, “fortitoken-cloud” becomes available only when FTC service is enabled on FGT.

Upon execution of the above commands, a local FGT user is created and is set to use FTC for MFA authentication. Information about the user automatically appears on the Users page of the FTC portal. If the user is the first user of the FGT VDOM that you've added for FTC service, the VDOM appears on the applications page as well.

For more information, see Configure local users.


Add a local user for FTC service

Once you are sure that your FTC service is enabled on your FGT device, you can add VDOM users and enable them for FTC service using the following commands:

config user local
    edit <username>
        set type password
        set two-factor fortitoken-cloud
        set email-to <>
        set passwd-time 2018-05-15 08:41:35
        set passwd ENC 51sXDNIDYqPgRvahKx6jh+HACElPinhC+yXCDva6ytEaH+bHM5G0+AFkwFVJdEpidKBIY0xn2LlLPpvSmWRhXhAFAP77OofUdFSs9eydatFw/BY/4WgCimfir1EOLdtTRjVO9oaCj6LTPBYzZJsyrImmKx7benWG1tTOXWgmktUy88WR02rdUB8ZZdBTfDfDoBAL2Q==

As an option for two-factor authentication, “fortitoken-cloud” becomes available only when FTC service is enabled on FGT.

Upon execution of the above commands, a local FGT user is created and is set to use FTC for MFA authentication. Information about the user automatically appears on the Users page of the FTC portal. If the user is the first user of the FGT VDOM that you've added for FTC service, the VDOM appears on the applications page as well.

For more information, see Configure local users.
