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Adding FortiAuthenticator to FortiGuest

Adding FortiAuthenticator to FortiGuest

Perform the following steps to add FortiAuthenticator to FortiGuest.

  1. Navigate to Access Management > Authentication > Authentication Servers.
  2. Click +New.
  3. Enter the required information.
    1. Enter a name.
    2. Select Generic SAML IDP as the Server Type.
    3. Click Next.
  4. Configure the following SAML Settings for the Identity Provider. These settings configure the data FortiGuest requires to connect to the authentication server.



    ServerEnter the FortiAuthenticator server hostname or IP address.
    Entity IDPaste the copied values from FortiAuthenticator. See Creating a Service Provider in FortiAuthenticator.
    Single SignOn Service EndPoint
    Single LogOut Service EndPoint
    Select Identity Provider Signing Certificate

    Select the signing certificate exported from FortiAuthenticator server. See Prerequisites.

    If encryption certificate is not provided then signing certificate will be used for encryption.

    Select Identity Provider Encryption Certificate

  5. Configure the following SAML Settings for the Service Provider.



    Entity IDValues are auto populated.
    Assertion Consumer Service Endpoint
    Single Logout Service Endpoint
    Select NameID FormatSelect Email as the name identifier of the user. The NameID must be matched with the value configured in FortiAuthenticator. Currently, FortiGuest only supports Email as NameID.
    Select Signature Algorithm For Party TrustSelect the signature algorithm used in the sign‐on process.
    Select Digest Algorithm For Party TrustSelect the digest algorithm used in the digest process.

  6. Configure additional SAML attributes. FortiGuest will look for these attributes to verify authentication attempts. Map the attributes from FortiAuthenticator to the attributes in your SAML profile on FortiGuest.
    Attribute used to identify usernameThe username attribute.
    Attribute used to identify emailThe email attribute.
    Attribute used to identify groupsThe groups attribute.

  7. Click Submit.

Adding FortiAuthenticator to FortiGuest

Perform the following steps to add FortiAuthenticator to FortiGuest.

  1. Navigate to Access Management > Authentication > Authentication Servers.
  2. Click +New.
  3. Enter the required information.
    1. Enter a name.
    2. Select Generic SAML IDP as the Server Type.
    3. Click Next.
  4. Configure the following SAML Settings for the Identity Provider. These settings configure the data FortiGuest requires to connect to the authentication server.



    ServerEnter the FortiAuthenticator server hostname or IP address.
    Entity IDPaste the copied values from FortiAuthenticator. See Creating a Service Provider in FortiAuthenticator.
    Single SignOn Service EndPoint
    Single LogOut Service EndPoint
    Select Identity Provider Signing Certificate

    Select the signing certificate exported from FortiAuthenticator server. See Prerequisites.

    If encryption certificate is not provided then signing certificate will be used for encryption.

    Select Identity Provider Encryption Certificate

  5. Configure the following SAML Settings for the Service Provider.



    Entity IDValues are auto populated.
    Assertion Consumer Service Endpoint
    Single Logout Service Endpoint
    Select NameID FormatSelect Email as the name identifier of the user. The NameID must be matched with the value configured in FortiAuthenticator. Currently, FortiGuest only supports Email as NameID.
    Select Signature Algorithm For Party TrustSelect the signature algorithm used in the sign‐on process.
    Select Digest Algorithm For Party TrustSelect the digest algorithm used in the digest process.

  6. Configure additional SAML attributes. FortiGuest will look for these attributes to verify authentication attempts. Map the attributes from FortiAuthenticator to the attributes in your SAML profile on FortiGuest.
    Attribute used to identify usernameThe username attribute.
    Attribute used to identify emailThe email attribute.
    Attribute used to identify groupsThe groups attribute.

  7. Click Submit.