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New Features

Allow FortiManager to apply license to a BYOL FortiGate-VM instance 7.2.1

Allow FortiManager to apply license to a BYOL FortiGate-VM instance 7.2.1

This enhancement allows FortiManager to apply a license to a bring your own license (BYOL) FortiGate-VM instance. For example, when launching a BYOL FortiGate-VM on Azure, the FortiGate receives a serial number (SN) with the FGVMEV prefix and a VM license with an invalid status by default. This unlicensed FortiGate-VM can register to a FortiManager for authorization and management. Subsequently, the FortiManager can apply a VM license to the FortiGate-VM instance.

To allow FortiManager to apply license to a BYOL FortiGate-VM instance:
  1. Confirm that the FortiGate is unlicensed by running get system status in the FortiOS CLI. The following shows expected output for this command:

    Version: FortiGate-VM64-AZURE v7.2.1,build1252,220728 (interim) ... Serial-Number: FGVMEVTN8UP4KIA6 License Status: Invalid VM Resources: 1 CPU/1 allowed, 1945 MB RAM/2048 MB allowed

  2. In the FortiManager CLI, enable allow_register:

    config system admin setting set allow_register enable set register_passwd xxxxxx end

  3. In the FortiOS CLI, configure the FortiManager:

    config system central-management set type fortimanager set fmg "<FortiManager IP address>" end

  4. In the FortiOS CLI, confirm that the FortiGate-VM can connect to FortiManager by running diagnose fdsm central-mgmt-status. The following shows expected output for this command:

    Connection status: Handshake Registration status: Unknown

  5. Register the FortiGate to FortiManager by running execute central-mgmt register-device <FortiManager SN> xxxxxx in the FortiOS CLI. Use the password that you configured in step 2.
  6. In the FortiOS CLI, confirm that the FortiGate-VM registered to FortiManager by running diagnose fdsm central-mgmt-status. The following shows expected output for this command:

    Connection status: Up Registration status: Registered

  7. In FortiManager, right-click the FortiGate, then select Install VM License.

  8. In the FortiOS GUI, confirm that the FortiGate-VM has received a license from the FortiManager.

Allow FortiManager to apply license to a BYOL FortiGate-VM instance 7.2.1

This enhancement allows FortiManager to apply a license to a bring your own license (BYOL) FortiGate-VM instance. For example, when launching a BYOL FortiGate-VM on Azure, the FortiGate receives a serial number (SN) with the FGVMEV prefix and a VM license with an invalid status by default. This unlicensed FortiGate-VM can register to a FortiManager for authorization and management. Subsequently, the FortiManager can apply a VM license to the FortiGate-VM instance.

To allow FortiManager to apply license to a BYOL FortiGate-VM instance:
  1. Confirm that the FortiGate is unlicensed by running get system status in the FortiOS CLI. The following shows expected output for this command:

    Version: FortiGate-VM64-AZURE v7.2.1,build1252,220728 (interim) ... Serial-Number: FGVMEVTN8UP4KIA6 License Status: Invalid VM Resources: 1 CPU/1 allowed, 1945 MB RAM/2048 MB allowed

  2. In the FortiManager CLI, enable allow_register:

    config system admin setting set allow_register enable set register_passwd xxxxxx end

  3. In the FortiOS CLI, configure the FortiManager:

    config system central-management set type fortimanager set fmg "<FortiManager IP address>" end

  4. In the FortiOS CLI, confirm that the FortiGate-VM can connect to FortiManager by running diagnose fdsm central-mgmt-status. The following shows expected output for this command:

    Connection status: Handshake Registration status: Unknown

  5. Register the FortiGate to FortiManager by running execute central-mgmt register-device <FortiManager SN> xxxxxx in the FortiOS CLI. Use the password that you configured in step 2.
  6. In the FortiOS CLI, confirm that the FortiGate-VM registered to FortiManager by running diagnose fdsm central-mgmt-status. The following shows expected output for this command:

    Connection status: Up Registration status: Registered

  7. In FortiManager, right-click the FortiGate, then select Install VM License.

  8. In the FortiOS GUI, confirm that the FortiGate-VM has received a license from the FortiManager.