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Confirming cloud membership

Confirming cloud membership

  1. In the Cloud Members table on FGT_1, click Refresh and confirm the entries.

    The remote gateway and corresponding subnets for each device should populate the list.

  2. You can perform step 1 on any FortiGate that is a member of the OCVPN cloud.

    FGT_2 should return the same results as in step 1.

Confirming cloud membership

  1. In the Cloud Members table on FGT_1, click Refresh and confirm the entries.

    The remote gateway and corresponding subnets for each device should populate the list.

  2. You can perform step 1 on any FortiGate that is a member of the OCVPN cloud.

    FGT_2 should return the same results as in step 1.