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Connecting network devices

Connecting network devices

  1. Connect the FortiGate to your ISP-supplied equipment using the Internet-facing interface. This is typically WAN or WAN1, depending on your model.
  2. Connect a PC to the FortiGate using an internal port (in this example, port 3).

  3. Power on the ISP equipment, the FortiGate, and the PC on the internal network.
  4. Use the PC to connect to the FortiGate GUI using either FortiExplorer or an Internet browser. For more information about connecting to the GUI, see the QuickStart Guide for you FortiGate model.
  5. Log in using an admin account. The default admin account has the username admin with no password.

Connecting network devices

  1. Connect the FortiGate to your ISP-supplied equipment using the Internet-facing interface. This is typically WAN or WAN1, depending on your model.
  2. Connect a PC to the FortiGate using an internal port (in this example, port 3).

  3. Power on the ISP equipment, the FortiGate, and the PC on the internal network.
  4. Use the PC to connect to the FortiGate GUI using either FortiExplorer or an Internet browser. For more information about connecting to the GUI, see the QuickStart Guide for you FortiGate model.
  5. Log in using an admin account. The default admin account has the username admin with no password.