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Admin Guide (FGT-Managed)

Supported hardware models

Supported hardware models

FortiExtender OS 7.2.5 supports the following FortiExtender hardware models:



FortiExtender 511F


FortiExtender 311F


FortiExtender 212F


FortiExtender (Managed) 202F-AM

North America

FortiExtender (Managed) 202F-EA

EMEA, Brazil, and some APAC carriers

FortiExtender (Managed) 201F-AM

North America

FortiExtender (Managed) 201F-EA

EMEA, Brazil, and some APAC carriers

FortiExtender 200F


FortiExtender 101F-EA

EMEA, Brazil, and parts of APAC

FortiExtender 101F-AM

North America

FortiExtender 211E


FortiExtender 201E

North and South Americas, EMEA, and parts of APAC

FortiExtenderVehicle 211F

FortiExtenderVehicle 211F-AM

For more information about FortiExtender OS and hardware compatibility, see FortiExtender OS & Hardware Platform Compatibility Matrix.


All FortiExtender units come with a Bluetooth button, which is off by default. Bluetooth discovery will be active for 90 seconds after you press and hold the Bluetooth button for more than three seconds. Once connected, as an example, from the FortiExplorer app, you can access the devices via Bluetooth. As a good security practice, we strongly recommend setting your own password before deploying FortiExtender in your environment.


When running FortiExtender OS 7.2.3 on FEX-511F, be sure to use the latest firmware and use the 7.2.3 GA release to enable the n77 and b48 bands by default.

Supported hardware models

FortiExtender OS 7.2.5 supports the following FortiExtender hardware models:



FortiExtender 511F


FortiExtender 311F


FortiExtender 212F


FortiExtender (Managed) 202F-AM

North America

FortiExtender (Managed) 202F-EA

EMEA, Brazil, and some APAC carriers

FortiExtender (Managed) 201F-AM

North America

FortiExtender (Managed) 201F-EA

EMEA, Brazil, and some APAC carriers

FortiExtender 200F


FortiExtender 101F-EA

EMEA, Brazil, and parts of APAC

FortiExtender 101F-AM

North America

FortiExtender 211E


FortiExtender 201E

North and South Americas, EMEA, and parts of APAC

FortiExtenderVehicle 211F

FortiExtenderVehicle 211F-AM

For more information about FortiExtender OS and hardware compatibility, see FortiExtender OS & Hardware Platform Compatibility Matrix.


All FortiExtender units come with a Bluetooth button, which is off by default. Bluetooth discovery will be active for 90 seconds after you press and hold the Bluetooth button for more than three seconds. Once connected, as an example, from the FortiExplorer app, you can access the devices via Bluetooth. As a good security practice, we strongly recommend setting your own password before deploying FortiExtender in your environment.


When running FortiExtender OS 7.2.3 on FEX-511F, be sure to use the latest firmware and use the 7.2.3 GA release to enable the n77 and b48 bands by default.