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FSM 2000F Migration

FSM 2000F Migration

Starting Release v5.0.0, FortiSIEM 2000F will run on bare metal, bypassing the OpenStack Hypervisor layer. This simplifies the installation, maintenance and improve performance. It is recommended to migrate the current data on your appliance and move to the new FSM 2000F OS - basically run on bare metal but retain the old data.

Follow the steps in this document for migration:

Step 1: Upgrade FSM 2000F to v5.0.1

  • Follow the instructions in the 'Upgrading FortiSIEM' section of 2000F - Hardware Configuration Guide here to upgrade to FortiSIEM v5.0.1.

Step 2: SSH to FortiSIEM instance

  • After upgrading FSM 2000F to v5.0.1, SSH to FortiSIEM host as:
    ssh -i /opt/devstack/ao-fsm.key root@

Step 3: Stop all back-end processes

  1. Run the commands in the following order:
    1. phtools --stop all
    2. service crond stop
    3. /opt/phoenix/phscripts/bin/phxctl stop
  2. Run phstatus and make sure all processes are down.
    tooltip icon

    The processes - phMonitor and Node.js maybe be up and can be ignored.

Step 4: Bring the Database server up

  1. Run service postgresql-9.1 start.
  2. Run phstatus to make sure the DBSrv process is up.

Step 5: Backup CMDB

  1. Run the archive script to create an archive version of the CMDB using the command: /opt/phoenix/deployment/
    tooltip icon

    The archived file will be saved at /data/archive/cmdb/<phoenixdb_Date_Time>

  2. Run du -sh /data to check the disk size in the remote system and make sure that there is enough space to copy the database.

Step 6: Copy the /data directory to a remote location

  1. Run rsync -avzh /data/ root@<remote-IP>:/backups/
    Make sure that the trailing / is used in the final two arguments in the rsync command.
  2. Make sure the /data files are copied to the remote location.

Step 7: Re-image the appliance

Ensure that the following prerequisites are met before re-imaging FortiSIEM.

Hardware Software


  • USB Keyboard
  • USB Mouse
  • VGA Monitor

USB Thumbdrive

  • 4 GB Thumbdrive (for Linux installation)
  • 8 GB Thumbdrive (for FortiSIEM appliance image)

a) Create Bootable Linux image

  1. Connect 4GB USB drive to the system (desktop or laptop).
  2. Open Rufus.
  3. Select the following settings for the USB:
    1. Partition scheme and target system type: MBR partition scheme for BIOS or UEFI
    2. File system: FAT32
    3. Cluster size: 4096 bytes (default)
    4. Quick Format: Enable
    5. Create a bootable disk using: ISO image
  4. Click on the 'CD-ROM' icon and select the Ubuntu Setup ISO.
  5. Click Start and allow Rufus to complete.
    Once finished, the disk is ready to boot.
  6. Note: Alternatively, you can use the Ubuntu guide for creating a USB drive with Ubuntu.

b) Copy FortiSIEM image to USB

  1. Connect 8GB USB Drive to the system (desktop or laptop).
  2. Open Windows Explorer > right-click Drive > click Format.
  3. Select the following options:
    1. File system: NTFS
    2. Allocation unit size: 4096 bytes
    3. Quick Format: Enable
  4. Copy the image file to USB drive.
    For example:
  5. Safely remove the USB drive from the desktop or laptop by unmounting it through the Operating System.

c) Uninstall an existing FortiSIEM version

  1. Connect to the console/SSH of the FortiSIEM appliance.
  2. Run the following command:
    sudo execute fsm-clean
  3. Allow the above command to run and power-off the FortiSIEM appliance.
  4. Power on the FortiSIEM appliance and connect to the console/SSH of the FortiSIEM Host.
  5. Delete an existing Volume group by running:
    sudo vgremove cinder-volumes-lvmdriver-1
  6. Identify the 23TB disk name by running:
    sudo fdisk -l | less
    Note: This drive will be referred as /dev/sda in the following steps.
  7. Wipe the file system of the 23TB disk by running the following commands:
    • sudo wipefs --all /dev/sda2
    • sudo wipefs --all /dev/sda1
    • sudo wipefs --all /dev/sda

d) Configure 2000F BIOS to boot into USB Drive

  1. Connect the 4 GB USB drive to the FortiSIEM appliance.
  2. Reboot the FortiSIEM appliance.
  3. During the boot screen, press F11 to login to the boot options.
  4. Select the option to enter into the BIOS set up.
  5. Select the option for Boot options.
  6. Select the 'USB drive'.
  7. Save the options and quit set up.

e) Re-image 2000F boot drive from USB Linux

  1. Power on the FortiSIEM appliance.
  2. Once the FortiSIEM appliance loads from the USB drive, click Try Ubuntu.
    1. Connect the 8 GB USB drive to the FortiSIEM appliance.
    2. Open a terminal.
    3. Type the following command to identify the FortiSIEM boot disk (29.5GiB):
      sudo fdisk –l.
      Note: This drive will be referred as /dev/sdb in the following steps.
  3. Enter into root while in the terminal using the command:
    sudo -s
  4. Determine the mount point of this drive using the command:
    df –l
    Note: For this guide, the assumption for the 8 GB mount point is: /media/ubuntu/123456789/*
  5. Copy the image from the 8 GB disk to the FortiSIEM boot disk.
  6. Extract the zipped raw image and copy the image into SATA disk (32GB). For example, use the command:
    unzip -c | dd of=/dev/sdb status=progress
  7. Once this is completed, power off the FortiSIEM appliance using the command:
    shutdown –h now
  8. After shutdown, remove both USB drives from the FortiSIEM appliance.
  9. Power on the FortiSIEM appliance.
  10. Login as ‘root’ user with password 'ProspectHills'.
  11. Run execute format disk.
  12. Run execute factoryreset.
  13. Run /opt/vmware/share/vami/vami_config_net script to install FortiSIEM.
    The system will reboot after the script is complete.
    tooltip icon

    Do not apply the License yet.

Step 8: Restore CMDB

  1. Run the commands to stop the back-end processes:
    1. service crond stop
    2. /opt/phoenix/phscripts/bin/phxctl stop
    3. phstatus - make sure all ph* processes except phMonitor is down.
  2. Copy the directory /data back from the remote location using the rsync tool:
    rsync -avzh root@<remote-IP>:/backups/ /data/
  3. Bring the Database server up using the command:
    service postgresql-9.1 start
  4. Run phstatus to make sure DBSrv is up.
  5. Restore the Database using the command:
    /opt/phoenix/deployment/ /data/archive/cmdb/<phoenixdb_Date_Time>(From Step #5)

Step 9: Update the Disk name in the Database

  • Run psql -U phoenix -d phoenixdb -c "update ph_sys_conf set value='/dev/mapper/FSIEM2000F-phx_data' where property='disk_name';" to update the disk name in the Database.

Step 10: Configure the Network

  • Run /opt/vmware/share/vami/vami_config_net to configure the network. The system will reboot after the script is complete.

Step 11: Apply License

  • Use the existing 4.10.0 license.

Step 12: Reset SVN password

  • Run /opt/phoenix/deployment/jumpbox/ (admin/admin*1/super).

Step 13: Delete Worker cache file

  • Run rm /data/cache/worker_mon_job.xml.

Migration is now complete. Make sure all the devices, user-defined rules, reports, dashboards are migrated successfully.

FSM 2000F Migration

Starting Release v5.0.0, FortiSIEM 2000F will run on bare metal, bypassing the OpenStack Hypervisor layer. This simplifies the installation, maintenance and improve performance. It is recommended to migrate the current data on your appliance and move to the new FSM 2000F OS - basically run on bare metal but retain the old data.

Follow the steps in this document for migration:

Step 1: Upgrade FSM 2000F to v5.0.1

  • Follow the instructions in the 'Upgrading FortiSIEM' section of 2000F - Hardware Configuration Guide here to upgrade to FortiSIEM v5.0.1.

Step 2: SSH to FortiSIEM instance

  • After upgrading FSM 2000F to v5.0.1, SSH to FortiSIEM host as:
    ssh -i /opt/devstack/ao-fsm.key root@

Step 3: Stop all back-end processes

  1. Run the commands in the following order:
    1. phtools --stop all
    2. service crond stop
    3. /opt/phoenix/phscripts/bin/phxctl stop
  2. Run phstatus and make sure all processes are down.
    tooltip icon

    The processes - phMonitor and Node.js maybe be up and can be ignored.

Step 4: Bring the Database server up

  1. Run service postgresql-9.1 start.
  2. Run phstatus to make sure the DBSrv process is up.

Step 5: Backup CMDB

  1. Run the archive script to create an archive version of the CMDB using the command: /opt/phoenix/deployment/
    tooltip icon

    The archived file will be saved at /data/archive/cmdb/<phoenixdb_Date_Time>

  2. Run du -sh /data to check the disk size in the remote system and make sure that there is enough space to copy the database.

Step 6: Copy the /data directory to a remote location

  1. Run rsync -avzh /data/ root@<remote-IP>:/backups/
    Make sure that the trailing / is used in the final two arguments in the rsync command.
  2. Make sure the /data files are copied to the remote location.

Step 7: Re-image the appliance

Ensure that the following prerequisites are met before re-imaging FortiSIEM.

Hardware Software


  • USB Keyboard
  • USB Mouse
  • VGA Monitor

USB Thumbdrive

  • 4 GB Thumbdrive (for Linux installation)
  • 8 GB Thumbdrive (for FortiSIEM appliance image)

a) Create Bootable Linux image

  1. Connect 4GB USB drive to the system (desktop or laptop).
  2. Open Rufus.
  3. Select the following settings for the USB:
    1. Partition scheme and target system type: MBR partition scheme for BIOS or UEFI
    2. File system: FAT32
    3. Cluster size: 4096 bytes (default)
    4. Quick Format: Enable
    5. Create a bootable disk using: ISO image
  4. Click on the 'CD-ROM' icon and select the Ubuntu Setup ISO.
  5. Click Start and allow Rufus to complete.
    Once finished, the disk is ready to boot.
  6. Note: Alternatively, you can use the Ubuntu guide for creating a USB drive with Ubuntu.

b) Copy FortiSIEM image to USB

  1. Connect 8GB USB Drive to the system (desktop or laptop).
  2. Open Windows Explorer > right-click Drive > click Format.
  3. Select the following options:
    1. File system: NTFS
    2. Allocation unit size: 4096 bytes
    3. Quick Format: Enable
  4. Copy the image file to USB drive.
    For example:
  5. Safely remove the USB drive from the desktop or laptop by unmounting it through the Operating System.

c) Uninstall an existing FortiSIEM version

  1. Connect to the console/SSH of the FortiSIEM appliance.
  2. Run the following command:
    sudo execute fsm-clean
  3. Allow the above command to run and power-off the FortiSIEM appliance.
  4. Power on the FortiSIEM appliance and connect to the console/SSH of the FortiSIEM Host.
  5. Delete an existing Volume group by running:
    sudo vgremove cinder-volumes-lvmdriver-1
  6. Identify the 23TB disk name by running:
    sudo fdisk -l | less
    Note: This drive will be referred as /dev/sda in the following steps.
  7. Wipe the file system of the 23TB disk by running the following commands:
    • sudo wipefs --all /dev/sda2
    • sudo wipefs --all /dev/sda1
    • sudo wipefs --all /dev/sda

d) Configure 2000F BIOS to boot into USB Drive

  1. Connect the 4 GB USB drive to the FortiSIEM appliance.
  2. Reboot the FortiSIEM appliance.
  3. During the boot screen, press F11 to login to the boot options.
  4. Select the option to enter into the BIOS set up.
  5. Select the option for Boot options.
  6. Select the 'USB drive'.
  7. Save the options and quit set up.

e) Re-image 2000F boot drive from USB Linux

  1. Power on the FortiSIEM appliance.
  2. Once the FortiSIEM appliance loads from the USB drive, click Try Ubuntu.
    1. Connect the 8 GB USB drive to the FortiSIEM appliance.
    2. Open a terminal.
    3. Type the following command to identify the FortiSIEM boot disk (29.5GiB):
      sudo fdisk –l.
      Note: This drive will be referred as /dev/sdb in the following steps.
  3. Enter into root while in the terminal using the command:
    sudo -s
  4. Determine the mount point of this drive using the command:
    df –l
    Note: For this guide, the assumption for the 8 GB mount point is: /media/ubuntu/123456789/*
  5. Copy the image from the 8 GB disk to the FortiSIEM boot disk.
  6. Extract the zipped raw image and copy the image into SATA disk (32GB). For example, use the command:
    unzip -c | dd of=/dev/sdb status=progress
  7. Once this is completed, power off the FortiSIEM appliance using the command:
    shutdown –h now
  8. After shutdown, remove both USB drives from the FortiSIEM appliance.
  9. Power on the FortiSIEM appliance.
  10. Login as ‘root’ user with password 'ProspectHills'.
  11. Run execute format disk.
  12. Run execute factoryreset.
  13. Run /opt/vmware/share/vami/vami_config_net script to install FortiSIEM.
    The system will reboot after the script is complete.
    tooltip icon

    Do not apply the License yet.

Step 8: Restore CMDB

  1. Run the commands to stop the back-end processes:
    1. service crond stop
    2. /opt/phoenix/phscripts/bin/phxctl stop
    3. phstatus - make sure all ph* processes except phMonitor is down.
  2. Copy the directory /data back from the remote location using the rsync tool:
    rsync -avzh root@<remote-IP>:/backups/ /data/
  3. Bring the Database server up using the command:
    service postgresql-9.1 start
  4. Run phstatus to make sure DBSrv is up.
  5. Restore the Database using the command:
    /opt/phoenix/deployment/ /data/archive/cmdb/<phoenixdb_Date_Time>(From Step #5)

Step 9: Update the Disk name in the Database

  • Run psql -U phoenix -d phoenixdb -c "update ph_sys_conf set value='/dev/mapper/FSIEM2000F-phx_data' where property='disk_name';" to update the disk name in the Database.

Step 10: Configure the Network

  • Run /opt/vmware/share/vami/vami_config_net to configure the network. The system will reboot after the script is complete.

Step 11: Apply License

  • Use the existing 4.10.0 license.

Step 12: Reset SVN password

  • Run /opt/phoenix/deployment/jumpbox/ (admin/admin*1/super).

Step 13: Delete Worker cache file

  • Run rm /data/cache/worker_mon_job.xml.

Migration is now complete. Make sure all the devices, user-defined rules, reports, dashboards are migrated successfully.