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distance, distance_abs, within, within_abs

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distance, distance_abs, within, within_abs

Use these four keywords to specify the range (in bytes) of where the engine will search for a pattern.

  • distance indicates the offset from the last reference point to start searching for a pattern
  • within indicates the range of bytes from the last reference point which the engine should search for a pattern.
--distance <range> [,<refer>];
--distance_abs <range>[,<refer>];
--within <range>[, <refer>];
--within_abs <range>[, <refer>];

The <refer> field is the reference point for the <range>. If it is not included, the default is MATCH.




The reference is the last matched pattern. This is the default setting.


The reference is the beginning of the packet.


The reference is the beginning of the pattern context.


Search for the pattern relative to the end of the packet or context. This is only accepted with the --distance option, and the reference must be PACKET or CONTEXT.


The reference is the one set by last PSET.


Search for the pattern within 50 bytes of the last matched pattern:

--pattern "/disp_album.php?"; --context uri; --no_case; --within 50,context;
--pattern "|05 00|"; --distance 0; --pattern "|6e 00|"; --distance 5; --within

Count 10 bytes back from the end of the packet, then search for the pattern within 5 bytes:

--pattern "Host: "; --context header; --pattern !"|0a|"; --context header; --
within_abs 80; --distance 10,packet,reverse; --within 5,packet;


  • If you use the keywords distance and within with the first pattern of a signature, set the <refer> field to context, as there are no previous matched patterns.
  • The keywords distance and distance_abs indicate the minimum distance from the end of the last reference point to the beginning of the current pattern. The distance is counted from the next character after the last reference point. Both these keywords support negative range value. In this case, distance does not require the designated amount of data before the reference point while distance_abs does. For example, the following signature makes sure no ? character is before the /BBBB pattern in the URI:
    --pattern "/BBBB"; --context uri; --within 200,context; --pattern!"?"; --context uri; --distance 200; --within 200;

    This signature works even if the /BBBB pattern in the URI is not preceded by 200 bytes of data.

  • The keywords within and within_abs require that the whole pattern appear within the given range following the last reference point. If the distance or distance_abs keywords are also present, with the same reference point, the pattern will be matched from the specified distance to the range of bytes specified by the within or within_abs keywords.
  • Use the keywords distance_abs and within_abs only for negative matches (patterns with the ! modifier). They indicate that the buffer following the reference point must be longer than or equal to the value specified by <range>. Compare the following two cases:
    --pattern !"|0a|"; --within 100,match;
    --pattern !"|0a|"; --within_abs 100,match;
  • If the buffer after the previous match is shorter than 100, the first signature is matched. It is not recommended to use distance_abs and within_abs for a positive match because the behavior of these keywords is unreliable. It is better to use the keyword data_at instead.

    For example:

    --pattern "BBBBBB"; --pattern "DDDDDD"; --within_abs 200;
    --pattern "BBBBBB"; --data_at 200,relative; --pattern "DDDDDD";

    These two signatures are equivalent but the second one is recommended for a reliable match. A negative <range> value can be used to specify the range before the reference. Different types and references can be combined as range modifiers.

distance, distance_abs, within, within_abs

Use these four keywords to specify the range (in bytes) of where the engine will search for a pattern.

  • distance indicates the offset from the last reference point to start searching for a pattern
  • within indicates the range of bytes from the last reference point which the engine should search for a pattern.
--distance <range> [,<refer>];
--distance_abs <range>[,<refer>];
--within <range>[, <refer>];
--within_abs <range>[, <refer>];

The <refer> field is the reference point for the <range>. If it is not included, the default is MATCH.




The reference is the last matched pattern. This is the default setting.


The reference is the beginning of the packet.


The reference is the beginning of the pattern context.


Search for the pattern relative to the end of the packet or context. This is only accepted with the --distance option, and the reference must be PACKET or CONTEXT.


The reference is the one set by last PSET.


Search for the pattern within 50 bytes of the last matched pattern:

--pattern "/disp_album.php?"; --context uri; --no_case; --within 50,context;
--pattern "|05 00|"; --distance 0; --pattern "|6e 00|"; --distance 5; --within

Count 10 bytes back from the end of the packet, then search for the pattern within 5 bytes:

--pattern "Host: "; --context header; --pattern !"|0a|"; --context header; --
within_abs 80; --distance 10,packet,reverse; --within 5,packet;


  • If you use the keywords distance and within with the first pattern of a signature, set the <refer> field to context, as there are no previous matched patterns.
  • The keywords distance and distance_abs indicate the minimum distance from the end of the last reference point to the beginning of the current pattern. The distance is counted from the next character after the last reference point. Both these keywords support negative range value. In this case, distance does not require the designated amount of data before the reference point while distance_abs does. For example, the following signature makes sure no ? character is before the /BBBB pattern in the URI:
    --pattern "/BBBB"; --context uri; --within 200,context; --pattern!"?"; --context uri; --distance 200; --within 200;

    This signature works even if the /BBBB pattern in the URI is not preceded by 200 bytes of data.

  • The keywords within and within_abs require that the whole pattern appear within the given range following the last reference point. If the distance or distance_abs keywords are also present, with the same reference point, the pattern will be matched from the specified distance to the range of bytes specified by the within or within_abs keywords.
  • Use the keywords distance_abs and within_abs only for negative matches (patterns with the ! modifier). They indicate that the buffer following the reference point must be longer than or equal to the value specified by <range>. Compare the following two cases:
    --pattern !"|0a|"; --within 100,match;
    --pattern !"|0a|"; --within_abs 100,match;
  • If the buffer after the previous match is shorter than 100, the first signature is matched. It is not recommended to use distance_abs and within_abs for a positive match because the behavior of these keywords is unreliable. It is better to use the keyword data_at instead.

    For example:

    --pattern "BBBBBB"; --pattern "DDDDDD"; --within_abs 200;
    --pattern "BBBBBB"; --data_at 200,relative; --pattern "DDDDDD";

    These two signatures are equivalent but the second one is recommended for a reliable match. A negative <range> value can be used to specify the range before the reference. Different types and references can be combined as range modifiers.