system ha confd_status
Use this command to display the HA information.
To use this command, your administrator account’s access control profile must have either w
or rw
permission to the sysgrp
area. For details, see Permissions.
diagnose system ha confd_status
The following is an example of the output.
HA information
Model=FortiWeb-1000E 6.37,build1102(GA),200911, Mode=active-active-high-volume Group=2
HA group member information: is_manage_master=1.
LocalSN: FV-1KE44179XXXXX confd
member cnt: 2
msg_queue:0 file_queue:0 md5_rep_ignore:0 do_md5sum:14030
FV-1KE4417900091: Master
pending:0 update:0 time:0 sync:0
SYS: 1C5663E93F5FEE916C06CF9F383999CB
CLI: FA6AD08C032E3DB66954E6B33D848CB3
FV-1KE4417900092: Slave
pending:2773937 update:2773937 time:2773937 sync:0
SYS: 1C5663E93F5FEE916C06CF9F383999CB
CLI: FA6AD08C032E3DB66954E6B33D848CB3