Customizing notification options
- Go to Preferences.
- In Notifications Options, configure the following fields:
GUI field
Notification Options Voicemail
Select the email notification option to use when this extension receives a voicemail:
- None: Do not send a notification.
- Simple: Send an email notification.
- With attachment: Send an email notification with the voicemail attached.
Select the type of email notification option to use when this extension receives a fax:
- None: Do not send a notification.
- Simple: Send an email notification.
- With attachment: Send an email notification with the fax attached.
Missed call
Enable to send an email notification when you miss an incoming call.
Email address
Enter the email addresses (maximum of three) to which you want to send email notifications for voicemails, faxes, missed calls, and softclient QR code.
The email notification function requires that the FortiVoice system administrator has configured the relay server setting on the FortiVoice phone system.
- To save changes, click OK.