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FortiVoice Phone System Administration Guide

Blocking phone numbers

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Blocking phone numbers

For security reasons, you can block an inbound call by entering its number. This will block future calls from this number.

To block a number

  1. Go to Security > Blocked Number.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter the number you want to block.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Click Setting.
  6. In PBX Setting, enable System block list.
  7. Click Apply.

    Future calls from the number will be blocked. For more information, see Configuring phone system settings.

To unblock a number

  1. Go to Security > Blocked Number.
  2. Select a blocked number in the list.
  3. Click Delete.

Blocking phone numbers

For security reasons, you can block an inbound call by entering its number. This will block future calls from this number.

To block a number

  1. Go to Security > Blocked Number.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter the number you want to block.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Click Setting.
  6. In PBX Setting, enable System block list.
  7. Click Apply.

    Future calls from the number will be blocked. For more information, see Configuring phone system settings.

To unblock a number

  1. Go to Security > Blocked Number.
  2. Select a blocked number in the list.
  3. Click Delete.