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Adding or importing branch extensions

Adding or importing branch extensions

Use this procedure to add or import branch extensions to the primary FortiVoice phone system at the main office.

Adding a branch extension
  1. Connect to the web-based manager of the primary FortiVoice phone system at the main office.
  2. Go to Extension > Extension.
  3. On the IP Extension tab, click New.
  4. For details about the fields, see the Configuring IP extensions section in the FortiVoice Phone System Administration Guide.

    You have completed the addition of a branch extension.

  5. Continue with Adding a survivability branch.
Importing a list of branch extensions

Use the import feature to add a list of branch extensions in one operation using a CSV file with columns that match the FortiVoice format.


Make sure that your CSV file includes the following column headings:

  • User ID
  • Extension
  • Display name
  • Phone type
  • Mac address
  • Phone profile

If the CSV does not include those column headings, the import will fail.

  1. Connect to the web-based manager of the primary FortiVoice phone system at the main office.
  2. Go to Extension > Extension.
  3. On the IP Extension tab, click Actions > Import.
  4. Locate and upload the CSV file.

    You have completed the import of a list of branch extensions.

  5. Continue with Adding a survivability branch.

Adding or importing branch extensions

Adding or importing branch extensions

Use this procedure to add or import branch extensions to the primary FortiVoice phone system at the main office.

Adding a branch extension
  1. Connect to the web-based manager of the primary FortiVoice phone system at the main office.
  2. Go to Extension > Extension.
  3. On the IP Extension tab, click New.
  4. For details about the fields, see the Configuring IP extensions section in the FortiVoice Phone System Administration Guide.

    You have completed the addition of a branch extension.

  5. Continue with Adding a survivability branch.
Importing a list of branch extensions

Use the import feature to add a list of branch extensions in one operation using a CSV file with columns that match the FortiVoice format.


Make sure that your CSV file includes the following column headings:

  • User ID
  • Extension
  • Display name
  • Phone type
  • Mac address
  • Phone profile

If the CSV does not include those column headings, the import will fail.

  1. Connect to the web-based manager of the primary FortiVoice phone system at the main office.
  2. Go to Extension > Extension.
  3. On the IP Extension tab, click Actions > Import.
  4. Locate and upload the CSV file.

    You have completed the import of a list of branch extensions.

  5. Continue with Adding a survivability branch.