What's new
The following list highlights some of the new features or enhancements introduced in this release.
New platform support
FVE-VM-20000 platform is supported.
New language support
FortiVoice supports the Russian prompt language.
Logs for HA call recording synchronization
Event logs (start, stop) for call recording synchronization are added on the secondary FortiVoice unit for both full and incremental synchronization in HA.
Callback prompt frequency
In the call queue setup, you can adjust the callback prompt frequency.
SIPS or SIP over TLS
For SIP trunk, you can specify SIPS or SIP over TLS for outbound calls in CLI.
LLDP transmit status
You can enable or disable the LLDP transmit status to allow listening or learning LLDP-MED from the switch only.
This option applies to FortiFone-175,375,475,575,670,675,H25, and H35.