Deploying FortiVoice Cloud
Use this procedure to deploy a FortiVoice Cloud instance. This instance is your business telephone system in the cloud.
Risk of deployment failure After Registering your FortiVoice Cloud licenses, you must wait at least 30 minutes before deploying a FortiVoice Cloud instance. |
- Make sure that you complete Adding a DID number.
- Complete the setup to receive an email notification about the FortiVoice deployment status:
- Go to Settings > Account Setting.
- Enable FortiVoice instance notifications.
- Click Save changes.
- If you want to import extensions, create a comma-separated value (CSV) file with three columns (name, extension number, and email). Otherwise, you can import extensions later. For more information, see Importing a list of extensions in the FortiVoice Cloud Advanced Administration Guide.
To deploy FortiVoice Cloud
- In FortiVoice Cloud, go to Dashboard.
- In the Deploy FortiVoice widget, go to Status and click Deploy.
- Click Start a new configuration.
- To add a dialplan for outbound calling:
- Click Add dialplan patterns.
- Add a Match pattern. This number pattern is used to match a wide range of dialed numbers for external calls.
Pattern-matching syntax
Matches any single digit from 0 to 9.
Matches any single digit from 1 to 9.
Matches any single digit from 2 to 9.
[ ]
(square brackets)
Matches any digits in the brackets.
For a range of numbers, use a dash.
Example: [15-7].
In this example, the pattern matches 1, 5, 6, and 7.
Acts as a wildcard that matches any digit and allows users to dial any number of digits.
Example of a pattern matching rule: XX.
In this example, the system looks for a dialed number match that has three or more digits.
(exclamation point)
Acts as a wildcard that matches any digit (including no digits) and allows for any number of digits to be dialed.
Example of a pattern matching rule: XX!
In this example, the system looks for a dialed number match that has two or more digits.
Pattern-matching examples
Matches any dialed number.
Matches any seven-digit number, as long as the first digit is 2 or higher.
Matches any dialed number that has 10 digits.
Matches any dialed number that matches this pattern: 1 + area code (between 200 and 999) + seven-digit number (first digit is 2 or higher).
Matches any number that starts with 011 and has at least one more digit.
Matches any two or more digits.
- To manipulate the match pattern, configure the following fields, as applicable:
- Strip: Digits to remove from the match pattern. For example, if your match pattern is 9XXX and the strip is 1, you need to dial the full digit 9XXX, but the system strips the first digit, in this case 9.
- Prefix: Digits to add at the start of the match pattern. For example, if your match pattern is 123XXXX and its area code is 555, you can enter 555 for the prefix. When you dial a number using this pattern, you do not need to dial the area code 555.
- Postfix: Digits to add at the end of the match pattern. For example, if your match pattern is 9XXX and the numbers in this pattern have been upgraded include the digit 5 as an additional digit, you can enter 5 as the postfix. When you dial a number using this pattern, you do not need to dial 5 as the last digit.
- To confirm, click Save & Continue.
- To upload extensions:
- Click Choose File.
- Browse and open a CSV file for your extensions.
- Click Upload.
Be patient for the CSV file to upload.
When the file upload is complete, you will see mapping fields.
- To complete the header mapping, select a header for each column.
- To send a phone invitation notification to extension users:
- Select the checkbox. Extension users receive a welcome email that contains details about registering their device with FortiVoice Cloud (FortiFone softclient for mobile and desktop, and desk phone) and accessing the FortiVoice Cloud user portal.
- You can enter an email. If you do not enter an email address, FortiVoice Cloud uses the default email address ( as the sender.
- To view the email template, click on the image. The template is read only.
- To confirm the extension configuration, click Save & Continue.
- Select the deploy zone that is closest to your location and click Save & Continue.
- Select the country and the time zone, and click Save & Continue.
- To finish the FortiVoice Cloud deployment, click Deploy.
- FortiVoice Cloud confirms that the deployment task is complete. Close the dialog box.
- In Dashboard, refresh the deployment status by clicking .
The status shows Deploying.
- To follow the progress, click , select Pending Tasks, and .
- If you updated the Account Setting (as explained in Before you begin), check your email inbox for a message from Fortinet to confirm that your FortiVoice Cloud deployment is complete.
- In Dashboard, refresh the deployment status again by clicking .
When the deployment is complete, the status shows Deployed.
See more
For information about the following topics, see the FortiVoice Cloud Basic Administration Guide:
- Working with trunks
- Monitoring devices and calls
- Configuring FortiVoice Cloud setting
To access advanced configuration tasks, go to Logging in to the FortiVoice admin portal.