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Admin Guide



Only admin users can access the FortiToken Cloud (FTC) portal. There are two types of administrator accounts: the global administrator (global_admin) and sub-administators (sub_admin). Anyone from your organization with a valid user account on FortiCloud (FC) can log in to the FTC portal using his or her FC username and password. By default, the FC account holder from your organization who logs in to the FTC portal first automatically becomes the global administrator of your FTC account. The main FC account holder of your organization is the de facto global administrator of your FTC account.


The Administrators menu is accessible to the global admin user only. Sub-admin users will not be able to see this menu.

The Administrators page provides the tools for the global admin to create and manage sub-admin groups. It also shows all the sub-admin groups that the global admin has created.

You (the global admin) can access the Administrators page by click Administrators on the main menu.

The following table highlights the information of sub-admin group configuration shown on the Administrators page.

Column Header Description
Name The name of an admin group.
Description The description of the group. (Optional)

The level of administration of the group:

  • global_admin—The highest level of administration.

    Note:The global_admin group is the default admin account, and cannot be deleted.

  • sub_admin—Any admin group that the global admin has added. Users in a sub-admin group are all sub-admin users. They can only access the realms assigned to their group, and manage the auth clients in those realms and the users on those auth clients .
Member Count

The number of sub-admins in the group.

Note: The numeric value indicates the number of users (sub-admins) in a given admin group. Clicking the value opens a pop-up window that shows the usernames, email addresses, and user IDs of those users.

Tool bar

The tool bar slides in from the right end of the row when you mouse over the entry in the table. It shows the following tools:

  • Edit—Edits the administrator group.
  • Delete—Deletes the administrator group.

Create a sub-admin group

To create a sub-admin group:
  1. On the Administrators page, click Add Admin Group to open the Add New Admin Group dialog.
  2. Specify the group name.

    Note: The group name can only contain lower-case letters from "a" to "z" and/or numeric values from "0" to "9", and special characters such as underscore "_" and/or hyphen "-". It must be between 3 and 36 characters in length.

  3. (Optional) Enter a brief description of the group.
  4. Click OK.

    Note: The sub-admin group that you've just created appears on the Administrators page. Your then need to add sub-admin users and assign realms to the group, as discussed in the following sections.

Add users to the group


You must have sub-admin users already in your account to add them to a sub-admin group.

To add sub-admins to an admin group:
  1. In the Add Admin Group table, click the name of the group of interest to open the Edit Admin Group dialog.
  2. To add admins to the group, click Add Admin to open the Manage Admins dialog.
  3. Under Admins not in Group, select the admins to be added, click Add To.
  4. Click Close.

Add realms to the group

Once you have added sub-admins to a group, you must assign realms to the group to enable the sub-admins to manage the auth clients and FTC end-users in those realms.

  • Only the global admin can add realms to an admin group.
  • You must have realms created first before assigning them to a sub-admin group. See Realms.
  • Sub-admin users cannot see any data on the FTC portal until/unless the global admin has assigned realms to their group.
To add realms to a group:
  1. Click Add Realm to open the Manage Realm dialog.
  2. Under Not Managed by Group, select the realm(s) of interest and click Add To.
  3. Click Close.

Edit sub-admin group configuration

You can edit an admin group by changing its name and description, and/or by adding or deleting sub-admins and realms in the group.

To edit an admin group:
  1. On the Administrators page, identify the group of interest and mouse over it.
  2. From the slide-in tool bar, click the Edit button to open the Edit Admin Group dialog.
  3. To change the group name, highlight the Group Name and type a new name over it.
  4. To modify the description of the group, highlight the Group Description, and type a new one over it.
  5. To add more sub-admins to the group, click Add Admin. See Create a sub-admin group.
  6. To delete a sub-admin, identify the sub-admin and click X (Delete).
  7. To add more realms to the group, click Add Realm. See Add realms to the group.
  8. To delete a realm, identify the realm and click X (Delete).
  9. Click Close.

Delete a sub-admin group

The global admin can delete any sub-admin group, except the default 'global_admin" group. Also, when deleting a sub-admin group with sub-admins in it, you must delete the sub-admin users from the group first before deleting the group. See Edit sub-admin group configuration.

To delete a sub-admin group:
  1. On the Administrators page, identify the admin group of interest, and mouse over it.
  2. From the slide-in tool bar, click the Delete button.


Only admin users can access the FortiToken Cloud (FTC) portal. There are two types of administrator accounts: the global administrator (global_admin) and sub-administators (sub_admin). Anyone from your organization with a valid user account on FortiCloud (FC) can log in to the FTC portal using his or her FC username and password. By default, the FC account holder from your organization who logs in to the FTC portal first automatically becomes the global administrator of your FTC account. The main FC account holder of your organization is the de facto global administrator of your FTC account.


The Administrators menu is accessible to the global admin user only. Sub-admin users will not be able to see this menu.

The Administrators page provides the tools for the global admin to create and manage sub-admin groups. It also shows all the sub-admin groups that the global admin has created.

You (the global admin) can access the Administrators page by click Administrators on the main menu.

The following table highlights the information of sub-admin group configuration shown on the Administrators page.

Column Header Description
Name The name of an admin group.
Description The description of the group. (Optional)

The level of administration of the group:

  • global_admin—The highest level of administration.

    Note:The global_admin group is the default admin account, and cannot be deleted.

  • sub_admin—Any admin group that the global admin has added. Users in a sub-admin group are all sub-admin users. They can only access the realms assigned to their group, and manage the auth clients in those realms and the users on those auth clients .
Member Count

The number of sub-admins in the group.

Note: The numeric value indicates the number of users (sub-admins) in a given admin group. Clicking the value opens a pop-up window that shows the usernames, email addresses, and user IDs of those users.

Tool bar

The tool bar slides in from the right end of the row when you mouse over the entry in the table. It shows the following tools:

  • Edit—Edits the administrator group.
  • Delete—Deletes the administrator group.

Create a sub-admin group

To create a sub-admin group:
  1. On the Administrators page, click Add Admin Group to open the Add New Admin Group dialog.
  2. Specify the group name.

    Note: The group name can only contain lower-case letters from "a" to "z" and/or numeric values from "0" to "9", and special characters such as underscore "_" and/or hyphen "-". It must be between 3 and 36 characters in length.

  3. (Optional) Enter a brief description of the group.
  4. Click OK.

    Note: The sub-admin group that you've just created appears on the Administrators page. Your then need to add sub-admin users and assign realms to the group, as discussed in the following sections.

Add users to the group


You must have sub-admin users already in your account to add them to a sub-admin group.

To add sub-admins to an admin group:
  1. In the Add Admin Group table, click the name of the group of interest to open the Edit Admin Group dialog.
  2. To add admins to the group, click Add Admin to open the Manage Admins dialog.
  3. Under Admins not in Group, select the admins to be added, click Add To.
  4. Click Close.

Add realms to the group

Once you have added sub-admins to a group, you must assign realms to the group to enable the sub-admins to manage the auth clients and FTC end-users in those realms.

  • Only the global admin can add realms to an admin group.
  • You must have realms created first before assigning them to a sub-admin group. See Realms.
  • Sub-admin users cannot see any data on the FTC portal until/unless the global admin has assigned realms to their group.
To add realms to a group:
  1. Click Add Realm to open the Manage Realm dialog.
  2. Under Not Managed by Group, select the realm(s) of interest and click Add To.
  3. Click Close.

Edit sub-admin group configuration

You can edit an admin group by changing its name and description, and/or by adding or deleting sub-admins and realms in the group.

To edit an admin group:
  1. On the Administrators page, identify the group of interest and mouse over it.
  2. From the slide-in tool bar, click the Edit button to open the Edit Admin Group dialog.
  3. To change the group name, highlight the Group Name and type a new name over it.
  4. To modify the description of the group, highlight the Group Description, and type a new one over it.
  5. To add more sub-admins to the group, click Add Admin. See Create a sub-admin group.
  6. To delete a sub-admin, identify the sub-admin and click X (Delete).
  7. To add more realms to the group, click Add Realm. See Add realms to the group.
  8. To delete a realm, identify the realm and click X (Delete).
  9. Click Close.

Delete a sub-admin group

The global admin can delete any sub-admin group, except the default 'global_admin" group. Also, when deleting a sub-admin group with sub-admins in it, you must delete the sub-admin users from the group first before deleting the group. See Edit sub-admin group configuration.

To delete a sub-admin group:
  1. On the Administrators page, identify the admin group of interest, and mouse over it.
  2. From the slide-in tool bar, click the Delete button.