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BMC Remedy v1.4.0

About the connector

BMC Remedy Action Request System (BMC Remedy AR System) enables you to automate a broad range of business solutions, from service desk call tracking to inventory management to integrated systems management.

This document provides information about the BMC Remedy AR System connector, which facilitates automated interactions with a ProtectWise server using FortiSOAR™ playbooks. Add the BMC Remedy AR System connector as a step in FortiSOAR™ playbooks and perform automated operations, such as creating or updating an incident ticket in the BMC Remedy AR System or setting the status of an incident ticket in the BMC Remedy AR System.

Version information

Connector Version: 1.4.0

FortiSOAR™ Versions Tested on: 4.12.1-253

BMC Remedy AR System Version Tested on:

Authored By: Fortinet.

Certified: Yes

Release Notes for version 1.4.0

Following enhancements have been made to the BMC Remedy AR System Connector in version 1.4.0:

  • Added an optional parameter named "Sort" to the Get All Incidents and Get All Change Management Requests operations.
  • Removed the Update Incident Status operation.
  • Updated the parameters for the Query Change Request and Query Remedy Incident operations.

Installing the connector

All connectors provided by FortiSOAR™ are delivered using a FortiSOAR™ repository. Therefore, you must set up your FortiSOAR™ repository and use the yum command to install connectors:

yum install cyops-connector-bmcremedy

For the detailed procedure to install a connector, click here.

Prerequisites to configuring the connector

  • You must have the URL of the BMC Remedy AR server and credentials (username-password pair) to access the server.
  • To access the FortiSOAR™ UI, ensure that port 443 is open through the firewall for the FortiSOAR™ instance.

Configuring the connector

For the procedure to configure a connector, click here.

Configuration parameters

In FortiSOAR™, on the Connectors page, click the BMC Remedy AR System connector row, and in the Configuration tab enter the required configuration details.

Parameter Description
Server URL URL of the BMC Remedy AR server to which you will connect and perform automated operations.
Username Username to access the BMC Remedy AR server to which you will connect and perform automated operations.
Password Password to access the BMC Remedy AR server to which you will connect and perform automated operations.
Verify SSL Specifies whether the SSL certificate for the server is to be verified or not.
By default, this option is set as True.

Actions supported by the connector

The following automated operations can be included in playbooks, and you can also use the annotations to access operations from FortiSOAR™ release 4.10.0 onwards:

Function Description Annotation and Category
Create Incident Creates an incident ticket in the BMC Remedy AR System, based on the input parameters you have specified. create_incident
Update Incident Updates an existing incident ticket that you specify using the Incident Request ID in the BMC Remedy AR System, based on the input parameters you have specified. update_incident
Get Incident Details Retrieves the details of an existing incident ticket from the BMC Remedy AR System, based on the Incident Request ID and query parameters (if any) you have specified. get_incident
Get All Incidents Retrieves a list of all available incident tickets from the BMC Remedy AR System. get_incidents
Create Change Management Request Creates a change management request in the BMC Remedy AR System, based on the input parameters you have specified. create_change_management_request
Get Change Management Request Retrieves the details of an existing change management request from the BMC Remedy AR System, based on the Change Request ID and query parameters (if any) you have specified. get_change_management_request
Get All Change Management Requests Retrieves a list of all available change management requests from the BMC Remedy AR System. get_change_management_requests
Update Change Management Requests Updates an existing change management request that you specify using the Change Entry ID in the BMC Remedy AR System, based on the input parameters you have specified update_change_management_request
Add Work Info Adds a work log entry to a change request or incident in the BMC Remedy AR System, based on the input parameters you have specified. add_work_info
Query Change Request Queries and retrieves a change management request from the BMC Remedy AR System, based on the query parameters you have specified. query_change_request
Query Remedy Incident Queries and retrieves an incident ticket from the BMC Remedy AR System, based on the query parameters you have specified. query_remedy_incident

operation: Create Incident

Input parameters

Parameter Description
First Name First name of the user who has access to create an incident on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Last Name Last name of the user who has access to create an incident on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Description Description of the incident that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Impact Impact of the incident that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System. Value of this field will be taken from the BMC Remedy Impact field.
Urgency Urgency of the incident that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Status Status of the incident that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Reported Source Source from where the incident that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System was reported.
Service Type Type of service for the incident that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System was reported.
Additional Fields (Optional) Additional fields that you want to add to the incident that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System.


The JSON output contains the ID of the incident that is created on the BMC Remedy AR System.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"Incident Number": ""

operation: Update Incident

Input parameters

Note: All fields apart from Incident Request ID are optional

Parameter Description
Incident Request ID Request ID of the incident that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.
You must enter a value in this field. For example, INC000000000245
First Name First name of the user who has access to update an incident on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Last Name Last name of the user who has access to update an incident on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Description Description of the incident that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Impact Impact of the incident that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System. Value of this field will be taken from the BMC Remedy Impact field.
Urgency Urgency of the incident that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Status Status of the incident that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Reported Source Source from where the incident that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System was reported.
Service Type Type of service for the incident that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System was reported.
Additional Fields Additional fields that you want to add to the incident that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.


The JSON output contains the status of the operation.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"success": ""

operation: Get Incident Details

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Incident Number ID or number of the incident whose details you want to retrieve from the BMC Remedy AR System.


The JSON output contains details of the incident based on the incident number you have specified, retrieved from the BMC Remedy AR System.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"z1D_InterfaceAction": "",
"Responded Date": "",
"z1D Char01": "",
"Direct Contact Region": "",
"Closure Product Category Tier2": "",
"Direct Contact State/Province": "",
"z1D Permission Group List": "",
"Assigned Group Shift ID": "",
"Closed Date": "",
"Direct Contact Site Group": "",
"Number of Attachments": "",
"Last Modified By": "",
"z1D_CommunicationSource": "",
"Vendor Assignee Groups": "",
"Description": "",
"Resolution Category Tier 2": "",
"Total Transfers": "",
"Direct Contact Time Zone": "",
"Internet E-mail": "",
"Incident Number": "",
"z1D_View_Access": "",
"Direct Contact Department": "",
"z1D_AssociationDescription": "",
"root_incident_id_list": "",
"Direct Contact Country Code": "",
"Direct Contact Person ID": "",
"Direct Contact Location Details": "",
"bOrphanedRoot": "",
"Product Model/Version": "",
"z1D_Details": "",
"AppLogin": "",
"Entry ID": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoSubmitter": "",
"Vendor Group": "",
"Vendor Assignee Groups_parent": "",
"Created_By": "",
"Closure Product Model/Version": "",
"Site Group": "",
"Last Acknowledged Date": "",
"Protocol": "",
"City": "",
"ServiceCI": "",
"Required Resolution DateTime": "",
"Product Categorization Tier 3": "",
"Last _Assigned_Date": "",
"Closure Product Category Tier1": "",
"HPD_CI_FormName": "",
"Detailed Decription": "",
"AppPassword": "",
"Vendor Name": "",
"Owner Support Organization": "",
"Zip/Postal Code": "",
"z1D_ConfirmGroup": "",
"Reported Source": "",
"z1D_CI_FormName": "",
"Submit Date": "",
"Direct Contact Extension": "",
"Resolution Category": "",
"Priority Weight": "",
"Contact Sensitivity": "",
"Direct Contact Internet E-mail": "",
"AppInstanceServer": "",
"Direct Contact Organization": "",
"Resolution Category Tier 3": "",
"Direct Contact Company": "",
"PortNumber": "",
"Customer Login ID": "",
"Categorization Tier 2": "",
"First Name": "",
"Chat Session ID": "",
"Region": "",
"Priority": "",
"KMSGUID": "",
"Mail Station": "",
"z1D_CreatedFromBackEndSynchWI": "",
"Assigned Support Organization": "",
"z1D_ActivityDate_tab": "",
"Direct Contact Country": "",
"Impact": "",
"z1D Char02": "",
"Direct Contact Local Number": "",
"Owner Support Company": "",
"Reported Date": "",
"SRAttachment": "",
"Resolution": "",
"Request ID": "",
"Closure Product Name": "",
"Last Modified Date": "",
"z2AF_Act_Attachment_1": "",
"Previous_ServiceCI_ReconID": "",
"LastWIPDate": "",
"Assignee Groups": "",
"Department": "",
"SRInstanceID": "",
"MaxRetries": "",
"SRMSAOIGuid": "",
"status_incident": "",
"Assigned Group ID": "",
"Direct Contact Login ID": "",
"State Province": "",
"z1D_Char02": "",
"z1D Action": "",
"Direct Contact Area Code": "",
"policy_name": "",
"Desk Location": "",
"Component_ID": "",
"Organization": "",
"Broker Vendor Name": "",
"FirstWIPDate": "",
"Last Resolved Date": "",
"AccessMode": "",
"AttachmentSourceFormName": "",
"Product Name": "",
"z1D_FormName": "",
"TimeOfEvent": "",
"HPD_CI_ReconID": "",
"SRID": "",
"Vendor Group ID": "",
"z1D_Command": "",
"Urgency": "",
"Closure Manufacturer": "",
"z1D_Secure_Log": "",
"InfrastructureEventType": "",
"Impact_OR_Root": "",
"Country": "",
"Modified Chat Session ID": "",
"Street": "",
"Direct Contact Site ID": "",
"Owner Group": "",
"Direct Contact Corporate ID": "",
"Direct Contact Last Name": "",
"Product Categorization Tier 2": "",
"Submitter": "",
"Direct Contact Site": "",
"zTmpEventGUID": "",
"Vendor Organization": "",
"Previous_HPD_CI_ReconID": "",
"root_component_id_list": "",
"Vendor Ticket Number": "",
"Direct Contact Zip/Postal Code": "",
"Status": "",
"Contact Client Type": "",
"Status-History": {},
"TemplateID": "",
"VIP": "No",
"Owner Group ID": "",
"Estimated Resolution Date": "",
"Company": "",
"use_case": "",
"Auto Open Session": "",
"ServiceCI_ReconID": "",
"z1D_WorklogDetails": "",
"Site ID": "",
"InstanceId": "",
"status_reason2": "",
"Contact Company": "",
"Categorization Tier 3": "",
"z1D Permission Group ID": "",
"z1D_SR_Instanceid": "",
"Direct Contact First Name": "",
"Person ID": "",
"Assigned Group Shift Name": "",
"Assignee": "",
"Assignee Groups_parent": "",
"cell_name": "",
"z1D_Summary": "",
"Middle Initial": "",
"AttachmentSourceGUID": "",
"Direct Contact Desk Location": "",
"Manufacturer": "",
"SRMS Registry Instance ID": "",
"Site": "",
"Phone Number": "",
"policy_type": "",
"Closure Product Category Tier3": "",
"ClientLocale": "",
"Assigned Group": "",
"AppInterfaceForm": "",
"mc_ueid": "",
"Assigned Support Company": "",
"Product Categorization Tier 1": "",
"Direct Contact Street": "",
"Last Name": "",
"z1D_Activity_Type": "",
"Status_Reason": "",
"Categorization Tier 1": "",
"Direct Contact Middle Initial": "",
"Assignee Login ID": "",
"Direct Contact Phone Number": "",
"Service Type": "",
"Direct Contact City": "",
"HPD_CI": "",
"Direct Contact Mail Station": "",
"Resolution Method": ""

operation: Get All Incidents

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Limit (Optional) Maximum number of incident tickets that this operation should retrieve from the BMC Remedy AR System.
Offset (Optional) Index of the first item to return from the search result.
Sort (Optional) Field names and direction, Ascending (asc) or Descending (desc) based on which you want to sort the search results. You can specify multiple field names using a comma seperator. For example, Created Date.asc, Assigned Date.desc


The JSON output a list of all available incident tickets retrieved from the BMC Remedy AR System.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"z1D_InterfaceAction": "",
"Responded Date": "",
"z1D Char01": "",
"Direct Contact Region": "",
"Closure Product Category Tier2": "",
"Direct Contact State/Province": "",
"z1D Permission Group List": "",
"Assigned Group Shift ID": "",
"Closed Date": "",
"Direct Contact Site Group": "",
"Number of Attachments": "",
"Last Modified By": "",
"z1D_CommunicationSource": "",
"Vendor Assignee Groups": "",
"Description": "",
"Resolution Category Tier 2": "",
"Total Transfers": "",
"Direct Contact Time Zone": "",
"Internet E-mail": "",
"Incident Number": "",
"z1D_View_Access": "",
"Direct Contact Department": "",
"z1D_AssociationDescription": "",
"root_incident_id_list": "",
"Direct Contact Country Code": "",
"Direct Contact Person ID": "",
"Direct Contact Location Details": "",
"bOrphanedRoot": "",
"Product Model/Version": "",
"z1D_Details": "",
"AppLogin": "",
"Entry ID": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoSubmitter": "",
"Vendor Group": "",
"Vendor Assignee Groups_parent": "",
"Created_By": "",
"Closure Product Model/Version": "",
"Site Group": "",
"Last Acknowledged Date": "",
"Protocol": "",
"City": "",
"ServiceCI": "",
"Required Resolution DateTime": "",
"Product Categorization Tier 3": "",
"Last _Assigned_Date": "",
"Closure Product Category Tier1": "",
"HPD_CI_FormName": "",
"Detailed Decription": "",
"AppPassword": "",
"Vendor Name": "",
"Owner Support Organization": "",
"Zip/Postal Code": "",
"z1D_ConfirmGroup": "",
"Reported Source": "",
"z1D_CI_FormName": "",
"Submit Date": "",
"Direct Contact Extension": "",
"Resolution Category": "",
"Priority Weight": "",
"Contact Sensitivity": "",
"Direct Contact Internet E-mail": "",
"AppInstanceServer": "",
"Direct Contact Organization": "",
"Resolution Category Tier 3": "",
"Direct Contact Company": "",
"PortNumber": "",
"Customer Login ID": "",
"Categorization Tier 2": "",
"First Name": "",
"Chat Session ID": "",
"Region": "",
"Priority": "",
"KMSGUID": "",
"Mail Station": "",
"z1D_CreatedFromBackEndSynchWI": "",
"Assigned Support Organization": "",
"z1D_ActivityDate_tab": "",
"Direct Contact Country": "",
"Impact": "",
"z1D Char02": "",
"Direct Contact Local Number": "",
"Owner Support Company": "",
"Reported Date": "",
"SRAttachment": "",
"Resolution": "",
"Request ID": "",
"Closure Product Name": "",
"Last Modified Date": "",
"z2AF_Act_Attachment_1": "",
"Previous_ServiceCI_ReconID": "",
"LastWIPDate": "",
"Assignee Groups": "",
"Department": "",
"SRInstanceID": "",
"MaxRetries": "",
"SRMSAOIGuid": "",
"status_incident": "",
"Assigned Group ID": "",
"Direct Contact Login ID": "",
"State Province": "",
"z1D_Char02": "",
"z1D Action": "",
"Direct Contact Area Code": "",
"policy_name": "",
"Desk Location": "",
"Component_ID": "",
"Organization": "",
"Broker Vendor Name": "",
"FirstWIPDate": "",
"Last Resolved Date": "",
"AccessMode": "",
"AttachmentSourceFormName": "",
"Product Name": "",
"z1D_FormName": "",
"TimeOfEvent": "",
"HPD_CI_ReconID": "",
"SRID": "",
"Vendor Group ID": "",
"z1D_Command": "",
"Urgency": "",
"Closure Manufacturer": "",
"z1D_Secure_Log": "",
"InfrastructureEventType": "",
"Impact_OR_Root": "",
"Country": "",
"Modified Chat Session ID": "",
"Street": "",
"Direct Contact Site ID": "",
"Owner Group": "",
"Direct Contact Corporate ID": "",
"Direct Contact Last Name": "",
"Product Categorization Tier 2": "",
"Submitter": "",
"Direct Contact Site": "",
"zTmpEventGUID": "",
"Vendor Organization": "",
"Previous_HPD_CI_ReconID": "",
"root_component_id_list": "",
"Vendor Ticket Number": "",
"Direct Contact Zip/Postal Code": "",
"Status": "",
"Contact Client Type": "",
"Status-History": {},
"TemplateID": "",
"VIP": "No",
"Owner Group ID": "",
"Estimated Resolution Date": "",
"Company": "",
"use_case": "",
"Auto Open Session": "",
"ServiceCI_ReconID": "",
"z1D_WorklogDetails": "",
"Site ID": "",
"InstanceId": "",
"status_reason2": "",
"Contact Company": "",
"Categorization Tier 3": "",
"z1D Permission Group ID": "",
"z1D_SR_Instanceid": "",
"Direct Contact First Name": "",
"Person ID": "",
"Assigned Group Shift Name": "",
"Assignee": "",
"Assignee Groups_parent": "",
"cell_name": "",
"z1D_Summary": "",
"Middle Initial": "",
"AttachmentSourceGUID": "",
"Direct Contact Desk Location": "",
"Manufacturer": "",
"SRMS Registry Instance ID": "",
"Site": "",
"Phone Number": "",
"policy_type": "",
"Closure Product Category Tier3": "",
"ClientLocale": "",
"Assigned Group": "",
"AppInterfaceForm": "",
"mc_ueid": "",
"Assigned Support Company": "",
"Product Categorization Tier 1": "",
"Direct Contact Street": "",
"Last Name": "",
"z1D_Activity_Type": "",
"Status_Reason": "",
"Categorization Tier 1": "",
"Direct Contact Middle Initial": "",
"Assignee Login ID": "",
"Direct Contact Phone Number": "",
"Service Type": "",
"Direct Contact City": "",
"HPD_CI": "",
"Direct Contact Mail Station": "",
"Resolution Method": ""

operation: Create Change Management Request

Input parameters

Parameter Description
First Name First name of the user who has access to create a change management request on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Last Name Last name of the user who has access to create a change management request on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Description Description of the change management request that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Impact Impact of the change management request that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System. Value of this field will be taken from the BMC Remedy Impact field.
Urgency Urgency of the change management request that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Status Status of the change management request that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Risk Level Risk level of the change management request that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Change Type Type of change of the change management request that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Location Company Name of the company that is creating a change management request on the BMC Remedy AR System
Additional Fields (Optional) Additional fields that you want to add to the change management request that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System.


The JSON output contains the ID of the change management request that is created on the BMC Remedy AR System.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"Change Entry Id": "",
"Infrastructure Change Id": ""

operation: Get Change Management Request

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Infrastructure Change ID ID of the change management entry whose details you want to retrieve from the BMC Remedy AR System.


The JSON output details of a change management request based on the change request ID you have specified, retrieved from the BMC Remedy AR System.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"z1D Action Change1": "",
"Product Cat Tier 1(2)": "",
"Company3": "",
"ChgImpGrpID": "",
"Active Approval": "",
"z1D_GlobalCounter": "",
"z2AF_Work Log01": "",
"Vendor Assignee Groups": "",
"z1D_ReleaseID": "",
"Description": " ",
"Scheduled End Date": "",
"Start Date 01": "",
"Risk Level": " ",
"Location Company": "",
"In Production": "",
"Lead Time": "",
"Change Request Status": "",
"Support Organization": "",
"Customer Person ID": "",
"z1D_Element": "",
"z1D_WorklogDetails": "",
"Earliest Start Date": "",
"z1D_ReleaseSummary": "",
"Risk Level - User Specified": "",
"z1D_Details": "",
"AppLogin": "",
"z1D Permission Group List": "",
"Customer Organization": "",
"Requestor ID": "",
"z2AF_Work Log02": "",
"z1D_View_Access": "",
"z1D_Details_Copy": "",
"Change Request Prev Status": "",
"AppInstanceServer": "",
"Vendor Group": "",
"Vendor Assignee Groups_parent": "",
"z1D_RiskQuestionsAnswered": "",
"Request ID01": "",
"Infrastructure Change ID": "",
"Status Reason": "",
"Site Group": "",
"First Name": "",
"Customer Last Name": "",
"z1D Char25": "",
"Protocol": "",
"SRInstanceID": "",
"ServiceCI": "",
"Broker Vendor Name": "",
"z1D Char24": "",
"Change Type": "",
"AppPassword": "",
"Requested End Date": "",
"Number of Attachments": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoType": "",
"z1D_ConfirmGroup": "",
"Submit Date": "",
"Request Description01": "",
"z1D_InfraChgId": "",
"ASGRP": "",
"z1D_CommunicationSource_Copy": "",
"z1D_ActivityDate_tab": "",
"PortNumber": "",
"Customer Login ID": "",
"Categorization Tier 2": "",
"Product Cat Tier 3 (2)": "",
"ASCHG": "",
"Region": "",
"Command": "",
"Priority": "",
"AppInterfaceForm": "",
"z1D_Summary": "",
"z1D Char23": "",
"z1D_Summary_Copy": "",
"AccessMode": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoLocked": "",
"Support Group Name2": "",
"z1D_LocalCounter": "",
"Association Type01": "",
"Environment": "",
"Customer Company": "",
"Impact": "",
"Change Target Date": "",
"Phone Number": "",
"Request ID": "",
"z1D_Template Instance Id": "",
"Support Group ID": "",
"z1D_IfAction": "",
"Previous_ServiceCI_ReconID": "",
"ConsolidatedStatus": "",
"Assignee Groups": "",
"Department": "",
"Customer Phone Number": "",
"MaxRetries": "",
"SRMSAOIGuid": "",
"Future_DataSetID": "",
"Performance Rating": "",
"ChgImp": "",
"Manufacturer (2)": "",
"z1D_Activity Type": "",
"ASCPY": "",
"z1D_Assignee_Assoc_Group2": "",
"Actual End Date": "",
"Organization": "",
"AttachmentSourceFormName": "",
"Chg Location Address": "",
"z1D_Structure": "",
"ASGRPID": "",
"ChangeRequestStatusReasonString": "",
"SRID": "",
"ChgImpCpy": "",
"Vendor Group ID": "",
"CAB Manager ( Change Co-ord )": "",
"ChgImpGrp": "",
"Form Name01": "",
"z1D_Secure_Log": "",
"Reason For Change": "",
"Change Timing": "",
"Approval Phase Name": "",
"z1D_Assoc_Struct": "",
"ASLOGID": "",
"AllowGoBack": "",
"Business Justification": "",
"z1D_Action": "",
"Form Name02": "",
"Submitter": "",
"Vendor Company": "",
"zTmpEventGUID": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoViewAccess": "",
"Vendor Organization": "",
"Vendor Ticket Number": "",
"z1D_CreatedFromBackEndSynchWI": "",
"Status-History": {},
"Assigned To": "",
"TemplateID": "",
"z1D_ClientLocale": "",
"z1D_Assoc_Command": "",
"CAB Manager Login": "",
"Customer Department": "",
"Change_Entry_ID": "",
"z1D_Template_Name": "",
"Urgency": "",
"ChangeRequestStatusString": "",
"Customer Internet E-mail": "",
"Company": "",
"Requested Start Date": "",
"Support Group Name": "",
"ServiceCI_ReconID": "",
"Timing_Reason": "",
"z1D_SRMCommand": "",
"Site ID": "",
"InstanceId": "",
"Scheduled Start Date": "",
"Process Flow Instance ID": "",
"Actual Start Date": "",
"Categorization Tier 3": "",
"Product Model/Version (2)": "",
"z1D Permission Group ID": "",
"z1D_SR_Instanceid": "",
"Enable Assignment Engine": "",
"ASORG": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoSubmitter": "",
"Assignee Groups_parent": "",
"Support Organization2": " ",
"Customer First Name": "",
"z1D_Command": "",
"AttachmentSourceGUID": "",
"Product Cat Tier 2 (2)": "",
"Site": "",
"z1D_CommunicationSource": "",
"Request Type01": "",
"ClientLocale": "",
"End Date 01": "",
"z1d_Work_ Info_ View_ Access": "",
"z1D_Char02": "",
"Product Name (2)": "",
"ChgImpOrg": "",
"Last Name": "",
"Categorization Tier 1": "",
"SRMSRegistryInstanceID": "",
"Detailed Description": "",
"z1D Integer01": "",
"z2AF_Work Log03": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoDate": "",
"z1D Action Change2": "",
"Customer Middle Name": ""

operation: Get All Change Management Requests

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Limit (Optional) Maximum number of change management requests that this operation should retrieve from the BMC Remedy AR System.
Offset (Optional) Index of the first item to return from the search result.
Sort (Optional) Field names and direction, Ascending (asc) or Descending (desc) based on which you want to sort the search results. You can specify multiple field names using a comma seperator. For example, Created Date.asc, Assigned Date.desc


The JSON output a list of all available change management request retrieved from the BMC Remedy AR System.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"z1D Action Change1": "",
"Product Cat Tier 1(2)": "",
"Company3": "",
"ChgImpGrpID": "",
"Active Approval": "",
"z1D_GlobalCounter": "",
"z2AF_Work Log01": "",
"Vendor Assignee Groups": "",
"z1D_ReleaseID": "",
"Description": " ",
"Scheduled End Date": "",
"Start Date 01": "",
"Risk Level": " ",
"Location Company": "",
"In Production": "",
"Lead Time": "",
"Change Request Status": "",
"Support Organization": "",
"Customer Person ID": "",
"z1D_Element": "",
"z1D_WorklogDetails": "",
"Earliest Start Date": "",
"z1D_ReleaseSummary": "",
"Risk Level - User Specified": "",
"z1D_Details": "",
"AppLogin": "",
"z1D Permission Group List": "",
"Customer Organization": "",
"Requestor ID": "",
"z2AF_Work Log02": "",
"z1D_View_Access": "",
"z1D_Details_Copy": "",
"Change Request Prev Status": "",
"AppInstanceServer": "",
"Vendor Group": "",
"Vendor Assignee Groups_parent": "",
"z1D_RiskQuestionsAnswered": "",
"Request ID01": "",
"Infrastructure Change ID": "",
"Status Reason": "",
"Site Group": "",
"First Name": "",
"Customer Last Name": "",
"z1D Char25": "",
"Protocol": "",
"SRInstanceID": "",
"ServiceCI": "",
"Broker Vendor Name": "",
"z1D Char24": "",
"Change Type": "",
"AppPassword": "",
"Requested End Date": "",
"Number of Attachments": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoType": "",
"z1D_ConfirmGroup": "",
"Submit Date": "",
"Request Description01": "",
"z1D_InfraChgId": "",
"ASGRP": "",
"z1D_CommunicationSource_Copy": "",
"z1D_ActivityDate_tab": "",
"PortNumber": "",
"Customer Login ID": "",
"Categorization Tier 2": "",
"Product Cat Tier 3 (2)": "",
"ASCHG": "",
"Region": "",
"Command": "",
"Priority": "",
"AppInterfaceForm": "",
"z1D_Summary": "",
"z1D Char23": "",
"z1D_Summary_Copy": "",
"AccessMode": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoLocked": "",
"Support Group Name2": "",
"z1D_LocalCounter": "",
"Association Type01": "",
"Environment": "",
"Customer Company": "",
"Impact": "",
"Change Target Date": "",
"Phone Number": "",
"Request ID": "",
"z1D_Template Instance Id": "",
"Support Group ID": "",
"z1D_IfAction": "",
"Previous_ServiceCI_ReconID": "",
"ConsolidatedStatus": "",
"Assignee Groups": "",
"Department": "",
"Customer Phone Number": "",
"MaxRetries": "",
"SRMSAOIGuid": "",
"Future_DataSetID": "",
"Performance Rating": "",
"ChgImp": "",
"Manufacturer (2)": "",
"z1D_Activity Type": "",
"ASCPY": "",
"z1D_Assignee_Assoc_Group2": "",
"Actual End Date": "",
"Organization": "",
"AttachmentSourceFormName": "",
"Chg Location Address": "",
"z1D_Structure": "",
"ASGRPID": "",
"ChangeRequestStatusReasonString": "",
"SRID": "",
"ChgImpCpy": "",
"Vendor Group ID": "",
"CAB Manager ( Change Co-ord )": "",
"ChgImpGrp": "",
"Form Name01": "",
"z1D_Secure_Log": "",
"Reason For Change": "",
"Change Timing": "",
"Approval Phase Name": "",
"z1D_Assoc_Struct": "",
"ASLOGID": "",
"AllowGoBack": "",
"Business Justification": "",
"z1D_Action": "",
"Form Name02": "",
"Submitter": "",
"Vendor Company": "",
"zTmpEventGUID": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoViewAccess": "",
"Vendor Organization": "",
"Vendor Ticket Number": "",
"z1D_CreatedFromBackEndSynchWI": "",
"Status-History": {},
"Assigned To": "",
"TemplateID": "",
"z1D_ClientLocale": "",
"z1D_Assoc_Command": "",
"CAB Manager Login": "",
"Customer Department": "",
"Change_Entry_ID": "",
"z1D_Template_Name": "",
"Urgency": "",
"ChangeRequestStatusString": "",
"Customer Internet E-mail": "",
"Company": "",
"Requested Start Date": "",
"Support Group Name": "",
"ServiceCI_ReconID": "",
"Timing_Reason": "",
"z1D_SRMCommand": "",
"Site ID": "",
"InstanceId": "",
"Scheduled Start Date": "",
"Process Flow Instance ID": "",
"Actual Start Date": "",
"Categorization Tier 3": "",
"Product Model/Version (2)": "",
"z1D Permission Group ID": "",
"z1D_SR_Instanceid": "",
"Enable Assignment Engine": "",
"ASORG": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoSubmitter": "",
"Assignee Groups_parent": "",
"Support Organization2": " ",
"Customer First Name": "",
"z1D_Command": "",
"AttachmentSourceGUID": "",
"Product Cat Tier 2 (2)": "",
"Site": "",
"z1D_CommunicationSource": "",
"Request Type01": "",
"ClientLocale": "",
"End Date 01": "",
"z1d_Work_ Info_ View_ Access": "",
"z1D_Char02": "",
"Product Name (2)": "",
"ChgImpOrg": "",
"Last Name": "",
"Categorization Tier 1": "",
"SRMSRegistryInstanceID": "",
"Detailed Description": "",
"z1D Integer01": "",
"z2AF_Work Log03": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoDate": "",
"z1D Action Change2": "",
"Customer Middle Name": ""

operation: Update Change Management Request

Input parameters

Note: All fields apart from Change Entry ID are optional

Parameter Description
Change Request ID ID of the change management request that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.
First Name First name of the user who has access to update a change management request on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Last Name Last name of the user who has access to update a change management request on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Description Description of the change management request that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Impact Impact of the change management request that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System. Value of this field will be taken from the BMC Remedy Impact field.
Urgency Urgency of the change management request that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Status Status of the change management request that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Risk Level Risk level of the change management request that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Change Type Type of change of the change management request that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Location Company Name of the company that is updating a change management request on the BMC Remedy AR System
Additional Fields (Optional) Additional fields that you want to add to the change management request that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.


The JSON output returns a Success message if you could successfully update the existing change management request, based on the changed entry ID you have specified.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"success": ""

operation: Add Work Info

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Management Type of management to which you want to add the work log entry in the BMC Remedy AR System. You can choose between Change Request or Incident.
If you choose Incident, then you must specify the following parameter:
  • Incident Number: Number of the Incident to which you want to add the work log entry in the BMC Remedy AR System.
If you choose Change Request, then you must specify the following parameter:
  • Infrastructure Change ID: ID of the Change Request to which you want to add the work log entry in the BMC Remedy AR System.
Work Log Type Type of work log that you want to add in the BMC Remedy AR System. For example, Cancellation Information.
Description Description of the work log entry that you want to add in the BMC Remedy AR System.


The JSON output returns a Success message if you could successfully add a work log entry in the BMC Remedy AR System based on the input parameters you have specified.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"Work Log ID": ""

operation: Query Change Request

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Query Parameters Query parameter based on which you will query the endpoint and retrieve the change management request from the BMC Remedy AR System.
You can choose from the following options: Infrastructure Change ID, Impact, Request ID, Urgency, Priority, Change Type, Assignee Group, Submitter, Change Request Status, or Custom Query.
Based on the parameter you have chosen, you will require to provide the value of the parameter, for example,
If you select Infrastructure Change ID, then you must specify the ID of the infrastructure change whose change management request you want to retrieve from the BMC Remedy AR System.
If you select Priority, then you must specify the priority of the change request whose change management request you want to retrieve from the BMC Remedy AR System.
If you select Custom Query, then you must specify a custom query in a text format based on which you want to retrieve the change management request from the BMC Remedy AR System.
Limit (Optional) Maximum number of change management requests that this operation should retrieve from the BMC Remedy AR System.
Offset (Optional) Index of the first item to return from the search result.
Sort (Optional) Field names and direction, Ascending (asc) or Descending (desc) based on which you want to sort the search results. You can specify multiple field names using a comma seperator. For example, Created Date.asc, Assigned Date.desc


The JSON output contains details of the change management request based on query parameters you have specified, retrieved from the BMC Remedy AR System.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"z1D Action Change1": "",
"Product Cat Tier 1(2)": "",
"Company3": "",
"ChgImpGrpID": "",
"Active Approval": "",
"z1D_GlobalCounter": "",
"z2AF_Work Log01": "",
"Vendor Assignee Groups": "",
"z1D_ReleaseID": "",
"Description": " ",
"Scheduled End Date": "",
"Start Date 01": "",
"Risk Level": " ",
"Location Company": "",
"In Production": "",
"Lead Time": "",
"Change Request Status": "",
"Support Organization": "",
"Customer Person ID": "",
"z1D_Element": "",
"z1D_WorklogDetails": "",
"Earliest Start Date": "",
"z1D_ReleaseSummary": "",
"Risk Level - User Specified": "",
"z1D_Details": "",
"AppLogin": "",
"z1D Permission Group List": "",
"Customer Organization": "",
"Requestor ID": "",
"z2AF_Work Log02": "",
"z1D_View_Access": "",
"z1D_Details_Copy": "",
"Change Request Prev Status": "",
"AppInstanceServer": "",
"Vendor Group": "",
"Vendor Assignee Groups_parent": "",
"z1D_RiskQuestionsAnswered": "",
"Request ID01": "",
"Infrastructure Change ID": "",
"Status Reason": "",
"Site Group": "",
"First Name": "",
"Customer Last Name": "",
"z1D Char25": "",
"Protocol": "",
"SRInstanceID": "",
"ServiceCI": "",
"Broker Vendor Name": "",
"z1D Char24": "",
"Change Type": "",
"AppPassword": "",
"Requested End Date": "",
"Number of Attachments": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoType": "",
"z1D_ConfirmGroup": "",
"Submit Date": "",
"Request Description01": "",
"z1D_InfraChgId": "",
"ASGRP": "",
"z1D_CommunicationSource_Copy": "",
"z1D_ActivityDate_tab": "",
"PortNumber": "",
"Customer Login ID": "",
"Categorization Tier 2": "",
"Product Cat Tier 3 (2)": "",
"ASCHG": "",
"Region": "",
"Command": "",
"Priority": "",
"AppInterfaceForm": "",
"z1D_Summary": "",
"z1D Char23": "",
"z1D_Summary_Copy": "",
"AccessMode": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoLocked": "",
"Support Group Name2": "",
"z1D_LocalCounter": "",
"Association Type01": "",
"Environment": "",
"Customer Company": "",
"Impact": "",
"Change Target Date": "",
"Phone Number": "",
"Request ID": "",
"z1D_Template Instance Id": "",
"Support Group ID": "",
"z1D_IfAction": "",
"Previous_ServiceCI_ReconID": "",
"ConsolidatedStatus": "",
"Assignee Groups": "",
"Department": "",
"Customer Phone Number": "",
"MaxRetries": "",
"SRMSAOIGuid": "",
"Future_DataSetID": "",
"Performance Rating": "",
"ChgImp": "",
"Manufacturer (2)": "",
"z1D_Activity Type": "",
"ASCPY": "",
"z1D_Assignee_Assoc_Group2": "",
"Actual End Date": "",
"Organization": "",
"AttachmentSourceFormName": "",
"Chg Location Address": "",
"z1D_Structure": "",
"ASGRPID": "",
"ChangeRequestStatusReasonString": "",
"SRID": "",
"ChgImpCpy": "",
"Vendor Group ID": "",
"CAB Manager ( Change Co-ord )": "",
"ChgImpGrp": "",
"Form Name01": "",
"z1D_Secure_Log": "",
"Reason For Change": "",
"Change Timing": "",
"Approval Phase Name": "",
"z1D_Assoc_Struct": "",
"ASLOGID": "",
"AllowGoBack": "",
"Business Justification": "",
"z1D_Action": "",
"Form Name02": "",
"Submitter": "",
"Vendor Company": "",
"zTmpEventGUID": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoViewAccess": "",
"Vendor Organization": "",
"Vendor Ticket Number": "",
"z1D_CreatedFromBackEndSynchWI": "",
"Status-History": {},
"Assigned To": "",
"TemplateID": "",
"z1D_ClientLocale": "",
"z1D_Assoc_Command": "",
"CAB Manager Login": "",
"Customer Department": "",
"Change_Entry_ID": "",
"z1D_Template_Name": "",
"Urgency": "",
"ChangeRequestStatusString": "",
"Customer Internet E-mail": "",
"Company": "",
"Requested Start Date": "",
"Support Group Name": "",
"ServiceCI_ReconID": "",
"Timing_Reason": "",
"z1D_SRMCommand": "",
"Site ID": "",
"InstanceId": "",
"Scheduled Start Date": "",
"Process Flow Instance ID": "",
"Actual Start Date": "",
"Categorization Tier 3": "",
"Product Model/Version (2)": "",
"z1D Permission Group ID": "",
"z1D_SR_Instanceid": "",
"Enable Assignment Engine": "",
"ASORG": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoSubmitter": "",
"Assignee Groups_parent": "",
"Support Organization2": " ",
"Customer First Name": "",
"z1D_Command": "",
"AttachmentSourceGUID": "",
"Product Cat Tier 2 (2)": "",
"Site": "",
"z1D_CommunicationSource": "",
"Request Type01": "",
"ClientLocale": "",
"End Date 01": "",
"z1d_Work_ Info_ View_ Access": "",
"z1D_Char02": "",
"Product Name (2)": "",
"ChgImpOrg": "",
"Last Name": "",
"Categorization Tier 1": "",
"SRMSRegistryInstanceID": "",
"Detailed Description": "",
"z1D Integer01": "",
"z2AF_Work Log03": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoDate": "",
"z1D Action Change2": "",
"Customer Middle Name": ""

operation: Query Remedy Incident

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Query Parameters Query parameter based on which you will query the endpoint and retrieve the incident ticket from the BMC Remedy AR System.
You can choose from the following options: Incident Number, Impact, Service Type, Urgency, Priority, Incident Type, Assigned Group, Assignee, Status, or Custom Query.
Based on the parameter you have chosen, you will require to provide the value of the parameter, for example,
If you select Incident ID, then you must specify the ID of the incident whose incident ticket you want to retrieve from the BMC Remedy AR System.
If you select Priority, then you must specify the priority of the incident whose incident ticket you want to retrieve from the BMC Remedy AR System.
If you select Custom Query, then you must specify a custom query in a text format based on which you want to retrieve the incident ticket from the BMC Remedy AR System.
Limit (Optional) Maximum number of change management requests that this operation should retrieve from the BMC Remedy AR System.
Offset (Optional) Index of the first item to return from the search result.
Sort (Optional) Field names and direction, Ascending (asc) or Descending (desc) based on which you want to sort the search results. You can specify multiple field names using a comma seperator. For example, Created Date.asc, Assigned Date.desc


The JSON output contains details of the incident ticket based on query parameters you have specified, retrieved from the BMC Remedy AR System.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"SRInstanceID": "",
"Assigned Group ID": "",
"Responded Date": "",
"Assignee Groups": "",
"Department": "",
"Assigned Group": "",
"ServiceCI": "",
"Internet E-mail": "",
"Entry ID": "",
"Company": "",
"VIP": "",
"Owner Support Organization": "",
"AttachmentSourceGUID": "",
"Description": "",
"Site ID": "",
"InstanceId": "",
"Contact Company": "",
"Total Transfers": "",
"Last Resolved Date": "",
"Resolution Method": "",
"Incident Number": "",
"Last Modified By": "",
"Status": "",
"Priority Weight": "",
"Contact Sensitivity": "",
"Person ID": "",
"Assigned Support Organization": "",
"PortNumber": "",
"Customer Login ID": "",
"First Name": "",
"Owner Group ID": "",
"Reported Date": "",
"Product Model/Version": "",
"Last _Assigned_Date": "",
"InfrastructureEventType": "",
"Priority": "",
"Assigned Support Company": "",
"Owner Group": "",
"Last Name": "",
"Submit Date": "",
"Submitter": "",
"Urgency": "",
"Product Name": "",
"Impact": "",
"Service Type": "",
"Owner Support Company": "",
"Site Group": "",
"Phone Number": "",
"Contact Client Type": "",
"SRAttachment": "",
"Resolution": "",
"Request ID": "",
"Last Modified Date": ""

Included playbooks

The Sample - BMC Remedy AR System - 1.4.0 playbook collection comes bundled with the BMC Remedy AR System connector. This playbook contains steps using which you can perform all supported actions. You can see the bundled playbooks in the Automation > Playbooks section in FortiSOAR™ after importing the BMC Remedy AR System connector.

  • Add Work Info
  • Create Change Management Request
  • Create Change Management Request
  • Create Incident
  • Get All Change Management Requests
  • Get All Incidents
  • Get Change Management Request
  • Get Incident Details
  • Query Change Request
  • Query Remedy Incident
  • Update Change Management Request
  • Update Incident

Note: If you are planning to use any of the sample playbooks in your environment, ensure that you clone those playbooks and move them to a different collection since the sample playbook collection gets deleted during connector upgrade and delete.


About the connector

BMC Remedy Action Request System (BMC Remedy AR System) enables you to automate a broad range of business solutions, from service desk call tracking to inventory management to integrated systems management.

This document provides information about the BMC Remedy AR System connector, which facilitates automated interactions with a ProtectWise server using FortiSOAR™ playbooks. Add the BMC Remedy AR System connector as a step in FortiSOAR™ playbooks and perform automated operations, such as creating or updating an incident ticket in the BMC Remedy AR System or setting the status of an incident ticket in the BMC Remedy AR System.

Version information

Connector Version: 1.4.0

FortiSOAR™ Versions Tested on: 4.12.1-253

BMC Remedy AR System Version Tested on:

Authored By: Fortinet.

Certified: Yes

Release Notes for version 1.4.0

Following enhancements have been made to the BMC Remedy AR System Connector in version 1.4.0:

Installing the connector

All connectors provided by FortiSOAR™ are delivered using a FortiSOAR™ repository. Therefore, you must set up your FortiSOAR™ repository and use the yum command to install connectors:

yum install cyops-connector-bmcremedy

For the detailed procedure to install a connector, click here.

Prerequisites to configuring the connector

Configuring the connector

For the procedure to configure a connector, click here.

Configuration parameters

In FortiSOAR™, on the Connectors page, click the BMC Remedy AR System connector row, and in the Configuration tab enter the required configuration details.

Parameter Description
Server URL URL of the BMC Remedy AR server to which you will connect and perform automated operations.
Username Username to access the BMC Remedy AR server to which you will connect and perform automated operations.
Password Password to access the BMC Remedy AR server to which you will connect and perform automated operations.
Verify SSL Specifies whether the SSL certificate for the server is to be verified or not.
By default, this option is set as True.

Actions supported by the connector

The following automated operations can be included in playbooks, and you can also use the annotations to access operations from FortiSOAR™ release 4.10.0 onwards:

Function Description Annotation and Category
Create Incident Creates an incident ticket in the BMC Remedy AR System, based on the input parameters you have specified. create_incident
Update Incident Updates an existing incident ticket that you specify using the Incident Request ID in the BMC Remedy AR System, based on the input parameters you have specified. update_incident
Get Incident Details Retrieves the details of an existing incident ticket from the BMC Remedy AR System, based on the Incident Request ID and query parameters (if any) you have specified. get_incident
Get All Incidents Retrieves a list of all available incident tickets from the BMC Remedy AR System. get_incidents
Create Change Management Request Creates a change management request in the BMC Remedy AR System, based on the input parameters you have specified. create_change_management_request
Get Change Management Request Retrieves the details of an existing change management request from the BMC Remedy AR System, based on the Change Request ID and query parameters (if any) you have specified. get_change_management_request
Get All Change Management Requests Retrieves a list of all available change management requests from the BMC Remedy AR System. get_change_management_requests
Update Change Management Requests Updates an existing change management request that you specify using the Change Entry ID in the BMC Remedy AR System, based on the input parameters you have specified update_change_management_request
Add Work Info Adds a work log entry to a change request or incident in the BMC Remedy AR System, based on the input parameters you have specified. add_work_info
Query Change Request Queries and retrieves a change management request from the BMC Remedy AR System, based on the query parameters you have specified. query_change_request
Query Remedy Incident Queries and retrieves an incident ticket from the BMC Remedy AR System, based on the query parameters you have specified. query_remedy_incident

operation: Create Incident

Input parameters

Parameter Description
First Name First name of the user who has access to create an incident on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Last Name Last name of the user who has access to create an incident on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Description Description of the incident that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Impact Impact of the incident that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System. Value of this field will be taken from the BMC Remedy Impact field.
Urgency Urgency of the incident that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Status Status of the incident that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Reported Source Source from where the incident that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System was reported.
Service Type Type of service for the incident that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System was reported.
Additional Fields (Optional) Additional fields that you want to add to the incident that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System.


The JSON output contains the ID of the incident that is created on the BMC Remedy AR System.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"Incident Number": ""

operation: Update Incident

Input parameters

Note: All fields apart from Incident Request ID are optional

Parameter Description
Incident Request ID Request ID of the incident that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.
You must enter a value in this field. For example, INC000000000245
First Name First name of the user who has access to update an incident on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Last Name Last name of the user who has access to update an incident on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Description Description of the incident that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Impact Impact of the incident that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System. Value of this field will be taken from the BMC Remedy Impact field.
Urgency Urgency of the incident that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Status Status of the incident that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Reported Source Source from where the incident that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System was reported.
Service Type Type of service for the incident that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System was reported.
Additional Fields Additional fields that you want to add to the incident that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.


The JSON output contains the status of the operation.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"success": ""

operation: Get Incident Details

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Incident Number ID or number of the incident whose details you want to retrieve from the BMC Remedy AR System.


The JSON output contains details of the incident based on the incident number you have specified, retrieved from the BMC Remedy AR System.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"z1D_InterfaceAction": "",
"Responded Date": "",
"z1D Char01": "",
"Direct Contact Region": "",
"Closure Product Category Tier2": "",
"Direct Contact State/Province": "",
"z1D Permission Group List": "",
"Assigned Group Shift ID": "",
"Closed Date": "",
"Direct Contact Site Group": "",
"Number of Attachments": "",
"Last Modified By": "",
"z1D_CommunicationSource": "",
"Vendor Assignee Groups": "",
"Description": "",
"Resolution Category Tier 2": "",
"Total Transfers": "",
"Direct Contact Time Zone": "",
"Internet E-mail": "",
"Incident Number": "",
"z1D_View_Access": "",
"Direct Contact Department": "",
"z1D_AssociationDescription": "",
"root_incident_id_list": "",
"Direct Contact Country Code": "",
"Direct Contact Person ID": "",
"Direct Contact Location Details": "",
"bOrphanedRoot": "",
"Product Model/Version": "",
"z1D_Details": "",
"AppLogin": "",
"Entry ID": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoSubmitter": "",
"Vendor Group": "",
"Vendor Assignee Groups_parent": "",
"Created_By": "",
"Closure Product Model/Version": "",
"Site Group": "",
"Last Acknowledged Date": "",
"Protocol": "",
"City": "",
"ServiceCI": "",
"Required Resolution DateTime": "",
"Product Categorization Tier 3": "",
"Last _Assigned_Date": "",
"Closure Product Category Tier1": "",
"HPD_CI_FormName": "",
"Detailed Decription": "",
"AppPassword": "",
"Vendor Name": "",
"Owner Support Organization": "",
"Zip/Postal Code": "",
"z1D_ConfirmGroup": "",
"Reported Source": "",
"z1D_CI_FormName": "",
"Submit Date": "",
"Direct Contact Extension": "",
"Resolution Category": "",
"Priority Weight": "",
"Contact Sensitivity": "",
"Direct Contact Internet E-mail": "",
"AppInstanceServer": "",
"Direct Contact Organization": "",
"Resolution Category Tier 3": "",
"Direct Contact Company": "",
"PortNumber": "",
"Customer Login ID": "",
"Categorization Tier 2": "",
"First Name": "",
"Chat Session ID": "",
"Region": "",
"Priority": "",
"KMSGUID": "",
"Mail Station": "",
"z1D_CreatedFromBackEndSynchWI": "",
"Assigned Support Organization": "",
"z1D_ActivityDate_tab": "",
"Direct Contact Country": "",
"Impact": "",
"z1D Char02": "",
"Direct Contact Local Number": "",
"Owner Support Company": "",
"Reported Date": "",
"SRAttachment": "",
"Resolution": "",
"Request ID": "",
"Closure Product Name": "",
"Last Modified Date": "",
"z2AF_Act_Attachment_1": "",
"Previous_ServiceCI_ReconID": "",
"LastWIPDate": "",
"Assignee Groups": "",
"Department": "",
"SRInstanceID": "",
"MaxRetries": "",
"SRMSAOIGuid": "",
"status_incident": "",
"Assigned Group ID": "",
"Direct Contact Login ID": "",
"State Province": "",
"z1D_Char02": "",
"z1D Action": "",
"Direct Contact Area Code": "",
"policy_name": "",
"Desk Location": "",
"Component_ID": "",
"Organization": "",
"Broker Vendor Name": "",
"FirstWIPDate": "",
"Last Resolved Date": "",
"AccessMode": "",
"AttachmentSourceFormName": "",
"Product Name": "",
"z1D_FormName": "",
"TimeOfEvent": "",
"HPD_CI_ReconID": "",
"SRID": "",
"Vendor Group ID": "",
"z1D_Command": "",
"Urgency": "",
"Closure Manufacturer": "",
"z1D_Secure_Log": "",
"InfrastructureEventType": "",
"Impact_OR_Root": "",
"Country": "",
"Modified Chat Session ID": "",
"Street": "",
"Direct Contact Site ID": "",
"Owner Group": "",
"Direct Contact Corporate ID": "",
"Direct Contact Last Name": "",
"Product Categorization Tier 2": "",
"Submitter": "",
"Direct Contact Site": "",
"zTmpEventGUID": "",
"Vendor Organization": "",
"Previous_HPD_CI_ReconID": "",
"root_component_id_list": "",
"Vendor Ticket Number": "",
"Direct Contact Zip/Postal Code": "",
"Status": "",
"Contact Client Type": "",
"Status-History": {},
"TemplateID": "",
"VIP": "No",
"Owner Group ID": "",
"Estimated Resolution Date": "",
"Company": "",
"use_case": "",
"Auto Open Session": "",
"ServiceCI_ReconID": "",
"z1D_WorklogDetails": "",
"Site ID": "",
"InstanceId": "",
"status_reason2": "",
"Contact Company": "",
"Categorization Tier 3": "",
"z1D Permission Group ID": "",
"z1D_SR_Instanceid": "",
"Direct Contact First Name": "",
"Person ID": "",
"Assigned Group Shift Name": "",
"Assignee": "",
"Assignee Groups_parent": "",
"cell_name": "",
"z1D_Summary": "",
"Middle Initial": "",
"AttachmentSourceGUID": "",
"Direct Contact Desk Location": "",
"Manufacturer": "",
"SRMS Registry Instance ID": "",
"Site": "",
"Phone Number": "",
"policy_type": "",
"Closure Product Category Tier3": "",
"ClientLocale": "",
"Assigned Group": "",
"AppInterfaceForm": "",
"mc_ueid": "",
"Assigned Support Company": "",
"Product Categorization Tier 1": "",
"Direct Contact Street": "",
"Last Name": "",
"z1D_Activity_Type": "",
"Status_Reason": "",
"Categorization Tier 1": "",
"Direct Contact Middle Initial": "",
"Assignee Login ID": "",
"Direct Contact Phone Number": "",
"Service Type": "",
"Direct Contact City": "",
"HPD_CI": "",
"Direct Contact Mail Station": "",
"Resolution Method": ""

operation: Get All Incidents

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Limit (Optional) Maximum number of incident tickets that this operation should retrieve from the BMC Remedy AR System.
Offset (Optional) Index of the first item to return from the search result.
Sort (Optional) Field names and direction, Ascending (asc) or Descending (desc) based on which you want to sort the search results. You can specify multiple field names using a comma seperator. For example, Created Date.asc, Assigned Date.desc


The JSON output a list of all available incident tickets retrieved from the BMC Remedy AR System.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"z1D_InterfaceAction": "",
"Responded Date": "",
"z1D Char01": "",
"Direct Contact Region": "",
"Closure Product Category Tier2": "",
"Direct Contact State/Province": "",
"z1D Permission Group List": "",
"Assigned Group Shift ID": "",
"Closed Date": "",
"Direct Contact Site Group": "",
"Number of Attachments": "",
"Last Modified By": "",
"z1D_CommunicationSource": "",
"Vendor Assignee Groups": "",
"Description": "",
"Resolution Category Tier 2": "",
"Total Transfers": "",
"Direct Contact Time Zone": "",
"Internet E-mail": "",
"Incident Number": "",
"z1D_View_Access": "",
"Direct Contact Department": "",
"z1D_AssociationDescription": "",
"root_incident_id_list": "",
"Direct Contact Country Code": "",
"Direct Contact Person ID": "",
"Direct Contact Location Details": "",
"bOrphanedRoot": "",
"Product Model/Version": "",
"z1D_Details": "",
"AppLogin": "",
"Entry ID": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoSubmitter": "",
"Vendor Group": "",
"Vendor Assignee Groups_parent": "",
"Created_By": "",
"Closure Product Model/Version": "",
"Site Group": "",
"Last Acknowledged Date": "",
"Protocol": "",
"City": "",
"ServiceCI": "",
"Required Resolution DateTime": "",
"Product Categorization Tier 3": "",
"Last _Assigned_Date": "",
"Closure Product Category Tier1": "",
"HPD_CI_FormName": "",
"Detailed Decription": "",
"AppPassword": "",
"Vendor Name": "",
"Owner Support Organization": "",
"Zip/Postal Code": "",
"z1D_ConfirmGroup": "",
"Reported Source": "",
"z1D_CI_FormName": "",
"Submit Date": "",
"Direct Contact Extension": "",
"Resolution Category": "",
"Priority Weight": "",
"Contact Sensitivity": "",
"Direct Contact Internet E-mail": "",
"AppInstanceServer": "",
"Direct Contact Organization": "",
"Resolution Category Tier 3": "",
"Direct Contact Company": "",
"PortNumber": "",
"Customer Login ID": "",
"Categorization Tier 2": "",
"First Name": "",
"Chat Session ID": "",
"Region": "",
"Priority": "",
"KMSGUID": "",
"Mail Station": "",
"z1D_CreatedFromBackEndSynchWI": "",
"Assigned Support Organization": "",
"z1D_ActivityDate_tab": "",
"Direct Contact Country": "",
"Impact": "",
"z1D Char02": "",
"Direct Contact Local Number": "",
"Owner Support Company": "",
"Reported Date": "",
"SRAttachment": "",
"Resolution": "",
"Request ID": "",
"Closure Product Name": "",
"Last Modified Date": "",
"z2AF_Act_Attachment_1": "",
"Previous_ServiceCI_ReconID": "",
"LastWIPDate": "",
"Assignee Groups": "",
"Department": "",
"SRInstanceID": "",
"MaxRetries": "",
"SRMSAOIGuid": "",
"status_incident": "",
"Assigned Group ID": "",
"Direct Contact Login ID": "",
"State Province": "",
"z1D_Char02": "",
"z1D Action": "",
"Direct Contact Area Code": "",
"policy_name": "",
"Desk Location": "",
"Component_ID": "",
"Organization": "",
"Broker Vendor Name": "",
"FirstWIPDate": "",
"Last Resolved Date": "",
"AccessMode": "",
"AttachmentSourceFormName": "",
"Product Name": "",
"z1D_FormName": "",
"TimeOfEvent": "",
"HPD_CI_ReconID": "",
"SRID": "",
"Vendor Group ID": "",
"z1D_Command": "",
"Urgency": "",
"Closure Manufacturer": "",
"z1D_Secure_Log": "",
"InfrastructureEventType": "",
"Impact_OR_Root": "",
"Country": "",
"Modified Chat Session ID": "",
"Street": "",
"Direct Contact Site ID": "",
"Owner Group": "",
"Direct Contact Corporate ID": "",
"Direct Contact Last Name": "",
"Product Categorization Tier 2": "",
"Submitter": "",
"Direct Contact Site": "",
"zTmpEventGUID": "",
"Vendor Organization": "",
"Previous_HPD_CI_ReconID": "",
"root_component_id_list": "",
"Vendor Ticket Number": "",
"Direct Contact Zip/Postal Code": "",
"Status": "",
"Contact Client Type": "",
"Status-History": {},
"TemplateID": "",
"VIP": "No",
"Owner Group ID": "",
"Estimated Resolution Date": "",
"Company": "",
"use_case": "",
"Auto Open Session": "",
"ServiceCI_ReconID": "",
"z1D_WorklogDetails": "",
"Site ID": "",
"InstanceId": "",
"status_reason2": "",
"Contact Company": "",
"Categorization Tier 3": "",
"z1D Permission Group ID": "",
"z1D_SR_Instanceid": "",
"Direct Contact First Name": "",
"Person ID": "",
"Assigned Group Shift Name": "",
"Assignee": "",
"Assignee Groups_parent": "",
"cell_name": "",
"z1D_Summary": "",
"Middle Initial": "",
"AttachmentSourceGUID": "",
"Direct Contact Desk Location": "",
"Manufacturer": "",
"SRMS Registry Instance ID": "",
"Site": "",
"Phone Number": "",
"policy_type": "",
"Closure Product Category Tier3": "",
"ClientLocale": "",
"Assigned Group": "",
"AppInterfaceForm": "",
"mc_ueid": "",
"Assigned Support Company": "",
"Product Categorization Tier 1": "",
"Direct Contact Street": "",
"Last Name": "",
"z1D_Activity_Type": "",
"Status_Reason": "",
"Categorization Tier 1": "",
"Direct Contact Middle Initial": "",
"Assignee Login ID": "",
"Direct Contact Phone Number": "",
"Service Type": "",
"Direct Contact City": "",
"HPD_CI": "",
"Direct Contact Mail Station": "",
"Resolution Method": ""

operation: Create Change Management Request

Input parameters

Parameter Description
First Name First name of the user who has access to create a change management request on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Last Name Last name of the user who has access to create a change management request on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Description Description of the change management request that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Impact Impact of the change management request that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System. Value of this field will be taken from the BMC Remedy Impact field.
Urgency Urgency of the change management request that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Status Status of the change management request that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Risk Level Risk level of the change management request that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Change Type Type of change of the change management request that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Location Company Name of the company that is creating a change management request on the BMC Remedy AR System
Additional Fields (Optional) Additional fields that you want to add to the change management request that you want to create on the BMC Remedy AR System.


The JSON output contains the ID of the change management request that is created on the BMC Remedy AR System.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"Change Entry Id": "",
"Infrastructure Change Id": ""

operation: Get Change Management Request

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Infrastructure Change ID ID of the change management entry whose details you want to retrieve from the BMC Remedy AR System.


The JSON output details of a change management request based on the change request ID you have specified, retrieved from the BMC Remedy AR System.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"z1D Action Change1": "",
"Product Cat Tier 1(2)": "",
"Company3": "",
"ChgImpGrpID": "",
"Active Approval": "",
"z1D_GlobalCounter": "",
"z2AF_Work Log01": "",
"Vendor Assignee Groups": "",
"z1D_ReleaseID": "",
"Description": " ",
"Scheduled End Date": "",
"Start Date 01": "",
"Risk Level": " ",
"Location Company": "",
"In Production": "",
"Lead Time": "",
"Change Request Status": "",
"Support Organization": "",
"Customer Person ID": "",
"z1D_Element": "",
"z1D_WorklogDetails": "",
"Earliest Start Date": "",
"z1D_ReleaseSummary": "",
"Risk Level - User Specified": "",
"z1D_Details": "",
"AppLogin": "",
"z1D Permission Group List": "",
"Customer Organization": "",
"Requestor ID": "",
"z2AF_Work Log02": "",
"z1D_View_Access": "",
"z1D_Details_Copy": "",
"Change Request Prev Status": "",
"AppInstanceServer": "",
"Vendor Group": "",
"Vendor Assignee Groups_parent": "",
"z1D_RiskQuestionsAnswered": "",
"Request ID01": "",
"Infrastructure Change ID": "",
"Status Reason": "",
"Site Group": "",
"First Name": "",
"Customer Last Name": "",
"z1D Char25": "",
"Protocol": "",
"SRInstanceID": "",
"ServiceCI": "",
"Broker Vendor Name": "",
"z1D Char24": "",
"Change Type": "",
"AppPassword": "",
"Requested End Date": "",
"Number of Attachments": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoType": "",
"z1D_ConfirmGroup": "",
"Submit Date": "",
"Request Description01": "",
"z1D_InfraChgId": "",
"ASGRP": "",
"z1D_CommunicationSource_Copy": "",
"z1D_ActivityDate_tab": "",
"PortNumber": "",
"Customer Login ID": "",
"Categorization Tier 2": "",
"Product Cat Tier 3 (2)": "",
"ASCHG": "",
"Region": "",
"Command": "",
"Priority": "",
"AppInterfaceForm": "",
"z1D_Summary": "",
"z1D Char23": "",
"z1D_Summary_Copy": "",
"AccessMode": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoLocked": "",
"Support Group Name2": "",
"z1D_LocalCounter": "",
"Association Type01": "",
"Environment": "",
"Customer Company": "",
"Impact": "",
"Change Target Date": "",
"Phone Number": "",
"Request ID": "",
"z1D_Template Instance Id": "",
"Support Group ID": "",
"z1D_IfAction": "",
"Previous_ServiceCI_ReconID": "",
"ConsolidatedStatus": "",
"Assignee Groups": "",
"Department": "",
"Customer Phone Number": "",
"MaxRetries": "",
"SRMSAOIGuid": "",
"Future_DataSetID": "",
"Performance Rating": "",
"ChgImp": "",
"Manufacturer (2)": "",
"z1D_Activity Type": "",
"ASCPY": "",
"z1D_Assignee_Assoc_Group2": "",
"Actual End Date": "",
"Organization": "",
"AttachmentSourceFormName": "",
"Chg Location Address": "",
"z1D_Structure": "",
"ASGRPID": "",
"ChangeRequestStatusReasonString": "",
"SRID": "",
"ChgImpCpy": "",
"Vendor Group ID": "",
"CAB Manager ( Change Co-ord )": "",
"ChgImpGrp": "",
"Form Name01": "",
"z1D_Secure_Log": "",
"Reason For Change": "",
"Change Timing": "",
"Approval Phase Name": "",
"z1D_Assoc_Struct": "",
"ASLOGID": "",
"AllowGoBack": "",
"Business Justification": "",
"z1D_Action": "",
"Form Name02": "",
"Submitter": "",
"Vendor Company": "",
"zTmpEventGUID": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoViewAccess": "",
"Vendor Organization": "",
"Vendor Ticket Number": "",
"z1D_CreatedFromBackEndSynchWI": "",
"Status-History": {},
"Assigned To": "",
"TemplateID": "",
"z1D_ClientLocale": "",
"z1D_Assoc_Command": "",
"CAB Manager Login": "",
"Customer Department": "",
"Change_Entry_ID": "",
"z1D_Template_Name": "",
"Urgency": "",
"ChangeRequestStatusString": "",
"Customer Internet E-mail": "",
"Company": "",
"Requested Start Date": "",
"Support Group Name": "",
"ServiceCI_ReconID": "",
"Timing_Reason": "",
"z1D_SRMCommand": "",
"Site ID": "",
"InstanceId": "",
"Scheduled Start Date": "",
"Process Flow Instance ID": "",
"Actual Start Date": "",
"Categorization Tier 3": "",
"Product Model/Version (2)": "",
"z1D Permission Group ID": "",
"z1D_SR_Instanceid": "",
"Enable Assignment Engine": "",
"ASORG": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoSubmitter": "",
"Assignee Groups_parent": "",
"Support Organization2": " ",
"Customer First Name": "",
"z1D_Command": "",
"AttachmentSourceGUID": "",
"Product Cat Tier 2 (2)": "",
"Site": "",
"z1D_CommunicationSource": "",
"Request Type01": "",
"ClientLocale": "",
"End Date 01": "",
"z1d_Work_ Info_ View_ Access": "",
"z1D_Char02": "",
"Product Name (2)": "",
"ChgImpOrg": "",
"Last Name": "",
"Categorization Tier 1": "",
"SRMSRegistryInstanceID": "",
"Detailed Description": "",
"z1D Integer01": "",
"z2AF_Work Log03": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoDate": "",
"z1D Action Change2": "",
"Customer Middle Name": ""

operation: Get All Change Management Requests

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Limit (Optional) Maximum number of change management requests that this operation should retrieve from the BMC Remedy AR System.
Offset (Optional) Index of the first item to return from the search result.
Sort (Optional) Field names and direction, Ascending (asc) or Descending (desc) based on which you want to sort the search results. You can specify multiple field names using a comma seperator. For example, Created Date.asc, Assigned Date.desc


The JSON output a list of all available change management request retrieved from the BMC Remedy AR System.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"z1D Action Change1": "",
"Product Cat Tier 1(2)": "",
"Company3": "",
"ChgImpGrpID": "",
"Active Approval": "",
"z1D_GlobalCounter": "",
"z2AF_Work Log01": "",
"Vendor Assignee Groups": "",
"z1D_ReleaseID": "",
"Description": " ",
"Scheduled End Date": "",
"Start Date 01": "",
"Risk Level": " ",
"Location Company": "",
"In Production": "",
"Lead Time": "",
"Change Request Status": "",
"Support Organization": "",
"Customer Person ID": "",
"z1D_Element": "",
"z1D_WorklogDetails": "",
"Earliest Start Date": "",
"z1D_ReleaseSummary": "",
"Risk Level - User Specified": "",
"z1D_Details": "",
"AppLogin": "",
"z1D Permission Group List": "",
"Customer Organization": "",
"Requestor ID": "",
"z2AF_Work Log02": "",
"z1D_View_Access": "",
"z1D_Details_Copy": "",
"Change Request Prev Status": "",
"AppInstanceServer": "",
"Vendor Group": "",
"Vendor Assignee Groups_parent": "",
"z1D_RiskQuestionsAnswered": "",
"Request ID01": "",
"Infrastructure Change ID": "",
"Status Reason": "",
"Site Group": "",
"First Name": "",
"Customer Last Name": "",
"z1D Char25": "",
"Protocol": "",
"SRInstanceID": "",
"ServiceCI": "",
"Broker Vendor Name": "",
"z1D Char24": "",
"Change Type": "",
"AppPassword": "",
"Requested End Date": "",
"Number of Attachments": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoType": "",
"z1D_ConfirmGroup": "",
"Submit Date": "",
"Request Description01": "",
"z1D_InfraChgId": "",
"ASGRP": "",
"z1D_CommunicationSource_Copy": "",
"z1D_ActivityDate_tab": "",
"PortNumber": "",
"Customer Login ID": "",
"Categorization Tier 2": "",
"Product Cat Tier 3 (2)": "",
"ASCHG": "",
"Region": "",
"Command": "",
"Priority": "",
"AppInterfaceForm": "",
"z1D_Summary": "",
"z1D Char23": "",
"z1D_Summary_Copy": "",
"AccessMode": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoLocked": "",
"Support Group Name2": "",
"z1D_LocalCounter": "",
"Association Type01": "",
"Environment": "",
"Customer Company": "",
"Impact": "",
"Change Target Date": "",
"Phone Number": "",
"Request ID": "",
"z1D_Template Instance Id": "",
"Support Group ID": "",
"z1D_IfAction": "",
"Previous_ServiceCI_ReconID": "",
"ConsolidatedStatus": "",
"Assignee Groups": "",
"Department": "",
"Customer Phone Number": "",
"MaxRetries": "",
"SRMSAOIGuid": "",
"Future_DataSetID": "",
"Performance Rating": "",
"ChgImp": "",
"Manufacturer (2)": "",
"z1D_Activity Type": "",
"ASCPY": "",
"z1D_Assignee_Assoc_Group2": "",
"Actual End Date": "",
"Organization": "",
"AttachmentSourceFormName": "",
"Chg Location Address": "",
"z1D_Structure": "",
"ASGRPID": "",
"ChangeRequestStatusReasonString": "",
"SRID": "",
"ChgImpCpy": "",
"Vendor Group ID": "",
"CAB Manager ( Change Co-ord )": "",
"ChgImpGrp": "",
"Form Name01": "",
"z1D_Secure_Log": "",
"Reason For Change": "",
"Change Timing": "",
"Approval Phase Name": "",
"z1D_Assoc_Struct": "",
"ASLOGID": "",
"AllowGoBack": "",
"Business Justification": "",
"z1D_Action": "",
"Form Name02": "",
"Submitter": "",
"Vendor Company": "",
"zTmpEventGUID": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoViewAccess": "",
"Vendor Organization": "",
"Vendor Ticket Number": "",
"z1D_CreatedFromBackEndSynchWI": "",
"Status-History": {},
"Assigned To": "",
"TemplateID": "",
"z1D_ClientLocale": "",
"z1D_Assoc_Command": "",
"CAB Manager Login": "",
"Customer Department": "",
"Change_Entry_ID": "",
"z1D_Template_Name": "",
"Urgency": "",
"ChangeRequestStatusString": "",
"Customer Internet E-mail": "",
"Company": "",
"Requested Start Date": "",
"Support Group Name": "",
"ServiceCI_ReconID": "",
"Timing_Reason": "",
"z1D_SRMCommand": "",
"Site ID": "",
"InstanceId": "",
"Scheduled Start Date": "",
"Process Flow Instance ID": "",
"Actual Start Date": "",
"Categorization Tier 3": "",
"Product Model/Version (2)": "",
"z1D Permission Group ID": "",
"z1D_SR_Instanceid": "",
"Enable Assignment Engine": "",
"ASORG": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoSubmitter": "",
"Assignee Groups_parent": "",
"Support Organization2": " ",
"Customer First Name": "",
"z1D_Command": "",
"AttachmentSourceGUID": "",
"Product Cat Tier 2 (2)": "",
"Site": "",
"z1D_CommunicationSource": "",
"Request Type01": "",
"ClientLocale": "",
"End Date 01": "",
"z1d_Work_ Info_ View_ Access": "",
"z1D_Char02": "",
"Product Name (2)": "",
"ChgImpOrg": "",
"Last Name": "",
"Categorization Tier 1": "",
"SRMSRegistryInstanceID": "",
"Detailed Description": "",
"z1D Integer01": "",
"z2AF_Work Log03": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoDate": "",
"z1D Action Change2": "",
"Customer Middle Name": ""

operation: Update Change Management Request

Input parameters

Note: All fields apart from Change Entry ID are optional

Parameter Description
Change Request ID ID of the change management request that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.
First Name First name of the user who has access to update a change management request on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Last Name Last name of the user who has access to update a change management request on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Description Description of the change management request that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Impact Impact of the change management request that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System. Value of this field will be taken from the BMC Remedy Impact field.
Urgency Urgency of the change management request that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Status Status of the change management request that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Risk Level Risk level of the change management request that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Change Type Type of change of the change management request that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.
Location Company Name of the company that is updating a change management request on the BMC Remedy AR System
Additional Fields (Optional) Additional fields that you want to add to the change management request that you want to update on the BMC Remedy AR System.


The JSON output returns a Success message if you could successfully update the existing change management request, based on the changed entry ID you have specified.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"success": ""

operation: Add Work Info

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Management Type of management to which you want to add the work log entry in the BMC Remedy AR System. You can choose between Change Request or Incident.
If you choose Incident, then you must specify the following parameter:
  • Incident Number: Number of the Incident to which you want to add the work log entry in the BMC Remedy AR System.
If you choose Change Request, then you must specify the following parameter:
  • Infrastructure Change ID: ID of the Change Request to which you want to add the work log entry in the BMC Remedy AR System.
Work Log Type Type of work log that you want to add in the BMC Remedy AR System. For example, Cancellation Information.
Description Description of the work log entry that you want to add in the BMC Remedy AR System.


The JSON output returns a Success message if you could successfully add a work log entry in the BMC Remedy AR System based on the input parameters you have specified.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"Work Log ID": ""

operation: Query Change Request

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Query Parameters Query parameter based on which you will query the endpoint and retrieve the change management request from the BMC Remedy AR System.
You can choose from the following options: Infrastructure Change ID, Impact, Request ID, Urgency, Priority, Change Type, Assignee Group, Submitter, Change Request Status, or Custom Query.
Based on the parameter you have chosen, you will require to provide the value of the parameter, for example,
If you select Infrastructure Change ID, then you must specify the ID of the infrastructure change whose change management request you want to retrieve from the BMC Remedy AR System.
If you select Priority, then you must specify the priority of the change request whose change management request you want to retrieve from the BMC Remedy AR System.
If you select Custom Query, then you must specify a custom query in a text format based on which you want to retrieve the change management request from the BMC Remedy AR System.
Limit (Optional) Maximum number of change management requests that this operation should retrieve from the BMC Remedy AR System.
Offset (Optional) Index of the first item to return from the search result.
Sort (Optional) Field names and direction, Ascending (asc) or Descending (desc) based on which you want to sort the search results. You can specify multiple field names using a comma seperator. For example, Created Date.asc, Assigned Date.desc


The JSON output contains details of the change management request based on query parameters you have specified, retrieved from the BMC Remedy AR System.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"z1D Action Change1": "",
"Product Cat Tier 1(2)": "",
"Company3": "",
"ChgImpGrpID": "",
"Active Approval": "",
"z1D_GlobalCounter": "",
"z2AF_Work Log01": "",
"Vendor Assignee Groups": "",
"z1D_ReleaseID": "",
"Description": " ",
"Scheduled End Date": "",
"Start Date 01": "",
"Risk Level": " ",
"Location Company": "",
"In Production": "",
"Lead Time": "",
"Change Request Status": "",
"Support Organization": "",
"Customer Person ID": "",
"z1D_Element": "",
"z1D_WorklogDetails": "",
"Earliest Start Date": "",
"z1D_ReleaseSummary": "",
"Risk Level - User Specified": "",
"z1D_Details": "",
"AppLogin": "",
"z1D Permission Group List": "",
"Customer Organization": "",
"Requestor ID": "",
"z2AF_Work Log02": "",
"z1D_View_Access": "",
"z1D_Details_Copy": "",
"Change Request Prev Status": "",
"AppInstanceServer": "",
"Vendor Group": "",
"Vendor Assignee Groups_parent": "",
"z1D_RiskQuestionsAnswered": "",
"Request ID01": "",
"Infrastructure Change ID": "",
"Status Reason": "",
"Site Group": "",
"First Name": "",
"Customer Last Name": "",
"z1D Char25": "",
"Protocol": "",
"SRInstanceID": "",
"ServiceCI": "",
"Broker Vendor Name": "",
"z1D Char24": "",
"Change Type": "",
"AppPassword": "",
"Requested End Date": "",
"Number of Attachments": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoType": "",
"z1D_ConfirmGroup": "",
"Submit Date": "",
"Request Description01": "",
"z1D_InfraChgId": "",
"ASGRP": "",
"z1D_CommunicationSource_Copy": "",
"z1D_ActivityDate_tab": "",
"PortNumber": "",
"Customer Login ID": "",
"Categorization Tier 2": "",
"Product Cat Tier 3 (2)": "",
"ASCHG": "",
"Region": "",
"Command": "",
"Priority": "",
"AppInterfaceForm": "",
"z1D_Summary": "",
"z1D Char23": "",
"z1D_Summary_Copy": "",
"AccessMode": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoLocked": "",
"Support Group Name2": "",
"z1D_LocalCounter": "",
"Association Type01": "",
"Environment": "",
"Customer Company": "",
"Impact": "",
"Change Target Date": "",
"Phone Number": "",
"Request ID": "",
"z1D_Template Instance Id": "",
"Support Group ID": "",
"z1D_IfAction": "",
"Previous_ServiceCI_ReconID": "",
"ConsolidatedStatus": "",
"Assignee Groups": "",
"Department": "",
"Customer Phone Number": "",
"MaxRetries": "",
"SRMSAOIGuid": "",
"Future_DataSetID": "",
"Performance Rating": "",
"ChgImp": "",
"Manufacturer (2)": "",
"z1D_Activity Type": "",
"ASCPY": "",
"z1D_Assignee_Assoc_Group2": "",
"Actual End Date": "",
"Organization": "",
"AttachmentSourceFormName": "",
"Chg Location Address": "",
"z1D_Structure": "",
"ASGRPID": "",
"ChangeRequestStatusReasonString": "",
"SRID": "",
"ChgImpCpy": "",
"Vendor Group ID": "",
"CAB Manager ( Change Co-ord )": "",
"ChgImpGrp": "",
"Form Name01": "",
"z1D_Secure_Log": "",
"Reason For Change": "",
"Change Timing": "",
"Approval Phase Name": "",
"z1D_Assoc_Struct": "",
"ASLOGID": "",
"AllowGoBack": "",
"Business Justification": "",
"z1D_Action": "",
"Form Name02": "",
"Submitter": "",
"Vendor Company": "",
"zTmpEventGUID": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoViewAccess": "",
"Vendor Organization": "",
"Vendor Ticket Number": "",
"z1D_CreatedFromBackEndSynchWI": "",
"Status-History": {},
"Assigned To": "",
"TemplateID": "",
"z1D_ClientLocale": "",
"z1D_Assoc_Command": "",
"CAB Manager Login": "",
"Customer Department": "",
"Change_Entry_ID": "",
"z1D_Template_Name": "",
"Urgency": "",
"ChangeRequestStatusString": "",
"Customer Internet E-mail": "",
"Company": "",
"Requested Start Date": "",
"Support Group Name": "",
"ServiceCI_ReconID": "",
"Timing_Reason": "",
"z1D_SRMCommand": "",
"Site ID": "",
"InstanceId": "",
"Scheduled Start Date": "",
"Process Flow Instance ID": "",
"Actual Start Date": "",
"Categorization Tier 3": "",
"Product Model/Version (2)": "",
"z1D Permission Group ID": "",
"z1D_SR_Instanceid": "",
"Enable Assignment Engine": "",
"ASORG": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoSubmitter": "",
"Assignee Groups_parent": "",
"Support Organization2": " ",
"Customer First Name": "",
"z1D_Command": "",
"AttachmentSourceGUID": "",
"Product Cat Tier 2 (2)": "",
"Site": "",
"z1D_CommunicationSource": "",
"Request Type01": "",
"ClientLocale": "",
"End Date 01": "",
"z1d_Work_ Info_ View_ Access": "",
"z1D_Char02": "",
"Product Name (2)": "",
"ChgImpOrg": "",
"Last Name": "",
"Categorization Tier 1": "",
"SRMSRegistryInstanceID": "",
"Detailed Description": "",
"z1D Integer01": "",
"z2AF_Work Log03": "",
"z1D_WorkInfoDate": "",
"z1D Action Change2": "",
"Customer Middle Name": ""

operation: Query Remedy Incident

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Query Parameters Query parameter based on which you will query the endpoint and retrieve the incident ticket from the BMC Remedy AR System.
You can choose from the following options: Incident Number, Impact, Service Type, Urgency, Priority, Incident Type, Assigned Group, Assignee, Status, or Custom Query.
Based on the parameter you have chosen, you will require to provide the value of the parameter, for example,
If you select Incident ID, then you must specify the ID of the incident whose incident ticket you want to retrieve from the BMC Remedy AR System.
If you select Priority, then you must specify the priority of the incident whose incident ticket you want to retrieve from the BMC Remedy AR System.
If you select Custom Query, then you must specify a custom query in a text format based on which you want to retrieve the incident ticket from the BMC Remedy AR System.
Limit (Optional) Maximum number of change management requests that this operation should retrieve from the BMC Remedy AR System.
Offset (Optional) Index of the first item to return from the search result.
Sort (Optional) Field names and direction, Ascending (asc) or Descending (desc) based on which you want to sort the search results. You can specify multiple field names using a comma seperator. For example, Created Date.asc, Assigned Date.desc


The JSON output contains details of the incident ticket based on query parameters you have specified, retrieved from the BMC Remedy AR System.

The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
"SRInstanceID": "",
"Assigned Group ID": "",
"Responded Date": "",
"Assignee Groups": "",
"Department": "",
"Assigned Group": "",
"ServiceCI": "",
"Internet E-mail": "",
"Entry ID": "",
"Company": "",
"VIP": "",
"Owner Support Organization": "",
"AttachmentSourceGUID": "",
"Description": "",
"Site ID": "",
"InstanceId": "",
"Contact Company": "",
"Total Transfers": "",
"Last Resolved Date": "",
"Resolution Method": "",
"Incident Number": "",
"Last Modified By": "",
"Status": "",
"Priority Weight": "",
"Contact Sensitivity": "",
"Person ID": "",
"Assigned Support Organization": "",
"PortNumber": "",
"Customer Login ID": "",
"First Name": "",
"Owner Group ID": "",
"Reported Date": "",
"Product Model/Version": "",
"Last _Assigned_Date": "",
"InfrastructureEventType": "",
"Priority": "",
"Assigned Support Company": "",
"Owner Group": "",
"Last Name": "",
"Submit Date": "",
"Submitter": "",
"Urgency": "",
"Product Name": "",
"Impact": "",
"Service Type": "",
"Owner Support Company": "",
"Site Group": "",
"Phone Number": "",
"Contact Client Type": "",
"SRAttachment": "",
"Resolution": "",
"Request ID": "",
"Last Modified Date": ""

Included playbooks

The Sample - BMC Remedy AR System - 1.4.0 playbook collection comes bundled with the BMC Remedy AR System connector. This playbook contains steps using which you can perform all supported actions. You can see the bundled playbooks in the Automation > Playbooks section in FortiSOAR™ after importing the BMC Remedy AR System connector.

Note: If you are planning to use any of the sample playbooks in your environment, ensure that you clone those playbooks and move them to a different collection since the sample playbook collection gets deleted during connector upgrade and delete.
