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AWS v1.0.0

About the connector

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a highly reliable, scalable, low-cost infrastructure platform in the cloud that powers hundreds of thousands of businesses in 190 countries around the world. With data center locations in the U.S., Europe, Brazil, Singapore, Japan, and Australia, customers across all industries are taking advantage of the following benefits: Low Cost, Agile, Open and Flexible, and Secure.

This document provides information about the AWS EC2 connector, which facilitates automated interactions, with AWS EC2 services using FortiSOAR™ playbooks. Add the AWS EC2 connector as a step in FortiSOAR™ playbooks and perform automated operations, such as launching a new instance, taking snapshots of volumes, detaching volumes and terminating an instance.

Version information

Connector Version: 1.0.0

Compatibility with FortiSOAR™ Versions: and later

Compatibility with AWS EC2 Versions: 2 and later

Installing the connector

For the procedure to install a connector, click here.

Prerequisites to configuring the connector

  • You must know your account's AWS region that you will use to access AWS services and have the AWS access key ID and the AWS secret access key to access AWS services.
  • To access the FortiSOAR™ UI, ensure that port 443 is open through the firewall for the FortiSOAR™ instance.

Configuring the connector

For the procedure to configure a connector, click here.

Configuration parameters

In FortiSOAR™, on the Connectors page, click the AWS EC2 connector row, and in the Configuration tab enter the required configuration details.

Parameter Description
AWS Region Your account's AWS region that you will use to access AWS services.
AWS Access Key ID ID of the AWS Access Key to access AWS services.
AWS Secret Access Key Key of the AWS Secret Access to access AWS services.

Actions supported by the connector

The following automated operations can be included in playbooks and you can also use the annotations to access operations from FortiSOAR™ release 4.10.0 onwards:

Function Description Annotation and Category
Get AMIs Detail Retrieves details for all AMIs (Amazon Machine Images) from AWS. get_ami_details
Launch Instance Launches a new instance on AWS having basic configuration. launch_instance
Get Instance Details Retrieves details for an instance you have specified, using the instance ID, from AWS. get_instance_info
Start Instance Starts an instance you have specified using the instance ID. start_instance
Stop Instance Stops an instance you have specified using the instance ID. stop_instance
Register Instance To ELB Registers an instance to the elastic load balancing (ELB) service. register_instance
Attach Instance To Auto Scaling Group Attaches a running instance to the auto scaling group. attach_instance
Detach Instance From Auto Scaling Group Detaches an EC2 instance to the auto scaling group. detach_instance
Instance API Termination Terminates an instance using the REST API, if you have enabled this operation.
Important: This operation is not applicable for spot instance.
Terminate Instance Terminates an EC2 instance you have specified using the instance ID. terminate_instance
Attach Volume Attaches a volume to an EC2 instance you have specified using the instance ID. attach_volume
Capture Volume Snapshot Captures a snapshot of a volume you have specified using the volume ID. get_snapshot_volume
Detach Volume Detaches a volume you have specified, using the volume ID, from an EC2 instance. detach_volume
Delete Volume Deletes a volume you have specified, using the volume ID. detach_volume
Add Security Group to Instance Adds a security group to an EC2 instance you have specified using the instance ID. add_group
Deregister Instance from ELB Deregisters an instance from the elastic load balancing (ELB) service. deregister_instance
Add Instance Tag Adds a tag to an available EC2 instance you have specified using the instance ID.
Tags must be added in a key-value pair.
Add Network ACL Rule Adds a rule to the network access control list (ACL). add_rule
Get User Details Retrieves details for a user, you have specified using the user name, from AWS. get_user_info

operation: Get AMIs Detail

Input parameters



The JSON output contains details for all AMIs from AWS.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Get AMIs Detail operation

operation: Launch Instance

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Image ID ID of the AMI on which you want to launch a new instance. You can get the ID of an AMI using the Get AMIs Detail operation.
Instance Type Type of the instance that you want to launch.
For example, t1.micro
Instance MaxCount Maximum number of instances to launch.
If you specify a maximum that is greater than the maximum number of instances Amazon EC2 can launch in the target Availability Zone, Amazon EC2 launches the largest possible number of instances above MinCount.
Instance MinCount Minimum number of instances to launch.
If you specify a minimum that is lesser than the minimum number of instances than Amazon EC2 can launch in the target Availability Zone, Amazon EC2 launches no instances.
SubNet ID (Optional) ID of the subnet associated with the network string. You must specify this only if you are creating a network interface when launching an instance.
Device Name Name of the device. For example, /dev/sdh or xvdh.
Instance Delete on Termination Select this option if you want to delete the interface when the instance is terminated.
Security Groups (Optional) Security group(s) to be assigned to the newly launched instance.
Purpose For Launch Instance (Optional) Purpose of launching the instance.
Customer Name (Optional) Name of the customer for who you are requesting the launch of the new instance.
Terminate By Date (Optional) Date on which the instance will be terminated.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the requested instance has been launched successfully and the request ID that is used to launch the new instance on AWS.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Launch Instance operation

operation: Get Instance Details

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Instance ID ID of the instance for which you want to retrieve details.


The JSON output retrieves details of the instance from AWS, based on the instance ID that you have specified.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Get Instance Details operation

operation: Start Instance

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Instance ID ID of the instance that you want to start.
Purpose (Optional) Purpose of starting the instance.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified instance has been started.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Start Instance operation

operation: Stop Instance

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Instance ID ID of the instance that you want to stop.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified instance has been stopped.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Stop Instance operation

operation: Register Instance To ELB

Input parameters

Parameter Description
ELB Name Name of the ELB to which you want to register the specified instance.
Instance ID ID of the instance that you want to register with the specified ELB.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified instance has been registered to the specified ELB.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Register Instance To ELB operation

operation: Attach Instance To Auto Scaling Group

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Auto Scaling Group Name Name of the auto scaling group to which you want to attach the specified instance.
Instance IDs (In CSV Or List Format) ID(s) of the instance(s) that you want to attach to the specified auto scaling group using the csv or list format.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified instance has been attached to the specified auto scaling group.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Attach Instance To Auto Scaling Groupoperation

operation: Detach Instance From Auto Scaling Group

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Auto Scaling Group Name Name of the auto scaling group from which you want to detach the specified instance.
Instance ID ID of the instance that you want to detach from the specified auto scaling group.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified instance has been detached from the specified auto scaling group.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Detach Instance From Auto Scaling Group operation

operation: Instance API Termination

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Instance ID ID of the instance that you want to terminate using the REST API.
Select Action Specify Enable or Disable to either allow or disallow terminating an instance using the REST API.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified instance has been terminated using the Amazon EC2 console, CLI, or API.

Following image displays a sample output when you select Disable in the Select Actionparameter in this operation:

Sample output of the Instance API Termination-Disable Action operation

operation: Terminate Instance

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Instance ID ID of the instance that you want to terminate.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified instance has been terminated.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Terminate Instance operation

operation: Attach Volume

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Volume ID ID of the volume that you want to attach to the specified instance.
Device Name Name (or full path) of the device on the specified instance. For example, /dev/sdh or xvdh.
Instance ID ID of the instance to which you want to attach the specified volume.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified volume has been attached to the specified instance. Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Attach Volume operation

operation: Capture Volume Snapshot

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Volume ID ID of the volume for which you want to capture a snapshot.
Volume Description Description of the snapshot.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the snapshot for the specified volume has been captured.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Capture Volume Snapshot operation

operation: Detach Volume

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Volume ID ID of the volume that you want to detach from the specified instance.
Device Name Name (or full path) of the device on the specified instance. For example, /dev/sdh or xvdh.
Instance ID ID of the instance from which you want to detach the specified volume.
Force to Detach Select this option if you want to forcefully detach the volume from the specified instance.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified volume has been detached from the specified instance.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Detach Volume operation

operation: Delete Volume

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Volume ID ID of the volume that you want to delete.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified volume has been deleted.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Delete Volume operation

operation: Add Security Group To Instance

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Instance ID ID of the instance that you want to add to the specified Security Group(s).
Security Group Name or ID (In CSV Or List Format) Name(s) or ID(s) of the Security Group(s) to which you want to add the specified instance.
The Security Group ID(s) or Name(s) must be specified in the csv or list format.
For example, ["default", "launch-wizard-3", "sg-9fc7dcf7"]


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified instance has been added to the specified Security Group(s).

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Add Security Group To Instance operation

operation: Deregister Instance from ELB

Input parameters

Parameter Description
ELB Name Name of the ELB from which you want to deregister the specified instance.
Instance ID ID of the instance that you want to deregister from the specified ELB.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified instance has been deregistered from the specified ELB.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Deregister Instance To ELB operation

operation: Add Instance Tag

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Instance ID ID of the instance to which you want to add a tag.
Tag Key Key for the tag that you want to add.
Value Value for the tag that you want to add.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified tag has been added to the specified instance.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Add Instance Tag operation

operation: Add Network ACL Rule

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Network ID ID of the network in which you want to add the ACL rule.
Egress Rule Select either Inbound_Rule or Outbound_Rule.
IP Address IP address of the network in which you want to add the ACL rule.
Rule Action Action that the rule must perform.
Choose between DENY or ALLOW.
Rule Number Position of where the rule must be placed in the ACL rules.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the ACL rule is added to the specified network.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Add Network ACL Rule operation

operation: Get User Details

Input parameters

Parameter Description
User Name Name of the user for who you want to retrieve details.


The JSON output retrieves details of the user from AWS, based on the username that you have specified.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Get User Details operation

Included playbooks

The Sample - AWS EC2 - 1.0.0 playbook collection comes bundled with the AWS EC2 connector. This playbook contains steps using which you can perform all supported actions. You can see the bundled playbooks in the Automation > Playbooks section in FortiSOAR™ after importing the AWS EC2 connector.

  • Attach Instance To Auto Scaling Group
  • Add Network ACL Rule
  • Add Security Group to Instance
  • Add Instance Tag
  • Attach Volume
  • Capture Volume Snapshot
  • Delete Volume
  • Detach Instance From Auto Scaling Group
  • Deregister Instance from ELB
  • Detach Volume
  • Get AMIs Detail
  • Get Instance Details
  • Get User Details
  • Instance API Termination
  • Launch Instance
  • Register Instance To ELB
  • Start Instance
  • Stop Instance
  • Terminate Instance

Note: If you are planning to use any of the sample playbooks in your environment, ensure that you clone those playbooks and move them to a different collection since the sample playbook collection gets deleted during connector upgrade and delete.


About the connector

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a highly reliable, scalable, low-cost infrastructure platform in the cloud that powers hundreds of thousands of businesses in 190 countries around the world. With data center locations in the U.S., Europe, Brazil, Singapore, Japan, and Australia, customers across all industries are taking advantage of the following benefits: Low Cost, Agile, Open and Flexible, and Secure.

This document provides information about the AWS EC2 connector, which facilitates automated interactions, with AWS EC2 services using FortiSOAR™ playbooks. Add the AWS EC2 connector as a step in FortiSOAR™ playbooks and perform automated operations, such as launching a new instance, taking snapshots of volumes, detaching volumes and terminating an instance.

Version information

Connector Version: 1.0.0

Compatibility with FortiSOAR™ Versions: and later

Compatibility with AWS EC2 Versions: 2 and later

Installing the connector

For the procedure to install a connector, click here.

Prerequisites to configuring the connector

Configuring the connector

For the procedure to configure a connector, click here.

Configuration parameters

In FortiSOAR™, on the Connectors page, click the AWS EC2 connector row, and in the Configuration tab enter the required configuration details.

Parameter Description
AWS Region Your account's AWS region that you will use to access AWS services.
AWS Access Key ID ID of the AWS Access Key to access AWS services.
AWS Secret Access Key Key of the AWS Secret Access to access AWS services.

Actions supported by the connector

The following automated operations can be included in playbooks and you can also use the annotations to access operations from FortiSOAR™ release 4.10.0 onwards:

Function Description Annotation and Category
Get AMIs Detail Retrieves details for all AMIs (Amazon Machine Images) from AWS. get_ami_details
Launch Instance Launches a new instance on AWS having basic configuration. launch_instance
Get Instance Details Retrieves details for an instance you have specified, using the instance ID, from AWS. get_instance_info
Start Instance Starts an instance you have specified using the instance ID. start_instance
Stop Instance Stops an instance you have specified using the instance ID. stop_instance
Register Instance To ELB Registers an instance to the elastic load balancing (ELB) service. register_instance
Attach Instance To Auto Scaling Group Attaches a running instance to the auto scaling group. attach_instance
Detach Instance From Auto Scaling Group Detaches an EC2 instance to the auto scaling group. detach_instance
Instance API Termination Terminates an instance using the REST API, if you have enabled this operation.
Important: This operation is not applicable for spot instance.
Terminate Instance Terminates an EC2 instance you have specified using the instance ID. terminate_instance
Attach Volume Attaches a volume to an EC2 instance you have specified using the instance ID. attach_volume
Capture Volume Snapshot Captures a snapshot of a volume you have specified using the volume ID. get_snapshot_volume
Detach Volume Detaches a volume you have specified, using the volume ID, from an EC2 instance. detach_volume
Delete Volume Deletes a volume you have specified, using the volume ID. detach_volume
Add Security Group to Instance Adds a security group to an EC2 instance you have specified using the instance ID. add_group
Deregister Instance from ELB Deregisters an instance from the elastic load balancing (ELB) service. deregister_instance
Add Instance Tag Adds a tag to an available EC2 instance you have specified using the instance ID.
Tags must be added in a key-value pair.
Add Network ACL Rule Adds a rule to the network access control list (ACL). add_rule
Get User Details Retrieves details for a user, you have specified using the user name, from AWS. get_user_info

operation: Get AMIs Detail

Input parameters



The JSON output contains details for all AMIs from AWS.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Get AMIs Detail operation

operation: Launch Instance

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Image ID ID of the AMI on which you want to launch a new instance. You can get the ID of an AMI using the Get AMIs Detail operation.
Instance Type Type of the instance that you want to launch.
For example, t1.micro
Instance MaxCount Maximum number of instances to launch.
If you specify a maximum that is greater than the maximum number of instances Amazon EC2 can launch in the target Availability Zone, Amazon EC2 launches the largest possible number of instances above MinCount.
Instance MinCount Minimum number of instances to launch.
If you specify a minimum that is lesser than the minimum number of instances than Amazon EC2 can launch in the target Availability Zone, Amazon EC2 launches no instances.
SubNet ID (Optional) ID of the subnet associated with the network string. You must specify this only if you are creating a network interface when launching an instance.
Device Name Name of the device. For example, /dev/sdh or xvdh.
Instance Delete on Termination Select this option if you want to delete the interface when the instance is terminated.
Security Groups (Optional) Security group(s) to be assigned to the newly launched instance.
Purpose For Launch Instance (Optional) Purpose of launching the instance.
Customer Name (Optional) Name of the customer for who you are requesting the launch of the new instance.
Terminate By Date (Optional) Date on which the instance will be terminated.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the requested instance has been launched successfully and the request ID that is used to launch the new instance on AWS.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Launch Instance operation

operation: Get Instance Details

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Instance ID ID of the instance for which you want to retrieve details.


The JSON output retrieves details of the instance from AWS, based on the instance ID that you have specified.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Get Instance Details operation

operation: Start Instance

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Instance ID ID of the instance that you want to start.
Purpose (Optional) Purpose of starting the instance.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified instance has been started.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Start Instance operation

operation: Stop Instance

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Instance ID ID of the instance that you want to stop.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified instance has been stopped.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Stop Instance operation

operation: Register Instance To ELB

Input parameters

Parameter Description
ELB Name Name of the ELB to which you want to register the specified instance.
Instance ID ID of the instance that you want to register with the specified ELB.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified instance has been registered to the specified ELB.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Register Instance To ELB operation

operation: Attach Instance To Auto Scaling Group

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Auto Scaling Group Name Name of the auto scaling group to which you want to attach the specified instance.
Instance IDs (In CSV Or List Format) ID(s) of the instance(s) that you want to attach to the specified auto scaling group using the csv or list format.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified instance has been attached to the specified auto scaling group.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Attach Instance To Auto Scaling Groupoperation

operation: Detach Instance From Auto Scaling Group

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Auto Scaling Group Name Name of the auto scaling group from which you want to detach the specified instance.
Instance ID ID of the instance that you want to detach from the specified auto scaling group.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified instance has been detached from the specified auto scaling group.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Detach Instance From Auto Scaling Group operation

operation: Instance API Termination

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Instance ID ID of the instance that you want to terminate using the REST API.
Select Action Specify Enable or Disable to either allow or disallow terminating an instance using the REST API.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified instance has been terminated using the Amazon EC2 console, CLI, or API.

Following image displays a sample output when you select Disable in the Select Actionparameter in this operation:

Sample output of the Instance API Termination-Disable Action operation

operation: Terminate Instance

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Instance ID ID of the instance that you want to terminate.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified instance has been terminated.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Terminate Instance operation

operation: Attach Volume

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Volume ID ID of the volume that you want to attach to the specified instance.
Device Name Name (or full path) of the device on the specified instance. For example, /dev/sdh or xvdh.
Instance ID ID of the instance to which you want to attach the specified volume.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified volume has been attached to the specified instance. Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Attach Volume operation

operation: Capture Volume Snapshot

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Volume ID ID of the volume for which you want to capture a snapshot.
Volume Description Description of the snapshot.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the snapshot for the specified volume has been captured.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Capture Volume Snapshot operation

operation: Detach Volume

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Volume ID ID of the volume that you want to detach from the specified instance.
Device Name Name (or full path) of the device on the specified instance. For example, /dev/sdh or xvdh.
Instance ID ID of the instance from which you want to detach the specified volume.
Force to Detach Select this option if you want to forcefully detach the volume from the specified instance.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified volume has been detached from the specified instance.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Detach Volume operation

operation: Delete Volume

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Volume ID ID of the volume that you want to delete.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified volume has been deleted.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Delete Volume operation

operation: Add Security Group To Instance

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Instance ID ID of the instance that you want to add to the specified Security Group(s).
Security Group Name or ID (In CSV Or List Format) Name(s) or ID(s) of the Security Group(s) to which you want to add the specified instance.
The Security Group ID(s) or Name(s) must be specified in the csv or list format.
For example, ["default", "launch-wizard-3", "sg-9fc7dcf7"]


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified instance has been added to the specified Security Group(s).

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Add Security Group To Instance operation

operation: Deregister Instance from ELB

Input parameters

Parameter Description
ELB Name Name of the ELB from which you want to deregister the specified instance.
Instance ID ID of the instance that you want to deregister from the specified ELB.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified instance has been deregistered from the specified ELB.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Deregister Instance To ELB operation

operation: Add Instance Tag

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Instance ID ID of the instance to which you want to add a tag.
Tag Key Key for the tag that you want to add.
Value Value for the tag that you want to add.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the specified tag has been added to the specified instance.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Add Instance Tag operation

operation: Add Network ACL Rule

Input parameters

Parameter Description
Network ID ID of the network in which you want to add the ACL rule.
Egress Rule Select either Inbound_Rule or Outbound_Rule.
IP Address IP address of the network in which you want to add the ACL rule.
Rule Action Action that the rule must perform.
Choose between DENY or ALLOW.
Rule Number Position of where the rule must be placed in the ACL rules.


The JSON output contains the status of whether or not the ACL rule is added to the specified network.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Add Network ACL Rule operation

operation: Get User Details

Input parameters

Parameter Description
User Name Name of the user for who you want to retrieve details.


The JSON output retrieves details of the user from AWS, based on the username that you have specified.

Following image displays a sample output:

Sample output of the Get User Details operation

Included playbooks

The Sample - AWS EC2 - 1.0.0 playbook collection comes bundled with the AWS EC2 connector. This playbook contains steps using which you can perform all supported actions. You can see the bundled playbooks in the Automation > Playbooks section in FortiSOAR™ after importing the AWS EC2 connector.

Note: If you are planning to use any of the sample playbooks in your environment, ensure that you clone those playbooks and move them to a different collection since the sample playbook collection gets deleted during connector upgrade and delete.
