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FortiSOAR Cloud is a cloud-hosted Security Orchestration & Automated Response (SOAR) platform. The FortiSOAR Cloud service subscription is available for purchase through an a la carte SKU. Having FortiSOAR running on the FortiSOAR Cloud provides for easier FortiSOAR VM deployment, management, and scaling.

FortiCloud creates a cloud-based FortiSOAR instance with an embedded FortiSOAR secure message exchange under the user account. You can launch the portal for the cloud-based FortiSOAR from FortiCloud, and its URL starts with the Account ID.

This section includes the following topics:


The following items are required before you can initialize FortiSOAR Cloud:

  • FortiCloud account: Create a FortiCloud account here if you do not have one. A primary FortiCloud account is required to launch FortiSOAR Cloud. A primary FortiCloud account can invite other users to launch FortiSOAR Cloud as secondary users.

  • Internet access: You must have Internet access to create a FortiSOAR Cloud instance.

  • Browser: A device with a browser to access FortiSOAR Cloud.

Note Only one FortiSOAR instance can be created per FortiCloud account.

FortiSOAR Cloud is supported on FortiSOAR v7.0.0 and later.


License requirements are enforced when you log into the FortiSOAR Cloud portal.

FortiSOAR Cloud requires the following licenses:

  • FortiCloud Premium Subscription
  • FortiSOAR Cloud Entitlement license. You can purchase FortiSOAR Cloud licenses from Fortinet.

If either the FortiCloud Premium Subscription or the FortiSOAR Cloud entitlement expires, the cloud portal will display a notice to the customer. Customers have a grace period, currently set as 30 days, which allows the customers to continue to use VM and renew the contract that has expired. After the grace period has expired, the cloud portal shuts down the VM and customers will not be able to use the VM.

FortiSOAR Cloud license contract registration

  1. You must have an account in FortiCare.
  2. Contact FortiSOAR Support to obtain the FortiSOAR Cloud product SKU.
    Note: By default, the FortiSOAR Cloud product SKUs come with 2 users included. If you want to get more users, you require to purchase the SKU for 'Additional Users Entitlement'.
  3. Once you complete purchasing the FortiSOAR Cloud product SKU and/or the 'Additional Users' SKU, you will be sent a service contract registration codes to your registered email address.
  4. Login to your FortiCare account and click Asset > Register/Activate to register your FortiSOAR Cloud product. You can register your FortiSOAR Cloud product using the instructions provided in the FortiCare registration wizard.
    You will require to copy-paste the service contract registration code from your email to register FortiSOAR Cloud.
    Once you have verified the registration, click Complete to complete the registration.


FortiSOAR Cloud is a cloud-hosted Security Orchestration & Automated Response (SOAR) platform. The FortiSOAR Cloud service subscription is available for purchase through an a la carte SKU. Having FortiSOAR running on the FortiSOAR Cloud provides for easier FortiSOAR VM deployment, management, and scaling.

FortiCloud creates a cloud-based FortiSOAR instance with an embedded FortiSOAR secure message exchange under the user account. You can launch the portal for the cloud-based FortiSOAR from FortiCloud, and its URL starts with the Account ID.

This section includes the following topics:


The following items are required before you can initialize FortiSOAR Cloud:

  • FortiCloud account: Create a FortiCloud account here if you do not have one. A primary FortiCloud account is required to launch FortiSOAR Cloud. A primary FortiCloud account can invite other users to launch FortiSOAR Cloud as secondary users.

  • Internet access: You must have Internet access to create a FortiSOAR Cloud instance.

  • Browser: A device with a browser to access FortiSOAR Cloud.

Note Only one FortiSOAR instance can be created per FortiCloud account.

FortiSOAR Cloud is supported on FortiSOAR v7.0.0 and later.


License requirements are enforced when you log into the FortiSOAR Cloud portal.

FortiSOAR Cloud requires the following licenses:

  • FortiCloud Premium Subscription
  • FortiSOAR Cloud Entitlement license. You can purchase FortiSOAR Cloud licenses from Fortinet.

If either the FortiCloud Premium Subscription or the FortiSOAR Cloud entitlement expires, the cloud portal will display a notice to the customer. Customers have a grace period, currently set as 30 days, which allows the customers to continue to use VM and renew the contract that has expired. After the grace period has expired, the cloud portal shuts down the VM and customers will not be able to use the VM.

FortiSOAR Cloud license contract registration

  1. You must have an account in FortiCare.
  2. Contact FortiSOAR Support to obtain the FortiSOAR Cloud product SKU.
    Note: By default, the FortiSOAR Cloud product SKUs come with 2 users included. If you want to get more users, you require to purchase the SKU for 'Additional Users Entitlement'.
  3. Once you complete purchasing the FortiSOAR Cloud product SKU and/or the 'Additional Users' SKU, you will be sent a service contract registration codes to your registered email address.
  4. Login to your FortiCare account and click Asset > Register/Activate to register your FortiSOAR Cloud product. You can register your FortiSOAR Cloud product using the instructions provided in the FortiCare registration wizard.
    You will require to copy-paste the service contract registration code from your email to register FortiSOAR Cloud.
    Once you have verified the registration, click Complete to complete the registration.