Health Check
HA-Cluster > Health Check is only available on the primary node. You can use the Health Check to set up a ping server to ensure the network condition between client devices and FortiSandbox is always up. If not, the primary node downgrades itself to a secondary node if there is at least one secondary node, a failover occurs after the configured period elapses. If no secondary node exists, the primary node keeps its primary role.
The following options are available:
Create New |
Create a new health check ping server. |
Edit |
Edit a health check ping server. |
Delete |
Delete a health check ping server. |
This page displays the following information:
To create a new HA Health Check:
- Go to HA-Cluster > Health Check.
- Click Create New from the tool bar.
- Configure the settings.
- Click Ok.
To edit a HA Health Check:
- Go to HA-Cluster > Health Check.
- Select the Health Check you want to edit.
- Click the Edit button from the toolbar.
- Edit the settings.
- Click Ok.
To delete a HA Health Check:
- Go to HA-Cluster > Health Check.
- Select the Health Check you want to delete.
- Click the Delete button from the toolbar.
- Click the Yes, I'm sure button to delete the Health Check.