Scan Profile Job Queue Tab
The Job Queue tab is to define file types and URLs that are allowed to enter the job queue if they are from a sniffer, device, adapter and/or network share.
If files or URLs are submitted through On-Demand or RPC JSON API, they will always be put into the job queue, even if their file types are not set to enter the job queue. |
To allow a file type to enter the job queue:
Click its toggle button on the right side to enable it. If the button is greyed out, files of that type will be dropped.
URL Detection
When URL detection is enabled, it means FortiSandbox will scan URLs (WEBLinks). The user can also define Default Depth setting (from 0 to 5) FortiSandbox should visit the URL and the Default Timeout value that FortiSandbox should stop even when not all depths have been scanned.
To determine the number of each file type and its input source, users can use CLI command |