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Follow this procedure on the FortiPresence VM and FortiGate GUIs to enable and configure location services.

  1. On the FortiGate GUI navigate to WiFi and Switch Controller > FortiAP Profiles .
  2. Select and double-click a specific FortiAP profile, scroll down to the FortiPresence VM section.
  3. Enable Location Services; configure the mode as Foreign Channels Only/Foreign and Home Channels.
  4. Enter the Project name and Password, (Project Name and Project Secret Key respectively copied from the FortiPresence VM GUI - Administration > AP Management > Location Server Details).
  5. Enter the FortiPresence VM server IP address and FortiPresence VM server port - 4013.

In the FortiPresence VM GUI, Administration > AP Management, refresh to view the access points discovered on FortiGate.

Note: Repeat this procedure for every FortiAP profile in case you have multiple profiles.



Follow this procedure on the FortiPresence VM and FortiGate GUIs to enable and configure location services.

  1. On the FortiGate GUI navigate to WiFi and Switch Controller > FortiAP Profiles .
  2. Select and double-click a specific FortiAP profile, scroll down to the FortiPresence VM section.
  3. Enable Location Services; configure the mode as Foreign Channels Only/Foreign and Home Channels.
  4. Enter the Project name and Password, (Project Name and Project Secret Key respectively copied from the FortiPresence VM GUI - Administration > AP Management > Location Server Details).
  5. Enter the FortiPresence VM server IP address and FortiPresence VM server port - 4013.

In the FortiPresence VM GUI, Administration > AP Management, refresh to view the access points discovered on FortiGate.

Note: Repeat this procedure for every FortiAP profile in case you have multiple profiles.