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Sending a request to access the job

Sending a request to access the job

To send a request to access the job:
  1. Go to Secrets > Job List.
  2. In the Job List, double-click the job created in Creating an ssh script type job to open in.
  3. On the top, click Make Request to send out a request to access the job.

    Alternatively, go to Secrets > My Request List, select Create.

    The New secret request window opens.

  4. In Request Type, ensure that Job is selected.
  5. In Job, if you are making a request from the Job List, the job is already selected.

    If you are creating an approval request in Secrets > My Request List, select the job created in Creating an ssh script type job from the dropdown.

    The secret associated with the job is already selected and cannot be changed. This is the secret set up in Creating a secret with mandatory approval requirement for launching a job with Requires Approval to Launch Job option enabled.

  6. In End time, enter an end date (MM/DD/YYYY) and time by when the job request must be approved.

    The job request cannot be approved past the time set in End time.

  7. Optionally, enter comments for the request in Requester Comments.
  8. Click Submit.

    Once the request is submitted, it appears in My Request List tab in Pending.

Sending a request to access the job

Sending a request to access the job

To send a request to access the job:
  1. Go to Secrets > Job List.
  2. In the Job List, double-click the job created in Creating an ssh script type job to open in.
  3. On the top, click Make Request to send out a request to access the job.

    Alternatively, go to Secrets > My Request List, select Create.

    The New secret request window opens.

  4. In Request Type, ensure that Job is selected.
  5. In Job, if you are making a request from the Job List, the job is already selected.

    If you are creating an approval request in Secrets > My Request List, select the job created in Creating an ssh script type job from the dropdown.

    The secret associated with the job is already selected and cannot be changed. This is the secret set up in Creating a secret with mandatory approval requirement for launching a job with Requires Approval to Launch Job option enabled.

  6. In End time, enter an end date (MM/DD/YYYY) and time by when the job request must be approved.

    The job request cannot be approved past the time set in End time.

  7. Optionally, enter comments for the request in Requester Comments.
  8. Click Submit.

    Once the request is submitted, it appears in My Request List tab in Pending.