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Configuring a local user with FortiToken as the authentication type

Configuring a local user with FortiToken as the authentication type

To configure a local user:
  1. Go to User Management > User Definition, and select Create.

    The New User Definition wizard is launched.

  2. In Choose a User Role type, select Administrator, and from the Choose an Administrator Role dropdown, select Super Administrator.

  3. Click Next.
  4. In Choose a User type, select Local User.

  5. Click Next.
  6. In Configure User Detail:
    1. In Username, enter a name.
    2. In Password, enter a password.
    3. In Confirm Password, reenter password to confirm.
    4. In Status, enable logging in to FortiPAM.
    5. In Email address, enter the email address for the user.

  7. Click Next.
  8. Enable Two Factor Authentication, and:
    1. In Authentication Type, select FortiToken.
    2. From the Token dropdown, select a FortiToken Mobile that you earlier added in Adding a FortiToken to FortiPAM.
    3. Ensure that the email address is the same email address of the user you entered in step 6.

    4. Click Next.
  9. Click Next.
  10. In the Review tab, verify the information you entered and click Submit to create the user.
  11. Go User Management > FortiTokens, select the token used in step 8 from the list and then click Provision.

    An email notification is sent to the user. This is the email address configured in step 8.

CLI configuration to set up a user with FortiToken as the authentication type:
  1. In the CLI console, enter the following commands:

    config system admin

    edit "token"

    set accprofile "super_admin" #administrator role

    set two-factor fortitoken

    set fortitoken "FTKMOB29B10062D4"

    set email-to ""

    set password "myPassword"



Configuring a local user with FortiToken as the authentication type

Configuring a local user with FortiToken as the authentication type

To configure a local user:
  1. Go to User Management > User Definition, and select Create.

    The New User Definition wizard is launched.

  2. In Choose a User Role type, select Administrator, and from the Choose an Administrator Role dropdown, select Super Administrator.

  3. Click Next.
  4. In Choose a User type, select Local User.

  5. Click Next.
  6. In Configure User Detail:
    1. In Username, enter a name.
    2. In Password, enter a password.
    3. In Confirm Password, reenter password to confirm.
    4. In Status, enable logging in to FortiPAM.
    5. In Email address, enter the email address for the user.

  7. Click Next.
  8. Enable Two Factor Authentication, and:
    1. In Authentication Type, select FortiToken.
    2. From the Token dropdown, select a FortiToken Mobile that you earlier added in Adding a FortiToken to FortiPAM.
    3. Ensure that the email address is the same email address of the user you entered in step 6.

    4. Click Next.
  9. Click Next.
  10. In the Review tab, verify the information you entered and click Submit to create the user.
  11. Go User Management > FortiTokens, select the token used in step 8 from the list and then click Provision.

    An email notification is sent to the user. This is the email address configured in step 8.

CLI configuration to set up a user with FortiToken as the authentication type:
  1. In the CLI console, enter the following commands:

    config system admin

    edit "token"

    set accprofile "super_admin" #administrator role

    set two-factor fortitoken

    set fortitoken "FTKMOB29B10062D4"

    set email-to ""

    set password "myPassword"

