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Administration Guide


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There are several types of passwords that are used in conjunction with FortiNAC, such as passwords for CLI, SSH, Configuration Wizard, or admin UI access. Each type of password has its own set of rules or conventions.

CLI/SSH and configuration wizard passwords

CLI/SSH and Configuration Wizard passwords must be eight characters or longer and contain a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, a number, and one of the following symbols:

Required Symbols

! exclamation point

@ at

_ underscore

# pound

$ dollar

~ tilde

^ caret

- hyphen

* asterisk

% percent

? question mark

The symbols listed below are not permitted in CLI/SSH and Configuration Wizard passwords.

Prohibited Symbols

( open parenthesis

; semicolon

{ open curly bracket

) close parenthesis

: colon

} close curly bracket

‘ back quote

“ double quote

[ open square bracket

& ampersand

’ single quote

] close square bracket

+ plus

< less than

, comma

= equal

> greater than

. period

| pipe

\ back slash

/ forward slash

Admin CLI and root CLI passwords are limited to 64 characters.

Administrator passwords


Spaces are permitted in passwords with local authentication. Any other authentication will depend on the vendor.

Administrator passwords for FortiNAC stored in the FortiNAC database must conform to the following:

Permitted Characters

Letters (upper and lower case)

A, B, C... (and a, b, c...)


0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


All characters not defined as letters or numbers. Including:

~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = { } | [ ] \ : < > ? , . /

Prohibited Symbols

’ single quote

“ double quote


There are several types of passwords that are used in conjunction with FortiNAC, such as passwords for CLI, SSH, Configuration Wizard, or admin UI access. Each type of password has its own set of rules or conventions.

CLI/SSH and configuration wizard passwords

CLI/SSH and Configuration Wizard passwords must be eight characters or longer and contain a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, a number, and one of the following symbols:

Required Symbols

! exclamation point

@ at

_ underscore

# pound

$ dollar

~ tilde

^ caret

- hyphen

* asterisk

% percent

? question mark

The symbols listed below are not permitted in CLI/SSH and Configuration Wizard passwords.

Prohibited Symbols

( open parenthesis

; semicolon

{ open curly bracket

) close parenthesis

: colon

} close curly bracket

‘ back quote

“ double quote

[ open square bracket

& ampersand

’ single quote

] close square bracket

+ plus

< less than

, comma

= equal

> greater than

. period

| pipe

\ back slash

/ forward slash

Admin CLI and root CLI passwords are limited to 64 characters.

Administrator passwords


Spaces are permitted in passwords with local authentication. Any other authentication will depend on the vendor.

Administrator passwords for FortiNAC stored in the FortiNAC database must conform to the following:

Permitted Characters

Letters (upper and lower case)

A, B, C... (and a, b, c...)


0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


All characters not defined as letters or numbers. Including:

~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = { } | [ ] \ : < > ? , . /

Prohibited Symbols

’ single quote

“ double quote