Add a guest manager profile
This procedure describes how to create a specific administrator profile for an administrator with permissions for guest manager. As a sponsor, the administrator can create guest or contractor accounts. For details on all of the options that can be include in an administrator profile, see Add an administrator profile.
If an administrator profile has Kiosk Mode enabled, the corresponding user can only log into the Kiosk computer to make it available to arriving guests. That user cannot create accounts. You may need to create a sponsor who can manage accounts and a second sponsor to use for the self-service Kiosk. See Add a guest kiosk profile.
To create an administrator profile you must first be logged into your Administrator account. Follow the steps below to add an administrator profile for an administrator that is considered a sponsor for incoming guests:
- Click Users > Admin Profiles.
- Click Add. The Add Admin Profile screen appears with the General tab highlighted.
- On the General tab, enter a name for the profile, such as Guest Sponsor.
- Under Manage Hosts and Ports select All.
- Leave the defaults for the remaining fields and click on the Permissions tab.
- On the Permissions tab note that some permissions are dependent on each other. Refer to the Permissions list for additional information.
- The minimum that this sponsor must have is the Guest/Contractor Accounts permission set. Select all of the check boxes for this set including the Custom check box.
- When you select the Guest/Contractor permission set, the Landing Page field defaults to Guest/Contractor Accounts.
- In addition you may want include self registration requests, which allow a sponsor to Allow or Deny guest access to a user who has registered through the captive portal. This is not required.
- The Manage Guests tab is enabled when Custom is selected for the guest/contractor accounts permission set. Click on the Manage Guests tab.
Use the table below to configure the settings.
Guest Account Access
You can give administrators with this profile privileges that allow them to manage all guest contractor accounts, regardless of who created them, only their own accounts, or no accounts.
The privileges include whether the sponsors can add or modify accounts, locate guests or contractors, and view reports.
No: Users can only see guest accounts they create and send credentials to those guests. Users cannot modify or delete any guest accounts.
Own Accounts: Users can see guest accounts they create, send credentials to those guests, and modify or delete their own guest accounts.
All Accounts: User can see all guest accounts in the database, send credentials to guests and modify or delete any guest accounts.
Account Types
Individual: Sponsor can create single guest accounts. Within the constraints of the template, the sponsor may specify account start and end date. Each account has a unique name and password associated with it.
Bulk: Sponsors may create multiple accounts with unique passwords by importing a bulk account file.
Conference: Sponsors may create any number of conference accounts, or the number may be limited by a template. Conference accounts may be named identically but have a unique password for each attendee, have the same name and password, or have unique names and passwords.
Create Accounts Days in Advance (Maximum)
The maximum number of days in advance this sponsor is allowed to create accounts.
Create Accounts Active For Days (Maximum)
Determines the length of time the guest account remains active in the database.
There are two methods that work together for determining the length of time a guest account is active. The shortest duration of the two is the one that is used to remove a guest account from the database.
Account Duration (Hours): Option included in the guest template to limit the time a guest account created with this template remains in the database. If this is blank, the guest account end date is used. The Account Duration starts only when the guest user first logs in. For example, you could create a guest account with a date range that spans one week and if the account duration was 24 hours, they would be able to log in for one 24 hour period any time during that week
Account End Date: Option included on the Add Guest Account dialog to determine the date on which the guest account expires. This field is required when a guest account is created.
Can View Passwords
Enabled by default. Controls whether or not passwords generated for guest accounts are displayed to the operator that created the account. If disabled, the operator cannot view the password. Only random passwords are generated. Guests can still be informed of their password using email or SMS, depending upon template settings. See Create templates.
Allowed Templates
Indicates whether the administrator can use all guest templates or only those in the Specify Templates > Selected Templates field. Default = All. Options include:
All Templates: Profile gives the administrator access to all templates in the database when creating guest accounts.
Specify Templates: Profile gives the administrator access to the templates listed in Selected Templates.
Specify Templates
Allows you to select guest/contractor templates available for administrators with this administrator profile. Use the arrows to place the templates needed in the Selected Templates column and the unwanted templates in the Available Templates column.
If All Templates is selected in the Allowed Templates field, all templates are moved to the Selected Templates column and the arrows are hidden.
Available Templates
Shows the templates that have not been selected to be included in this administrator profile.
Selected Templates
Shows the templates selected to be included in this administrator profile.
Add Icon
Create a new guest/contractor template. For information on templates, see Create templates.
Modify Icon
Modify the selected guest/contractor template. For information on templates, see Create templates.
- Click OK to save.