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Numbering Conventions

Numbering Conventions

Fortinet uses the following version number format: <First Number>.<Second Number>.<Third Number>.<Fourth Number> Example:

  • First Number = major version
  • Second Number = minor version
  • Third Number = maintenance version
  • Fourth Number = build number (internal tracking use only)

Release Notes pertain to a certain version of the product. Release Notes are revised as needed. The Rev letter increments accordingly. For example, updating the Release Notes from Rev C to Rev D indicates changes in the Release notes only -- no changes were made to the product.

The next number represents the version in which a Known Anomaly was added to the release notes (for example, V8.0).

Numbering Conventions

Fortinet uses the following version number format: <First Number>.<Second Number>.<Third Number>.<Fourth Number> Example:

  • First Number = major version
  • Second Number = minor version
  • Third Number = maintenance version
  • Fourth Number = build number (internal tracking use only)

Release Notes pertain to a certain version of the product. Release Notes are revised as needed. The Rev letter increments accordingly. For example, updating the Release Notes from Rev C to Rev D indicates changes in the Release notes only -- no changes were made to the product.

The next number represents the version in which a Known Anomaly was added to the release notes (for example, V8.0).