Set CDP polling
Set CDP Polling allows you to enable CDP Polling for one or more devices at the same time by selecting them from the Network Device View. The CDP option leverages the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) feature enabled on some network devices. Network devices that are configured for CDP collect and store information about the network devices they manage or can contact. FortiNAC can gather information about network devices more quickly and efficiently using this mechanism.
The Global CDP setting controls CDP polling system-wide. If this option is disabled, CDP settings on individual devices are ignored.
- Click System > Quick Start > Network Device Settings.
- Click Network Devices.
- Select one or more devices from the list in the Network Devices View.
- Click Set CDP Polling.
- To enable or disable Global CDP Polling, toggle the Enable/Disable button at the top of the window. If Global CDP Polling is disabled, all CDP settings on individual devices are ignored and CDP Polling is not done. When Global CDP Polling is enabled, individual devices are checked and settings on each device are honored.
- To enable polling for the selected devices, click Enable Polling to mark it with a check mark.
- In the Interval field enter the number of minutes or hours between polls for this set of devices.
- In the drop-down list, select either Minutes or Hours.
- Click OK to save.