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Get started with Application Monitoring

Get started with Application Monitoring

Application Monitoring page

The Application Monitoring page shows a focused view of an application and the number instances associated with it, providing a quick view on the application’s status and availability.

To go to the Application Monitoring page, click Monitoring > Applications from the navigation menu.

The Application Monitoring page is displayed.

To add an application, see Add an Application.

To manage the application and view its details, click the application’s name. The application's page is displayed. The different sections of the page are detailed in the following sections.

Status and Availability

The status and health of the instances are shown in this section. The color of the marker represents the health or availability of the instance. Checks are run from every location (endpoint agents, OnSights, and public probes) at the same time.

Monitoring locations

Each geographic location is represented by a color-coded icon that shows the number of monitoring locations in that particular region. The color of the marker is based on the overall health of the monitoring locations in the region. A red icon signifies that there is one or more active incident monitored by a location.

On hover, the icon opens a panel that displays a list of monitoring locations in the region and their individual health. Click a location to open its Instance Details page.

Impacted Locations

This section shows monitoring locations that have active incidents and their individual average response times. Click a monitoring location to learn more about the active incident.

Location Types

Application Monitoring supports three location types:

  • Public probe - Global network of monitoring nodes designed to track the availability of your servers 24 hours a day from outside your network.

  • OnSight - The OnSight vCollector sits behind your firewall and functions similarly to our public monitoring nodes, which runs uptime checks and synthetic monitoring against your publicly available servers and web endpoints. The OnSight can be used to verify performance from core office or data center environments.

  • Endpoint Agents (DEM Agent) - Collects key OS health and application performance metrics from remote locations like employee computers, retail locations, or public probes for external verification.

The map can also be filtered by Location Type .

Performance monitoring

Application Monitoring supports server health, performance, and DEM (Digital Experience Monitoring) metrics to demonstrate the user experience from different monitoring locations.

In addition to standard server health metrics, the following metrics are also supported:

  • Network quality checks

    • Jitter

    • Latency

    • MOS

    • Packet loss

  • Synthetic checks

    • HTTP/HTTPS transactions (including SSL/TLS)

    • Traceroutes

  • Download speed

  • WiFi Rx (Reception) Rate

  • WiFi Tx (Transmission) Rate

  • WiFi Signal Strength

  • Windows Endpoint Agent health metrics

The Performance section provides a visual representation of each metric, represented by a line graph that can be filtered by location, metric, and a specific time range.


The Checks tab displays all of the metrics configured for this application. You can add checks and configure metrics from this tab. Checks will be run from all applicable locations that have been added and selected.

To add a check, see Create checks.


The Locations tab shows a list of all the Locations associated with the application. The list can be filtered by Location Type and include or exclude inactive locations.

To add a location click Add Locations. See Add monitoring locations for more details.


The Incidents tab displays a list of active list of incidents affecting application instances.

You can also specify a time range.


The Maintenance tab displays a list of active and upcoming maintenance affecting the application's instances.


The Settings tab allows you to edit the following fields:

  • Name

  • Image

  • Description

You can also:

  • Apply tags to the application

  • Assign alert timelines to the application

  • Add attributes to the application


The Activity tab provides a log of all actions performed on the application. The initiator of the action, the date, the action performed, and target instance are detailed in the Activity Log table.

Get started with Application Monitoring

Application Monitoring page

The Application Monitoring page shows a focused view of an application and the number instances associated with it, providing a quick view on the application’s status and availability.

To go to the Application Monitoring page, click Monitoring > Applications from the navigation menu.

The Application Monitoring page is displayed.

To add an application, see Add an Application.

To manage the application and view its details, click the application’s name. The application's page is displayed. The different sections of the page are detailed in the following sections.

Status and Availability

The status and health of the instances are shown in this section. The color of the marker represents the health or availability of the instance. Checks are run from every location (endpoint agents, OnSights, and public probes) at the same time.

Monitoring locations

Each geographic location is represented by a color-coded icon that shows the number of monitoring locations in that particular region. The color of the marker is based on the overall health of the monitoring locations in the region. A red icon signifies that there is one or more active incident monitored by a location.

On hover, the icon opens a panel that displays a list of monitoring locations in the region and their individual health. Click a location to open its Instance Details page.

Impacted Locations

This section shows monitoring locations that have active incidents and their individual average response times. Click a monitoring location to learn more about the active incident.

Location Types

Application Monitoring supports three location types:

  • Public probe - Global network of monitoring nodes designed to track the availability of your servers 24 hours a day from outside your network.

  • OnSight - The OnSight vCollector sits behind your firewall and functions similarly to our public monitoring nodes, which runs uptime checks and synthetic monitoring against your publicly available servers and web endpoints. The OnSight can be used to verify performance from core office or data center environments.

  • Endpoint Agents (DEM Agent) - Collects key OS health and application performance metrics from remote locations like employee computers, retail locations, or public probes for external verification.

The map can also be filtered by Location Type .

Performance monitoring

Application Monitoring supports server health, performance, and DEM (Digital Experience Monitoring) metrics to demonstrate the user experience from different monitoring locations.

In addition to standard server health metrics, the following metrics are also supported:

  • Network quality checks

    • Jitter

    • Latency

    • MOS

    • Packet loss

  • Synthetic checks

    • HTTP/HTTPS transactions (including SSL/TLS)

    • Traceroutes

  • Download speed

  • WiFi Rx (Reception) Rate

  • WiFi Tx (Transmission) Rate

  • WiFi Signal Strength

  • Windows Endpoint Agent health metrics

The Performance section provides a visual representation of each metric, represented by a line graph that can be filtered by location, metric, and a specific time range.


The Checks tab displays all of the metrics configured for this application. You can add checks and configure metrics from this tab. Checks will be run from all applicable locations that have been added and selected.

To add a check, see Create checks.


The Locations tab shows a list of all the Locations associated with the application. The list can be filtered by Location Type and include or exclude inactive locations.

To add a location click Add Locations. See Add monitoring locations for more details.


The Incidents tab displays a list of active list of incidents affecting application instances.

You can also specify a time range.


The Maintenance tab displays a list of active and upcoming maintenance affecting the application's instances.


The Settings tab allows you to edit the following fields:

  • Name

  • Image

  • Description

You can also:

  • Apply tags to the application

  • Assign alert timelines to the application

  • Add attributes to the application


The Activity tab provides a log of all actions performed on the application. The initiator of the action, the date, the action performed, and target instance are detailed in the Activity Log table.