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Public status pages

Public status pages

We recently released new customizable status reports. If you would like to try these out, then please let our support team know and we will enable this feature for your account.

Our status reports were designed for just this purpose - they let you publish a publicly viewable page that lists the current status and availability for the servers FortiMonitor is monitoring. You can setup any number of status reports you desire, segmenting your servers into separate reports if desired.

To create a new status, go to the Reporting tab of the control panel and select Status Pages.

On this new page, click the Add Status Report button.

This brings you to a page where you can configure the report, specifying the URL that will be used for the report, the duration of the report, what servers are to be included as well as other settings that control the details of the report.

Note: If the Require Login option is enabled and the user is logged in to FortiMonitor, The status page will not prompt for authentication.

You can choose how you would like to sort the report itself, as well as choose which servers or server groups to include in the report. You can also specify a template to use for the body of the report.

Select Create Report when you are done. You should now see your new status report listed on the status reports page complete with URL. If you open this URL you should see something like the following:

You can hover over any dot for more information on that day. The arrows on the left state the server's current status, a green arrow meaning up and red one meaning down. To the right is we show the performance of that server over the past week. A green dot indicates that your server was up all of that day, a yellow dot indicates that there was at least one alert and a red dot indicates that there was an outage. You can also click on any one of the servers, which will take you to a more detailed report for that server. You can see an example of this below:

By clicking on any day in the calendar, you can see a detailed outage log open to the right. This page will also include graphs of all of the network service and Agent checks running on this server, as well as availability percentages and any upcoming maintenance periods.

Customizing Status Pages

Status pages were designed to support flexible customization so that they can be integrated into the look and feel of your website.

The overall look of the page is controlled by a HTML template that can be edited within the our control panel. This template needs to contain a text string "REPORT_BODY", which is dynamically replaced with the HTML for the report body when the report is generated. The HTML can be any valid HTML, from a basic wrapper with your logo at the top to a fully-customized page with complex navigation and layout.

The actual report body HTML is setup to support styling via CSS. A few important classes to be aware of are public_report, which is the outermost DIV that contains the entire report. Inside this DIV, each of the headers and table elements are tagged with classes to support custom styling.

Public status pages

We recently released new customizable status reports. If you would like to try these out, then please let our support team know and we will enable this feature for your account.

Our status reports were designed for just this purpose - they let you publish a publicly viewable page that lists the current status and availability for the servers FortiMonitor is monitoring. You can setup any number of status reports you desire, segmenting your servers into separate reports if desired.

To create a new status, go to the Reporting tab of the control panel and select Status Pages.

On this new page, click the Add Status Report button.

This brings you to a page where you can configure the report, specifying the URL that will be used for the report, the duration of the report, what servers are to be included as well as other settings that control the details of the report.

Note: If the Require Login option is enabled and the user is logged in to FortiMonitor, The status page will not prompt for authentication.

You can choose how you would like to sort the report itself, as well as choose which servers or server groups to include in the report. You can also specify a template to use for the body of the report.

Select Create Report when you are done. You should now see your new status report listed on the status reports page complete with URL. If you open this URL you should see something like the following:

You can hover over any dot for more information on that day. The arrows on the left state the server's current status, a green arrow meaning up and red one meaning down. To the right is we show the performance of that server over the past week. A green dot indicates that your server was up all of that day, a yellow dot indicates that there was at least one alert and a red dot indicates that there was an outage. You can also click on any one of the servers, which will take you to a more detailed report for that server. You can see an example of this below:

By clicking on any day in the calendar, you can see a detailed outage log open to the right. This page will also include graphs of all of the network service and Agent checks running on this server, as well as availability percentages and any upcoming maintenance periods.

Customizing Status Pages

Status pages were designed to support flexible customization so that they can be integrated into the look and feel of your website.

The overall look of the page is controlled by a HTML template that can be edited within the our control panel. This template needs to contain a text string "REPORT_BODY", which is dynamically replaced with the HTML for the report body when the report is generated. The HTML can be any valid HTML, from a basic wrapper with your logo at the top to a fully-customized page with complex navigation and layout.

The actual report body HTML is setup to support styling via CSS. A few important classes to be aware of are public_report, which is the outermost DIV that contains the entire report. Inside this DIV, each of the headers and table elements are tagged with classes to support custom styling.