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EKS SDN connector using access key

EKS SDN connector using access key

AWS SDN connectors support dynamic address groups based on AWS Kubernetes (EKS) filters.


If there is an authorization issue with the dynamic address resolution of Kubernetes (K8s) IP addresses and/or the K8s dynamic addresses fail to display, confirm that you have set the correct Identity & Access Management permissions or role assignments. For more information, see How do I provide access to other IAM users and roles after cluster creation in Amazon EKS?.

To enable an AWS SDN connector to fetch IP addresses from EKS:
  1. Go to Security Fabric > External Connectors. Click Create New, then select Amazon Web Services (AWS). Configure the SDN connector as desired. See AWS SDN connector using access keys.

    Screenshot of SDN connector configuration for Amazon EKS

  2. Go to Policies & Objects > Addresses. Click Create New > Address to create a dynamic firewall address for the configured SDN connector using the supported K8s filter.
  3. From the Type dropdown list, select Dynamic.
  4. From the Sub Type dropdown list, select Fabric Connector Address.
  5. From the SDN Connector dropdown list, select the desired SDN connector.
  6. In the Filter field, add the desired filters. The following filters are supported:




    Name of K8s cluster.


    Namespace of a K8s service or pod.


    Name of a K8s service.


    Name of a K8s node.


    Zone of a K8s node.


    Region of a Kubernetes node.


    Name of a Kubernetes pod.

    Name of label of a Kubernetes resource (cluster/service/node/pod).

    Screenshot of AWS Kubernetes setup displaying the creation of dynamic firewall address

  7. Configure the rest of the settings, then click OK.
  8. Ensure that the SDN connector resolves the dynamic firewall address IP addresses by going to Policy & Objects > Addresses and hovering over the newly created address.

    Screenshot displaying the IP being resolved by the SDN connector.

To configure an EKS SDN connector through the CLI:
  1. Configure the SDN connector:

    config system sdn-connector

    edit "aws1"

    set type aws

    set access-key "AKIAIJNKE75ANVN5AEQA"

    set secret-key xxxxx

    set region "us-west-2"

    set update-interval 30



  2. Create a dynamic firewall address for the SDN connector with a supported Kubernetes filter:

    config firewall address

    edit "aws-pod"

    set type dynamic

    set sdn "aws1"

    set filter "K8S_PodName=aws-node-g6zhx"



    The SDN connector resolves the dynamic firewall address IP address:

    config firewall address

    edit "aws-pod"

    set type dynamic

    set sdn "aws1"

    set filter "K8S_PodName=aws-node-g6zhx"

    config list

    edit ""





EKS SDN connector using access key

AWS SDN connectors support dynamic address groups based on AWS Kubernetes (EKS) filters.


If there is an authorization issue with the dynamic address resolution of Kubernetes (K8s) IP addresses and/or the K8s dynamic addresses fail to display, confirm that you have set the correct Identity & Access Management permissions or role assignments. For more information, see How do I provide access to other IAM users and roles after cluster creation in Amazon EKS?.

To enable an AWS SDN connector to fetch IP addresses from EKS:
  1. Go to Security Fabric > External Connectors. Click Create New, then select Amazon Web Services (AWS). Configure the SDN connector as desired. See AWS SDN connector using access keys.

    Screenshot of SDN connector configuration for Amazon EKS

  2. Go to Policies & Objects > Addresses. Click Create New > Address to create a dynamic firewall address for the configured SDN connector using the supported K8s filter.
  3. From the Type dropdown list, select Dynamic.
  4. From the Sub Type dropdown list, select Fabric Connector Address.
  5. From the SDN Connector dropdown list, select the desired SDN connector.
  6. In the Filter field, add the desired filters. The following filters are supported:




    Name of K8s cluster.


    Namespace of a K8s service or pod.


    Name of a K8s service.


    Name of a K8s node.


    Zone of a K8s node.


    Region of a Kubernetes node.


    Name of a Kubernetes pod.

    Name of label of a Kubernetes resource (cluster/service/node/pod).

    Screenshot of AWS Kubernetes setup displaying the creation of dynamic firewall address

  7. Configure the rest of the settings, then click OK.
  8. Ensure that the SDN connector resolves the dynamic firewall address IP addresses by going to Policy & Objects > Addresses and hovering over the newly created address.

    Screenshot displaying the IP being resolved by the SDN connector.

To configure an EKS SDN connector through the CLI:
  1. Configure the SDN connector:

    config system sdn-connector

    edit "aws1"

    set type aws

    set access-key "AKIAIJNKE75ANVN5AEQA"

    set secret-key xxxxx

    set region "us-west-2"

    set update-interval 30



  2. Create a dynamic firewall address for the SDN connector with a supported Kubernetes filter:

    config firewall address

    edit "aws-pod"

    set type dynamic

    set sdn "aws1"

    set filter "K8S_PodName=aws-node-g6zhx"



    The SDN connector resolves the dynamic firewall address IP address:

    config firewall address

    edit "aws-pod"

    set type dynamic

    set sdn "aws1"

    set filter "K8S_PodName=aws-node-g6zhx"

    config list

    edit ""



