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Hardware Acceleration

htab-msg-queue {data | idle | dedicated}

htab-msg-queue {data | idle | dedicated}

Set the hash table message queue mode. You can use this option to alleviate performance bottlenecks that may occur when hash table messages use up all of the available hyperscale NP7 data queues.

You can use the following commands to get the hash table message count and rate.

diagnose npu np7 msg htab-stats {all| chip-id}

diagnose npu np7 msg htab-rate {all| chip-id}

You can use the following command to show MSWM information:

diagnose npu np7 mswm

You can use the following command to show Session Search Engine (SSE) drop counters:

diagnose npu np7 dce-sse-drop 0 v

You can use the following command to show command counters:

diagnose npu np7 cmd

The following htab-msg-queue options are available:

  • data (the default) use all available data queues.

  • idle if you notice the data queues are all in use, you can select this option to use idle queues for hash table messages.

  • dedicated use between 1 to 8 of the highest number data queues. Use the option htab-dedi-queue-nr to set the number of data queues to use. See htab-dedi-queue-nr <number-of-queues>.

htab-msg-queue {data | idle | dedicated}

htab-msg-queue {data | idle | dedicated}

Set the hash table message queue mode. You can use this option to alleviate performance bottlenecks that may occur when hash table messages use up all of the available hyperscale NP7 data queues.

You can use the following commands to get the hash table message count and rate.

diagnose npu np7 msg htab-stats {all| chip-id}

diagnose npu np7 msg htab-rate {all| chip-id}

You can use the following command to show MSWM information:

diagnose npu np7 mswm

You can use the following command to show Session Search Engine (SSE) drop counters:

diagnose npu np7 dce-sse-drop 0 v

You can use the following command to show command counters:

diagnose npu np7 cmd

The following htab-msg-queue options are available:

  • data (the default) use all available data queues.

  • idle if you notice the data queues are all in use, you can select this option to use idle queues for hash table messages.

  • dedicated use between 1 to 8 of the highest number data queues. Use the option htab-dedi-queue-nr to set the number of data queues to use. See htab-dedi-queue-nr <number-of-queues>.