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Changes in CLI

Changes in CLI

The following CLI changes are included with FortiGate-6000 and FortiGate-7000 FortiOS 7.0.10 Build 0117. For inquires about a particular bug, please contact Customer Service & Support.

Bug ID



The config vpn ssl settings option tunnel-addr-assigned-method has been removed from the CLI because this option is not compatible with FortiGate-6000 and 7000 load balancing.

781179 The config system central-management option fmg-source-ip has been removed from the CLI because this option is not compatible with FortiGate-6000 and 7000 load balancing.

The config system snmp community option source-ip has been removed from the CLI because this option is not compatible with FortiGate-6000 and 7000 load balancing.

Changes in CLI

The following CLI changes are included with FortiGate-6000 and FortiGate-7000 FortiOS 7.0.10 Build 0117. For inquires about a particular bug, please contact Customer Service & Support.

Bug ID



The config vpn ssl settings option tunnel-addr-assigned-method has been removed from the CLI because this option is not compatible with FortiGate-6000 and 7000 load balancing.

781179 The config system central-management option fmg-source-ip has been removed from the CLI because this option is not compatible with FortiGate-6000 and 7000 load balancing.

The config system snmp community option source-ip has been removed from the CLI because this option is not compatible with FortiGate-6000 and 7000 load balancing.