Wi-Fi Alliance Hotspot 2.0 Release 3 support 7.0.2
FortiOS supports Wi-Fi Alliance Hotspot 2.0 Release 3. The release version can be configured in the wireless control hotspot profile.
Six new hotspot profile options are available:
release |
Hotspot 2.0 Release number (1, 2, 3, default = 2). |
venue-url |
Venue name. |
oper-icon |
Operator icon. |
advice-of-charge |
Advice of charge. |
osu-provider-nai |
Online sign up (OSU) provider network access identifier (NAI). |
terms-and-conditions |
Terms and conditions. |
To configure wireless controller hotspot 2.0 hs-profile related settings:
config wireless-controller hotspot20 hs-profile edit "profile1" set release 3 set venue-url "venue-ulr-config1" set oper-icon "icon-orange" set advice-of-charge "aoc1" set osu-provider-nai "osu_nai1" set terms-and-conditions "tc-1" next end
config wireless-controller hotspot20 anqp-venue-url edit "venue-ulr-config1" config value-list edit 1 set number 1 set value "https://venue-server.r2m-testbed.wi-fi.org/floorplans/index.html" next end next end
config wireless-controller hotspot20 icon edit "icon-orange" config icon-list edit "icon_orange_zxx.png" set lang "zxx" set file "icon_orange_zxx.png" set width 128 set height 61 next end next end
config wireless-controller hotspot20 h2qp-advice-of-charge edit "aoc1" config aoc-list edit "list1" config plan-info edit "plan1" set lang "ENG" set currency "USD" set info-file "time_plan1" next end next end next end
config wireless-controller hotspot20 h2qp-osu-provider-nai edit "osu_nai1" config nai-list edit "nai1" set osu-nai "anonymous@hotspot.net" next end next end
config wireless-controller hotspot20 h2qp-terms-and-conditions edit "tc-1" set filename "tandc-id1-content.txt" set timestamp 13578042 set url "https://tandc-server.r2m-testbed.wi-fi.org" next end
To verify the hotspot profile:
# diagnose wireless-controller wlac -c hsprof HSPROF (003/004) vdom,name: root, profile1 venue url : venue-ulr-config1 operator icon : icon-orange advice of charge : aoc1 osu provider nai : osu_nai1 terms and conditions : tc-1 wlan cnt : 2 vap 001 : 0 ssid_wpa3_en vap 002 : 0 ssid_ent
To enable OSEN as part of key management in a WPA2/WPA3 enterprise radius authentication SSID:
config wireless-controller vap edit "ssid_ent" set ssid "ssid_ent" set security wpa2-only-enterprise set auth radius set radius-server "wifi-radius" set schedule "always" set hotspot20-profile "profile1" set osen enable next end
To verify the SSID options:
# diagnose wireless-controller wlac -c wlan WLAN (002/003) vdom,name: root, ssid_ent vlanid : 0 (auto vlan intf disabled) hotspot20-profile : profile1 osen : 1 ssid : ssid_ent radius_server : wifi-radius