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Hardware Acceleration

hash-tbl-spread (disable | enable}

hash-tbl-spread (disable | enable}

You can use the following command to enable or disable hash table entry spread for NP7 processors.

config system npu

set hash-tbl-spread (disable | enable}


hash-table-spread is enabled by default. In most cases hash-table-spread should be enabled.

The following diagnose commands have been added to allow monitoring VLAN + LAG accounting when hash-tble-spread is enabled:

diagnose npu np7 sse-tpe-accounting {enable|disable}

diagnose npu np7 vlan-accounting {enable | disable}

hash-tbl-spread (disable | enable}

hash-tbl-spread (disable | enable}

You can use the following command to enable or disable hash table entry spread for NP7 processors.

config system npu

set hash-tbl-spread (disable | enable}


hash-table-spread is enabled by default. In most cases hash-table-spread should be enabled.

The following diagnose commands have been added to allow monitoring VLAN + LAG accounting when hash-tble-spread is enabled:

diagnose npu np7 sse-tpe-accounting {enable|disable}

diagnose npu np7 vlan-accounting {enable | disable}