NP6 processors and traffic shaping
NP6-offloaded sessions support most types of traffic shaping. However, in bandwidth and out bandwidth traffic shaping, set using the following command, is not supported:
config system interface
edit port1
set outbandwidth <value>
set inbandwidth <value>
Configuring in bandwidth traffic shaping has no effect. Configuring out bandwidth traffic shaping imposes more limiting than configured, potentially reducing throughput more than expected.
When NP6 or NP6Lite offloading is enabled, the NP6 and NP6Lite processors do not update traffic shaping statistics, including information about packets dropped by traffic shaping. For example, traffic shaping logs and the output of diagnose commands (for example, diagnose firewall shaper
) will show traffic shaping counters as 0.
NP6XLite processors do support updating traffic shaping statistics and log messages and diagnose command output related to traffic shaping should show accurate statistics.