Configure LAN switch
FortiExtender (Standalone) comes with four LAN ports (i.e., Ports 1—4) which can be part of the same LAN switch. These ports can also be separated from the LAN switch to run on different IP subnets as well.
To display the current LAN switch configuration:
FX211E5919000011 # config system lan-switch FX211E5919000011 (lan-switch) # config ports FX211E5919000011 (ports) # show config system lan-switch ports edit port1 next edit port2 next edit port3 next edit port4 next end
To remove Port 4 from the LAN switch in the example above:
FX211E5919000011 (ports) # delete port4 FX211E5919000011 (ports) <M> # next FX211E5919000011 (ports) # show config system lan-switch ports edit port1 next edit port2 next edit port3 next end
To add Port 4 back to the LAN switch from the state above:
FX211E5919000011 (ports) # edit port4 FX211E5919000011 (port4) <M> # next FX211E5919000011 (ports) # show config system lan-switch ports edit port1 next edit port2 next edit port3 next edit port4 next end