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Add AWS Registry Example

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Add AWS Registry Example

  1. Log into your AWS account, go to Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), click on Amazon ECR > Repositories, copy the repository name: "repo_for_demonstration" and repository url: "" without the trailing repository name.
  2. Click on the repository: "repo_demonstration" and verify the image tags to be added with the repository.
  3. Log into FortiCWP > Container Protection, go to CONFIGURE > Registry, click +ADD NEW and select Amazon ECR.
    1. In Enter Amazon ECR Registry url field, enter "".
    2. In Repository field, enter "repo_demonstration" as the name of the repository.
    3. In Tag field, enter ".*" to scan all images in the repository.
    4. In CAP field, enter "5" as the maximum number of images to be scanned from the repository.
    5. Click on Select IAM role drop down menu and select the AWS IAM role of the AWS account.
    6. Click Scan Images in the following Kubernetes Cluster drop down menu and select a Kubernetes cluster.
    7. Click Add Registry.

Add AWS Registry Example

  1. Log into your AWS account, go to Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), click on Amazon ECR > Repositories, copy the repository name: "repo_for_demonstration" and repository url: "" without the trailing repository name.
  2. Click on the repository: "repo_demonstration" and verify the image tags to be added with the repository.
  3. Log into FortiCWP > Container Protection, go to CONFIGURE > Registry, click +ADD NEW and select Amazon ECR.
    1. In Enter Amazon ECR Registry url field, enter "".
    2. In Repository field, enter "repo_demonstration" as the name of the repository.
    3. In Tag field, enter ".*" to scan all images in the repository.
    4. In CAP field, enter "5" as the maximum number of images to be scanned from the repository.
    5. Click on Select IAM role drop down menu and select the AWS IAM role of the AWS account.
    6. Click Scan Images in the following Kubernetes Cluster drop down menu and select a Kubernetes cluster.
    7. Click Add Registry.