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ELA profile

ELA profile

The Enterprise Level Agreement (ELA) profile view is available upon request for customers that have an ELA contract and a registered ELA product. To add the ELA profile view to your product list, contact Customer Support.

The ELA Profiles Details section displays the following information:

Profile ID The ID for the ELA profile.
Description The profile description.
Sold by The name of the salesperson who sold the ELA contract and product.
Created On The date the ELA profile was created.
Last Updated On The date the ELA profile was updated.

Registered ELA Contract(s)

The Registered ELA Contract(s) view displays the ELA Contract Number, SKU, Start Date and End Date. Expand the contract to view the entitlements associated with the contract.

ESA contracts can generate new standard FortiSASE serial numbers in the Registered ELA Contract(s) view by selecting the Generate Standard FortiSASE action. This action can only be completed once. If a serial number already exists, a new FortiSASE contract will be appended onto the existing serial number.

Linked Accounts

An ELA profile can have more than one account. The Linked Accounts tab shows the System ID, Account Number, Company, and Added On date for each account connected to the profile.

ELA profile

The Enterprise Level Agreement (ELA) profile view is available upon request for customers that have an ELA contract and a registered ELA product. To add the ELA profile view to your product list, contact Customer Support.

The ELA Profiles Details section displays the following information:

Profile ID The ID for the ELA profile.
Description The profile description.
Sold by The name of the salesperson who sold the ELA contract and product.
Created On The date the ELA profile was created.
Last Updated On The date the ELA profile was updated.

Registered ELA Contract(s)

The Registered ELA Contract(s) view displays the ELA Contract Number, SKU, Start Date and End Date. Expand the contract to view the entitlements associated with the contract.

ESA contracts can generate new standard FortiSASE serial numbers in the Registered ELA Contract(s) view by selecting the Generate Standard FortiSASE action. This action can only be completed once. If a serial number already exists, a new FortiSASE contract will be appended onto the existing serial number.

Linked Accounts

An ELA profile can have more than one account. The Linked Accounts tab shows the System ID, Account Number, Company, and Added On date for each account connected to the profile.