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Add XML to advanced profiles in EMS

Add XML to advanced profiles in EMS

You can add custom XML to a profile in EMS by using an advanced profile.

To reduce the size of the FortiClient XML configuration file, you can delete all help text found within the <!-- .... --> comment tags.

To create an advanced profile:
  1. In EMS, go to Endpoint Profiles > Add a new profile.
  2. Click Advanced.
  3. On the XML Configuration tab, click Edit.

    Two panes are displayed. Use the pane on the right-hand side to edit XML.

  4. On the XML Configuration tab, overwrite the XML by pasting the XML from your custom XML configuration file into the right-hand pane.
    1. Open the FortiClient XML configuration file in a source code editor.
    2. Copy the FortiClient XML.
    3. Paste the FortiClient XML into the XML Configuration tab.
  5. Click Test XML.
  6. When valid, an XML is valid message is displayed. When invalid, an XML is invalid message is displayed. The XML must be valid before you can save the profile.

  7. When the XML is valid, click Save Profile.

Add XML to advanced profiles in EMS

You can add custom XML to a profile in EMS by using an advanced profile.

To reduce the size of the FortiClient XML configuration file, you can delete all help text found within the <!-- .... --> comment tags.

To create an advanced profile:
  1. In EMS, go to Endpoint Profiles > Add a new profile.
  2. Click Advanced.
  3. On the XML Configuration tab, click Edit.

    Two panes are displayed. Use the pane on the right-hand side to edit XML.

  4. On the XML Configuration tab, overwrite the XML by pasting the XML from your custom XML configuration file into the right-hand pane.
    1. Open the FortiClient XML configuration file in a source code editor.
    2. Copy the FortiClient XML.
    3. Paste the FortiClient XML into the XML Configuration tab.
  5. Click Test XML.
  6. When valid, an XML is valid message is displayed. When invalid, an XML is invalid message is displayed. The XML must be valid before you can save the profile.

  7. When the XML is valid, click Save Profile.