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REST API Solution Guide

Scheduled backup settings (/scheduledbackupsettings/)

Scheduled backup settings (/scheduledbackupsettings/)

URL: https://[server_name]/api/[api_version]/scheduledbackupsettings/

This endpoint is used to edit the settings for automatically backing up the FortiAuthenticator device's configuration file.

Supported fields

Field Display name Type Required Other restrictions
frequency How often the configuration file is backed up string Yes, if enabled is true Either "hourly", "daily", "weekly", or "monthly".
directory The directory on the FTP server in which to store the configuration file string No
time The time when the configuration file is to be backed up string Yes, if frequency isn't daily Must be in 24 hour time format. For example, either "23:59" or "23:59:59" are accepted. The default is midnight if not specified.
ftp The primary FTP server string Yes, if enabled is true Must be the name of an FTP server already configured on the FortiAuthenticator device.
ftp_2 The secondary FTP server string No Must be the name of an FTP server already configured on the FortiAuthenticator device.
enabled Whether or not the configuration file will be scheduled to backup boolean No Either "true", "false", "1", or "0". The values can be strings or primitive booleans.

Allowed methods

HTTP method Resource URI Action Note
GET /api/v1/scheduledbackupsettings/ Get scheduled backup settings.
POST /api/v1/scheduledbackupsettings/ Set scheduled backup settings. Defaults are used if fields are unspecified.
PATCH /api/v1/scheduledbackupsettings/ Update the specified scheduled backup fields. Previously saved settings are used if fields are unspecified.

Scheduled backup settings (/scheduledbackupsettings/)

Scheduled backup settings (/scheduledbackupsettings/)

URL: https://[server_name]/api/[api_version]/scheduledbackupsettings/

This endpoint is used to edit the settings for automatically backing up the FortiAuthenticator device's configuration file.

Supported fields

Field Display name Type Required Other restrictions
frequency How often the configuration file is backed up string Yes, if enabled is true Either "hourly", "daily", "weekly", or "monthly".
directory The directory on the FTP server in which to store the configuration file string No
time The time when the configuration file is to be backed up string Yes, if frequency isn't daily Must be in 24 hour time format. For example, either "23:59" or "23:59:59" are accepted. The default is midnight if not specified.
ftp The primary FTP server string Yes, if enabled is true Must be the name of an FTP server already configured on the FortiAuthenticator device.
ftp_2 The secondary FTP server string No Must be the name of an FTP server already configured on the FortiAuthenticator device.
enabled Whether or not the configuration file will be scheduled to backup boolean No Either "true", "false", "1", or "0". The values can be strings or primitive booleans.

Allowed methods

HTTP method Resource URI Action Note
GET /api/v1/scheduledbackupsettings/ Get scheduled backup settings.
POST /api/v1/scheduledbackupsettings/ Set scheduled backup settings. Defaults are used if fields are unspecified.
PATCH /api/v1/scheduledbackupsettings/ Update the specified scheduled backup fields. Previously saved settings are used if fields are unspecified.