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Step 3: Configure basic network settings

Step 3: Configure basic network settings

The system supports network settings for various environments.

To get started, you configure the following basic settings:

  • Administrator password—You must change the password for the admin account.
  • System date and time—We recommend you use NTP to maintain the system time.
  • Network interfaces—You must configure interfaces to receive and forward the network traffic to and from the destination servers.
  • DNS—You must specify a primary and secondary server for system DNS lookups.

Before you begin:

  • You must know the IP address for the NTP servers your network uses to maintain system time.
  • You must know the IP addresses that have been provisioned for the traffic interfaces for your FortiADC deployment.
  • You must know the IP address for the primary and secondary DNS servers your network uses for DNS resolution.
To change the admin password:
  1. Go to System > Administrator to display the configuration page.
  2. Double-click the key icon in the row for the user admin to display the change password editor. See System administrator change password editor.
  3. Change the password and save the configuration.

For detailed information on configuring administrator accounts, refer to the online help or see Manage administrator users.

System administrator change password editor

CLI commands:

FortiADC-VM # config system admin

FortiADC-VM (admin) # edit admin

FortiADC-VM (admin) # set password <string>

Current password for 'admin':

FortiADC-VM (admin) # end

To configure system time:
  1. Go to System > Settings.
  2. Click the Maintenance tab to display the configuration page. See System time configuration page.
  3. Enter NTP settings and save the configuration.

For detailed information, refer to the online help or see Configuring system time.

System time configuration page

CLI commands:

config system time ntp

set ntpsync enable

set ntpserver {<server_fqdn> | <server_ipv4>}

set syncinterval <minutes_int>


Or use a command syntax similar to the following to set the system time manually:

config system time manual

set zone <timezone_index>

set daylight-saving-time {enable | disable}


execute date <MM/DD/YY> <HH:MM:SS>

To configure network interfaces:
  1. Go to Networking > Interface to display the configuration page.
  2. Double-click the row for port2, for example, to display the configuration editor. See Network interface configuration page.
  3. Enter the IP address and other interface settings and save the configuration.

For detailed information, refer to the online help or see Configuring network interfaces.

Network interface configuration page

CLI commands:

config system interface

edit <interface_name>

set ip <ip&netmask>

set allowaccess {http https ping snmp ssh telnet}



To configure DNS:
  1. Go to System > Settings to display the Basic configuration page. See DNS configuration page.
  2. Enter the IP address for a primary and secondary DNS server; then save the configuration.

For detailed information on configuring DNS, refer to the online help or see Configuring basic system settings.

DNS configuration page

CLI commands:

config system dns

set primary <address_ipv4>

set secondary <address_ipv4>


Step 3: Configure basic network settings

Step 3: Configure basic network settings

The system supports network settings for various environments.

To get started, you configure the following basic settings:

  • Administrator password—You must change the password for the admin account.
  • System date and time—We recommend you use NTP to maintain the system time.
  • Network interfaces—You must configure interfaces to receive and forward the network traffic to and from the destination servers.
  • DNS—You must specify a primary and secondary server for system DNS lookups.

Before you begin:

  • You must know the IP address for the NTP servers your network uses to maintain system time.
  • You must know the IP addresses that have been provisioned for the traffic interfaces for your FortiADC deployment.
  • You must know the IP address for the primary and secondary DNS servers your network uses for DNS resolution.
To change the admin password:
  1. Go to System > Administrator to display the configuration page.
  2. Double-click the key icon in the row for the user admin to display the change password editor. See System administrator change password editor.
  3. Change the password and save the configuration.

For detailed information on configuring administrator accounts, refer to the online help or see Manage administrator users.

System administrator change password editor

CLI commands:

FortiADC-VM # config system admin

FortiADC-VM (admin) # edit admin

FortiADC-VM (admin) # set password <string>

Current password for 'admin':

FortiADC-VM (admin) # end

To configure system time:
  1. Go to System > Settings.
  2. Click the Maintenance tab to display the configuration page. See System time configuration page.
  3. Enter NTP settings and save the configuration.

For detailed information, refer to the online help or see Configuring system time.

System time configuration page

CLI commands:

config system time ntp

set ntpsync enable

set ntpserver {<server_fqdn> | <server_ipv4>}

set syncinterval <minutes_int>


Or use a command syntax similar to the following to set the system time manually:

config system time manual

set zone <timezone_index>

set daylight-saving-time {enable | disable}


execute date <MM/DD/YY> <HH:MM:SS>

To configure network interfaces:
  1. Go to Networking > Interface to display the configuration page.
  2. Double-click the row for port2, for example, to display the configuration editor. See Network interface configuration page.
  3. Enter the IP address and other interface settings and save the configuration.

For detailed information, refer to the online help or see Configuring network interfaces.

Network interface configuration page

CLI commands:

config system interface

edit <interface_name>

set ip <ip&netmask>

set allowaccess {http https ping snmp ssh telnet}



To configure DNS:
  1. Go to System > Settings to display the Basic configuration page. See DNS configuration page.
  2. Enter the IP address for a primary and secondary DNS server; then save the configuration.

For detailed information on configuring DNS, refer to the online help or see Configuring basic system settings.

DNS configuration page

CLI commands:

config system dns

set primary <address_ipv4>

set secondary <address_ipv4>
